Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Calcharo Best Builds and Teams

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Calcharo Character Info and Kit

Calcharo is a playable 5-star Electro Broadblade character in Wuthering Waves (WuWa). Check out this guide for the best Calcharo build, Calcharo best teams, echoes, kit (skills), skill priority, and voice actor here!

Calcharo Character Overview

Calcharo Information

Resonator Information
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo
Rarity ★★★★★
How to Get Permanent Convene
Voice Actor (EN) Ben Cura

Calcharo Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Overall
S Rank Icon - - S Rank Icon

How Would You Rate Calcharo?

SS 0
S 0
A 0
B 0
C 0

Character Tier List

Calcharo Stats

Lv. 1 Lv. 90
HP 840 10,500
ATK 35 437
DEF 97 1,185
Energy Regen 100% -
Crit. Rate 5% -
Crit. DMG 150% -

Stat calculations does not include the Attribute Bonuses from Calcharo's Forte.

How Strong is Calcharo?

• Deals an insane amount of damage when played correctly.
• Combo-oriented gameplay provides a lot of attack options.
• Outro Skill provides off-field damage.
• Quite difficult to use.
• Loses a bunch of DMG if combos aren't timed properly.

Calcharo is a great Electro DPS character that can dish out tons of damage when his combos are hit perfectly. His Outro Skill also deals a huge chunk of burst damage when he switches out, sometimes even enough to defeat a low-health enemy. Calcharo is quite difficult to use though as you have to execute his combos perfectly to maximize his damage potential. High risk, high reward.

Calcharo Build Guide

Calcharo Best Build: Electro DPS Build

Best Weapon
Alt. Weapons
Sonata Effect 5-piece
Wuthering Waves - Void Thunder Void Thunder
Cost Pattern ④ ③ ③ ① ①
Main Echo Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Thundering MephisNightmare: Thundering Mephis

Calcharo Best Echo Stats

Echo Main Stats Priority
④-Cost ③-Cost ①-Cost
CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG Electro DMG ATK%
Echo Substats Tuning Priority
1. CRIT Rate ★★★
2. CRIT DMG ★★★
3. Energy Regen ★★
4. ATK% ★★
5. Res. Liberation DMG Bonus ★★
6. Flat ATK ★

Calcharo is an Electro hypercarry DPS that scales on the ATK stat. Like most DPS units, Calcharo will need CRIT stats to increase his overall DMG and some Energy Regen to frequently access his Resonance Liberation.

Calcharo Best Echo Sets

Optimal Main Echo

Main Echo Explanation
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Thundering MephisNightmare: Thundering Mephis
Wuthering Waves - Electro
・Increases Electro DMG and Resonance Liberation DMG.
・No need to use Echo Skill to receive buffs.
Wuthering Waves - Thundering MephisThundering Mephis
Wuthering Waves - Electro
・Increases Liberation DMG and Electro DMG.
・Good for Calcharo, but the buffs are quite hard to get because of the long attack animations.
Wuthering Waves - FlautistFlautist
Wuthering Waves - Attack Wuthering Waves - Electro
・An early game echo for Calcharo, perfect for just dealing Electro DMG on demand.

Echo Tier List

Calcharo Best Sonata Effects

Echo Set Rating
Wuthering Waves - Void Thunder Void Thunder
★★★ - Best
Void Thunder increases the Electro DMG Bonus which is great for a main DPS like Calcharo. The 5-pc effect also helps him deal more damage after using Heavy ATK or Resonance Skill.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Void Thunder Void Thunder
Wuthering Waves - Lingering Tunes Lingering Tunes
★★☆ - 2nd Best
A great starting set for Calcharo if you do not have the full 5-pc Void Thunder set yet. Great for the early game.

