Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Chapter 2 Act 3 What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing Quest Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing

Chapter 2 Act 3: What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing is the third Act in Chapter 2 of the Main Quest in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

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Chapter 2 Act 2: Veils Off in Sun or Shadow -

How to Unlock What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing

Complete Veils Off in Sun or Shadow

Wuthering Waves - Veils Off in Sun or Shadow Quest Guide

What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing automatically unlocks after completing the previous main quest, Veils Off in Sun or Shadow.

Veils Off in Sun or Shadow Quest Guide

What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing Walkthrough

1. Find a Way Out of the Mist
2. Investigate the Golden Phantom
3. Investigate the Pilgrim's Sail
4. Head to the Dragon of Dirge Territory
5. Defeat the Dragon of Dirge: Gehinnom
6. Meet Up With the Troupe
7. Find Troupe Member Bardolino
8. Collect the Cloudcaster Components
9. Rescule Bardolino and Board the Liner
10. Meet Up With and Follow Carlotta
11. Check into Palazzo Agrotta Hotel
12. Find Zani and Phoebe at the Carnevale
13. Interact With Echoes
14. Follow Phrolova into the Lycoris
15. Defeat Enemies Summoned by Phrolova
16. Proceed to the Next Stage
17. Dodge Enemies Attack
18. Continue to the Next Stage
19. Enter the Space Phrolova Created
20. Defeat Hecate
21. Search for the Mysterious Girl
22. Head to the Family's Safe House
23. Go to the Cathedral of Mercury

Find a Way Out of the Mist

Defeat Nearby Tacet Discords

Defeat TDs Nearby

Follow the path and head to the quest marker, where players will find a spiked wall. Defeat all Tacet Discords nearby to lessen hindrances for the next steps.

Find Two Corroders and Break Spike Wall

Corroder Locations
Facing the spike wall, head to the left path and find it nearby. Note that approaching the corroder spawns four Tacet Discords, so be prepared to fight.
Facing the spike wall, head to the right and climb up the path with the broken bridge. Players will find the corroder a little further down the path.

Once the TDs are defeated, look for two nearby corroders to break the giant spike wall ahead. The table above lists all the details and locations of said corroders.

Spikes and Corroders Puzzle Guide

Investigate the Golden Phantom

Follow the Golden Footprints

Swim across the water and follow the path ahead after the spikes disappear. Soon enough, voices and golden footprints will appear on the ground. Follow these footprints until the Golden Phantom shows. Note that cutscenes will trigger when following these footprints.

Investigate the Pilgrim's Sail

investigate Pilgrim

Once the cutscene is over, move straight toward the distant ship wreckage. Once near the ship, a cutscene is triggered.

Defeat the three Taced Discords ahead that spawn after the cutscene and keep following the path to find Brant and go near him to trigger another cutscene.

Head to the Dragon of Dirge Territory

Go to Dragon Territory

When the cutscene finishes, grapple unto the nearby Wingray to go to the Dragon of Dirge's Territory. Once landed, follow the upward path to the Sacrificial Arena where the Gehinnom resides. Defeat any Tacet Discords on the way.

Defeat the Dragon of Dirge: Gehinnom

Fight Gehinnom

Once in the Sacrificial Arena, a boss fight with Gehinnom will occur. Be wary and dodge its powerful range and charge attacks.

Dragon of Dirge Location and How to Beat

Meet Up With the Troupe

Meet the Troupe

After the boss fight, grapple unto the nearby Wingray to catch a ride to the carnevale troupe's base. Once landed, follow the path toward the quest marker to trigger a cutscene with Brant.

Find Troupe Member Bardolino


Afterward, continue following the wooden path to the right, then speak with Bardolino, hanging out by a wooden veranda or overlook with tables and chairs.

Collect the Cloudcaster Components

Collect Cloudchaser Components

After the conversation with Bardolino, collect three Cloudcaster components by speaking with Battier, Tina, and Levito. Quest markers show the locations of each troupe member.

Once collected, Roccia will automatically combine the components to make a full Cloudcaster, and Bardolino will get stuck in the air with balloons.

Rescue Bardolino and Board the Liner to Rehearse

Rescue Bardolino

Rescue Bardolino by using the Cloudcaster to shoot down all three groups of balloons attached to him.

After Carlotta saves Bardolino, use the grapple points and glider to board the liner. Afterward, speak with Roccia and Brant, then invite Carlotta to rehearse afterward. During the rehearsal, be prepared for quick time events involving the W, S, A, D, and Spacebar keys.

Meet Up With and Follow Carlotta

Meet and Follow Carlotta

When back in Ragunna City, meet with Carlotta by the fountain steps and follow her to the Masked Reverie to talk to Nyarla and receive an equipable carnevale mask. Then, continue following Carlotta until the nearby bridge, triggering a cutscene.

