Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

How to Increase Fame

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - How to Increase Fame

Increasing Fame boosts your angler status in Wuthering Waves 2.1! Learn how to reach Fame Level 12 fast, and all ways to increase Fame in this guide!

How to Reach Fame Level 12 Fast

Complete Common Requests

Wuthering Waves Reach Level 12.png
Lv. Fame Required How to Get Fame
12 3,600 ・Complete around 17 Common Requests (+200 each)
・Fill up your Fish Index (Passive)

With Priority Requests depleted, your main Fame source will be Common Requests, granting 200 Fame each. There are also Premium Requests that grant 400 Fame, although they are only limited to one per day.

To reach Level 12, you'll need to complete about 17 Common Requests, but you can speed this up with upgrades like Trawl and Wonder Bubble, which passively catch fish. Another method is farming fish first, then rerolling requests to match what you have available.

Farm Fish and Reroll Requests

How to Farm Fish and Reroll Requests
To use this method, unlock the Bait and Sweet Puff Tube Fishing Abilities first. Then, set sail near a dock and throw Bait 2-3 times to spawn fishing spots.

The fish caught will be random based on your Bait upgrade level but will always yield 6 fish per bait. Consider upgrading Phoebe’s Forbidden Scrolls for a chance to catch more mutants!
Once fishing spots are created, use a Sweet Puff to auto-fish all spots at once. Prioritize Mutants in your Cargo and use Quick Sale to free space when needed.
Back at the docks, check the Fishing Requests tab. Fulfill requests with available fish and reroll until you find more matches. Repeat until requests become repetitive or you run out of fish.
TIP: If you have the Trawl or Wonder Bubble unlocked, we recommend checking the passive catches from them and putting the fish in your cargo if you still have space before rerolling!

How to Increase Fame

Quickest Methods to Farm Fame
Fishing Requests ★★★★★
Filling the Index ★★★★☆
(Passive Gain)
Event Quests ★★★☆☆

Complete Fishing Requests

Fishing Request Type Fame Rewards
Fame x500
Fame x400
(4 and 5-Star Requests)
Fame x200

You can get Fame by completing Fishing Requests, which come in three types: Premium, Priority, and Common. The Fame you get varies depending on the request type.

Priority Requests Will be Replaced by Premium Requests

Premium Quest

Priority Requests are one of the best ways to farm Fame in the early-game. However, there are only 17 of them and once you finish them all, they're replaced with Premium Requests.

By then, you can farm Premium Requests, which are limited to once per day, and high-rated Common Requests which are repeatable.

Upgrade Phoebe's Power of Unity

Power of Unity

You can upgrade Phoebe's ability, Power of Unity, to add additional Common Fishing Request slots. This is so you can reroll a high-rated common request, which gives 200 Fame, for a cheaper price

Fill Up the Index

Fish Types Required Rachel Upgrade Fame Rewards Fame Rewards (Mutants)
Shallow Waters Basic Hull
Fame x30
Fame x20
Deep Waters Advanced Hull
Fame x40
Fame x30
Abyssal Areas Abyssal Hull
Fame x50
Fame x40
Oceanic Waters Oceanic Hull
Fame x60
Fame x40
Legendary Fish Oceanic Hull
Fame x100

Pokey Moray's mutation only gives 30 Fame despite being labelled Abyssal, while Til the Fin-ish's mutation only gives 20 despite being labelled Deep.

There are over 72 entries in the index, and discovering each of them for the first time gives you Fame! Majority of them are regular fishes than can be found on different waters, namely the Shallow, Deep, Abyssal and Oceanic Waters.

As shown above, discovering legendary fishes gives the most Fame. However, you will most likely need Rachel's Ocean Hull upgrade to access their fishing spots.

Legendary Fish Locations

Complete Event Quests

Quest Name Fame Rewards
Set Sail! Pro Angler!
Fame x100
Love in the Time of Fishing
Fame x100
Where All Fish Converge
Fame x300
Old Man and the Whale
Fame x300

Completing the event quests can give you Fame, apart from the I Alone Survived quest which rewards none.

Unfortunately, each quest requires you to reach a specific Fame level at a certain point, thus you would still need to either fill up your index, or complete fishing requests!

What is Fame?

Needed to Progress Event Quests

Event Quests need Fame to Progress
There will be times when the event quest will require you to increase your Fame. This is so you could get used to the entire fishing event, unlock its hidden features, and even fishes you haven't seen before!

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves Old Man and the Whale Related Guides

Old Man and the Whale Event Guide

Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks

All Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks
How to Arrange Cargo Best Fishing Ability to Unlock First
How to Farm Fishery Coin Legendary Fish Locations
How to Increase Fame List of all Fish
How to Get Fish No. 70 -

Old Man and the Whale Quests

All Old Man and the Whale Quests
Set Sail! Pro Angler! Love in the Time of Fishing
Where All Fish Converge Old Man and the Whale
I Alone Survived -


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