Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Somnoire: Illusive Realms Quest Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Somnoire: Illusive Realms

Somnoire: Illusive Realms is a Tutorial Quest in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock Somnoire: Illusive Realms, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

How to Unlock Somnoire: Illusive Realms

Reach Union Level 17

Wuthering Waves - How to Unlock Somnoire Illusive Realms

Somnoire: Illusive Realms automatically unlocks on your quest log upon reaching Union Level 17, and will be located south of Port Gunchao, in Whining Aix's Mire. This will serve as the introductory quest to unlocking Depths of Illusive Realm.

How to Increase Union Level

Somnoire: Illusive Realms Walkthrough

Talk to the Ebony Gatekeeper

Wuthering Waves - Somnoire Illusive Realms - Talk to the Ebony Gatekeeper
Talk to the Ebony Gatekeeper in Whining Aix's Mire and defeat the TDs that spawn. Afterward, open the door to the Somnoire and pass through it.

Enter the Somnoire

Obtain an Illusive Echo

Wuthering Waves - Somnoire Illusive Realms - Obtain an Illusive Echo
Speak with one of the Phantoms inside the Somnoire and she will give you an Illusive Echo.

Upgrading this Echo will unlock special abilities per level reached, by collecting the indicated amount of Metaphors with the corresponding elemental energy.

Select a Metaphor

Wuthering Waves - Somnoire Illusive Realms - Select a Metaphor
Talk to the strange white cat and it will allow you to choose between one out of three Metaphors.

When selecting a Metaphor, make sure that you pick the one that suits your currently equipped echo and matches the elemental energy needed to unlock its abilities.

Defeat All Enemies in Memory Zones

Wuthering Waves - Somnoire Illusive Realms - Defeat All Enemies
Head through the door at the end of the train cart and proceed to clear the enemies within the Memory Room. Afterward, receive another Metaphor from the strange white cat.

For every Memory Zone you enter, the only way to exit it and proceed to the next Memory Zone is by completing the encounter within it.

Purchase Metaphors With Dream Fragments

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Purchase Metaphors With Dream Fragments
You can choose to purchase a Metaphor using the Dream Fragments you collect from clearing Memory Zones, though do note that this only appears inside a Memory of Rest.

Clear the Somnoire

Wuthering Waves - Somnoire Illusive Realms - Clear the Somnoire
Clearing the Somnoire requires you to pass through all doors and defeat all the enemies inside it, gaining Metaphors to upgrade your Echo as you complete Memory Zones.

Once you have completed this, leave the Somnoire and speak with the Ebony Gatekeeper once more to conclude the quest, permanently unlocking Depths of Illusive Realm for the entirety of the event's duration.

Depths of Illusive Realm Guide

Somnoire: Illusive Realms Information

Somnoire: Illusive Realms Quest Information
Required Union Lvl Union Level 17
Quest Location Whining Aix's Mire
Version Release 1.0

Somnoire: Illusive Realms Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Somnoire: Illusive Realms Quest Rewards

Unlocks Depths of Illusive Realm Event

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm Event
Completing this Tutorial Quest will unlock Depths of Illusive Realm, allowing you to play through the Special Event.

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Somnoire: Illusive Realms


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