Check into Palazzo Agrotta Hotel

Check into Hotel

After parting ways with Carlotta, move towards the quest marker and speak with the concierge to check into Palazzo Agrotta Hotel.

Find Zani and Phoebe at the Carnevale

Meet Zani and Phoebe

Head towards Zani at Trattoria Margherita and interact with her. Afterward, turn left and go to Phoebe to speak with her. When asked, take a picture of Phoebe with the echoes, ensuring that the lens captures all the subjects.

Interact With Echoes

Interact with Echoes

After taking the picture, turn left, climb the stairs, and interact with both marked echoes. Doing so triggers a long cutscene and cinematic.

Follow Phrolova into the Lycoris

Wuthering Waves - Head to Phrolova

Go to Phrolova's location below and chase her once she starts moving. Continue following her until she reaches the end of the hallway.

Ocnce at the end approach the Lycoris left by Phrolova and inspect it. This will start another dialogue cutscene.

Defeat Enemies Summoned by Phrolova

Wuthering Waves - Defeat Enemies Summoned by Phrolova

Following the lengthy cutscene, you will be put into a battle. Defeat all the echoes summoned by Phrolova.

Proceed to the Next Stage

Wuthering Waves - Proceed to the Next Stage

After beating the opponents, proceed to the following stage and grapple to the platform above.

Dodge Enemies Attack

Wuthering Waves - Dodge Enemies Attack
At the next stage, you will have to face another wave of Echoes. After beating them, you will need to evade incoming enemy assaults; simply stay out of the red indicator to avoid being hit.

Continue to the Next Stage

Wuthering Waves - Continue to the Next Stage

After successfully avoiding enemy attacks, the platform will go to the next stage, where you will face multiple waves of enemies. Defeat them all to continue.

Enter the Space Phrolova Created

Wuthering Waves - Enter the Space Phrolova Created

Following the lengthy cutscene, enter the space made by Phrolova. To enter, simply speak with Carlotta.

Defeat Hecate

Wuthering Waves - Defeat Hecate

Inside, you will have to battle multiple phases of Hecate.

Hecate Location and How to Beat

Search for the Mysterious Girl

Wuthering Waves - Search for the Mysterious Girl

Following the lengthy cutscene, proceed across the platform and find the mysterious girl. After speaking with her, check the traces she left near Carlotta.

Head to the Family's Safe House

Wuthering Waves - Head to the Family

Wait till noon, then head to the safe house. Simply follow the quest marker to go to the place.

Go to the Cathedral of Mercury

Wuthering Waves -  Go to the Cathedral of Mercury

After speaking with everyone, go to the Cathedral of Mercury. You can also use the Wingray to travel to the cathedral swiftly. Head inside the cathedral for another scene, and the quest will be completed.

What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing Information

What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing Quest Information
Questline Chapter 2
Required Union Lvl None
Quest Location Penitent's End
Version Release 2.0

What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing Quest Rewards
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x200

Unlocks The Answer is Driftin' On the Sea Trophy

Wuthering Waves The Answer is Driftin on The Sea Trophy

Completing What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing also unlocks the The Answer is Driftin' on The Sea Trophy which allows you to claim 10 Astrites.

Trophy List and Rewards

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Quests

List of Quests

List of Quest Types

All Quests Types
Main Quests Companion Stories
Exploration Quests Side Quests
Tutorial Quests Daily Quests

Main Quest Walkthrough

Prologue Chapter
1 Prologue Act 1: Utterance of Marvels: I 2 Prologue Act 2: Utterance of Marvels: II
Chapter 1 Acts 1-6
1 Chapter 1 Act 1: First Resonance 2 Chapter 1 Act 2: Echoing Marche
3 Chapter 1 Act 3: Ominous Star 4 Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades
5 Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops 6 Chapter 1 Act 6: Grand Warstorm
Chapter 1 Act 7: Thaw of Eons
1 A New Companion 2 Dreamy Scents
3 To Mt. Firmament 4 Truthseeker's Pass
5 Road of Pilgrimage 6 Mianloong Chamber
7 The Commander of Time 8 Dawn of Snowstorm
Chapter 1 Act 8: To the Shore's End
1 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 1) 2 Hidden Between the Waves
3 Legacy of the Lasting Night 4 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 2)
5 Reclaim Tomorrow From the Past 6 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 3)
7 Beyond the Shore's End - -
Chapter 2 Prologue to Act 3
1 Through the Sea Thou Break 2 The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes
3 Veils Off in Sun or Shadow 4 What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing


1 Anonymous3 months

I need the BGM for this quest...


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