Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 1 Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 1 Guide

Phantasm Amass Difficulty I is the first stage of the latest Depths of Illusive Realm in Wuthering Waves. Check out how to beat it, the best Echoes, the characters you can use, and all the rewards here!

How to Beat Depths of Illusive Realm 1

Best Character Build

Character and Echo Combination

Best Character Best Echo
Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Wuthering Waves - Inferno RiderInferno Rider

The combination of Shorekeeper's Butterflies and Inferno Rider's Basic Attack Buffs can quickly clear Phantasm Amass Difficulty I, while also allowing for lots of comfort due to Shorekeeper's healing.

Character Upgrades

Upgrade Description
Starry Sky
Resonance Liberation

Casting Resonance Liberation End Loop will now directly generate the Inner Stellarealm. Performing a Mid-Air Attack generates 5 Ferry Star Butterflies that automatically track enemies, dealing Spectro DMG equal to 50% of Shorekeeper's ATK. Shorekeeper receives the following effect for 60s upon hitting a target with Ferry Star Butterfly: Each time Shorekeeper deals DMG with her butterflies (Roam Star Butterfly, Ferry Star Butterfly, Altered Dim Star Butterfly, Altered Flare Star Butterfly), they deal additional Spectro DMG equal to 100% of her ATK.
Untold Wish
Forte Circuit

Each time Shorekeeper deals DMG with her butterflies (Roam Star Butterfly, Ferry Star Butterfly, Altered Dim Star Butterfly, Altered Flare Star Butterfly), she restores 2 Resonance Energy. While in Unbound Form (hold the Normal Attack button to activate), Shorekeeper is immune to all DMG. Upon ending Unbound Form: Triggers an explosion that deals Spectro DMG equal to 200% of Shorekeeper's ATK. Each accumulated segment of Deductive Data increases the explosion's DMG Multiplier by 50% and enlarges the explosion range. Generates 5 Roam Star Butterflies that automatically track enemies, dealing Spectro DMG equal to 50% of Shorekeeper's ATK. Restores 2% of Shorekeeper's HP and reduces target's Spectro DMG RES by 20% for 7s on hit.

You will always have 1 Character Upgrade every run, and you can get more through Memory of Training.

Start the run with Starry Sky, enabling all of Shorekeeper's Butterflies to deal more damage when attacking. Then, take Untold Wish when it appears, as it helps charge her Resonance Liberation, and shreds Enemy Spectro RES.

List of Character Upgrades

Best Metaphors

Concerto Characters

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Sanhua can serve as a sub-DPS for Shorekeeper, doing damage whenever she is available for a Concerto trigger.
Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Similar to Sanhua, Danjin can also contribute her own damage when Concerto Energy is at max.

Regular Metaphors

Metaphor Explanation
Wuthering Waves - FusionAny Fusion Metaphors Fusion Metaphors will increase Shorekeeper's ATK and Crit Stats, largely buffing her damage. These are also required to power up the Inferno Rider's abilities.
Wuthering Waves - GlacioAny Glacio Metaphors Glacio Metaphors will mainly be taken to further upgrade the Inferno Rider's abilities. They will provide some survivability as well, but Shorekeeper is already plenty durable due to her healing.
Tracking Goggles
Wuthering Waves - Fusion Wuthering Waves - Fusion Wuthering Waves - Fusion
Tracking Goggles offers a flat 60% Crit. DMG increase to the active character, providing a large boost to any damage that they deal.

List of Metaphors

Best Tokens

Token Description
Bodhi Blossom Gain 40% ATK increase after clearing 2 Memory Zones with [Phantasm Partita] enemies.
A Seed in a Wasteland Additionally unlock 2 nodes of the Resonator's Resonance Chain. Can unlock up to 6 nodes.
Spark Trigger Increase DMG dealt by 70% upon entering a new Memory Zone, which will be removed upon taking DMG.

Any Token that increases Shorekeeper's damage will be a good token to take. Her healing is more than enough to keep herself safe, allowing you to focus on amping her damage with offensive Tokens.

Break Shining Pool Floaters

The shining pool floaters introduced in Version 1.2 remain present. These have a slight glow, setting them apart from the rest of the stage. Break them with attacks when you see them, as they reward you with Dream Fragments!

Open With Shorekeeper's Mid-Air Attack

Selecting Starry Sky as the beginning upgrade will grant Shorekeeper a buff that makes all her butterflies do more damage for 60s when she uses a Mid-Air Attack.

As the buff has a lengthy duration, start fights with her Mid-Air Attack to buff all future butterflies for the duration of the fight.

Experiment With Your Own Playstyle

This is just a general guide that can help most players beat Difficulty 1 of the Depths of Illusive Realm. Since this is a rogue-lite game mode, there may be other builds that are stronger or better suited to your playstyle.

If you completed Difficulty 1 with a different or stronger build, let us know in the comments down below!

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Best Echoes to Use for Depths of Illusive Realm 1

Best Echo for the Recommended Character

Characters Recommended Echo
Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
・Spams Basic Attacks to summon butterflies, synergizing well with Inferno Rider.
・Can run double offensive Concerto Resonators for more DPS, due to having good sustain.

Best Echoes for Trial Characters

Characters Recommended Echo
Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu
・Youhu's own damage can be a little shaky, so supplementing it with the power of the Crownless, as well as letting her spam her Resonance Liberation more with Electro Metaphors, will help.
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi
・Mortefi also will be spamming Basic Attacks on-field to maximize his Resonance Liberation's effects, meaning he'll have good synergy with Inferno Rider.

If the recommended Echoes above did not show up in your run, simply quit the challenge and start another run of Difficulty 1. Repeat this proccess until the suggested Echo appears.

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 1 Characters

Trial Characters

Depths of Illusive Realm 1 Trial Characters
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu

For Phantasm Amass Difficulty I, the trial resonators are Shorekeeper, Youhu, and Mortefi. They will remain available for the duration of this round of Depths Of Illusive Realm.

If you have these characters and their level is higher than Level 60, and have upgraded skills, and weapons, we recommend using them instead of the Trial versions.

Other Playable Characters

Other Playable Characters
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore
Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao
Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi
Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi
Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia
Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang

If you own any of the characters shown above, you can use them for the Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty I.

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 1 Memetic Tuning

No Memetic Tuning for Difficulty 1

There is no memetic tuning for Difficulty 1 of Phantom Amass. It will only start to show up in Difficulty IV.

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 1 Rewards

All Difficulty 1 Rewards

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x100

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x100
Memory Points Memory Points x40

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List of Depths of Illusive Realm Upgrades

List of Upgrades
Metaphors Character Upgrades


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