Recommended Main Echo:

List of All Echoes and Sonata Effects

Calcharo Best Weapons

Best Weapons for Calcharo Ranked

Weapon Skill
1 Wuthering Waves - Verdant Summit Verdant Summit Swordsworn
Increases DMG Bonus by 12%. Every time Intro Skill or Resonance Liberation is cast, increases Heavy Attack DMG Bonus by 24%, stacking up to 2 time(s). This effect lasts for 14s.
2 Wuthering Waves - Lustrous Razor Lustrous Razor Incision
Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When Resonance Skill is released, increases Resonance Liberation DMG by 7%, stacking up to 3 times. This effect lasts for 12s.
3 Wuthering Waves - Autumntrace Autumntrace Edge Direction
Increases ATK by 4% upon dealing Basic Attack DMG or Heavy Attack DMG, stacking up to 5 time(s). This effect lasts for 7s and can be triggered 1 time(s) every 1s.
4 Wuthering Waves - Helios Cleaver Helios Cleaver Plasma Recoiler
Within 12s after Resonance Skill is cast, increases ATK by 3% every 2s stacking up to 4 time(s). This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 12s. When the number of stacks reaches 4, all stacks will be reset within 6s.
5 Wuthering Waves - Guardian Broadblade Guardian Broadblade Consensus
Increases Basic Attack and Heavy Attack DMG Bonus by 12%
6 Wuthering Waves - Broadblade of Night Broadblade of Night Arrival
When Intro Skill is cast, increases ATK by 8%, lasting for 10s.

List of All Weapons

Calcharo Best Weapon Explained

Verdant Summit is Calcharo's best-in-slot weapon as it provides CRIT DMG and a DMG boost ot his entire kit. Calcharo can also use the Lustrous Razor since it can help him increase his Resonance Liberation DMG. If you can't afford either weapon, any Broadblade that provides CRIT or ATK% will work on him.

Calcharo Best Free-to-Play (F2P) Weapon

Weapon Skill
Wuthering Waves - Guardian Broadblade Guardian Broadblade Base ATK: 325
ATK +24.3%
Increases Basic Attack and Heavy Attack DMG Bonus by 12%

Guardian Broadblade is Calcharo's best free-to-play weapon thanks to its ATK stats and Heavy Attack DMG increase. You can get this weapon through Crafting in Jinzhou.

Calcharo Best Teams

Calcharo Premium Electro Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

This is a premier Calcharo Main DPS team that has him on-field to trigger Yinlin's Coordinated Attacks, with Shorekeeper empowering both Electro Characters' DPS.

Yinlin's Outro Skill also applies an Electro and Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus to the entering Resonator, further amping Calcharo's damage.

General Rotation

1 Shorekeeper starts the battle and charges Concerto Energy and her Resonance Liberation. Use the latter when it is available, and swap to Yinlin afterwards, when the former is full.
2 Charge up Yinlin's Forte Gauge with her Skill and Basic Attacks, while applying Sinner's Marks to enemies. Once it's full, use a Heavy Attack to transform the Sinner's Marks to Punishment Marks.
3 Continue to DPS with Yinlin until Concerto Energy is fully charged. Use her Resonance Liberation if it is available, then swap to Calcharo to give him her Outro Skill buff.
4 Once Calcharo is on the field, activate his Resonance Liberation as soon as possible. Look to do as much damage as possible while in his Enhanced State, as well as while Yinlin's Punishment Marks and Outro Skill last.
5 Charge Concerto Energy again with Calcharo, then switch back to Shorekeeper once it's full to have her detonate her Resonance Liberation Field. Repeat until the enemy is felled.

Calcharo Basic Attack Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

This team composition focuses on giving Calcharo Sanhua's Outro Skill buff to amplify his Basic Attack damage, which also affects his Basic Attacks in his Resonance Liberation Form.

Shorekeeper can buff both of the aforementioned Resonators and increase their damage and survivability with her own Resonance Liberation.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Sub-DPS Replacement
Mortefi can increase Calcharo's Heavy Attack DMG and provide supplemental DMG with his own Resonance Liberation.
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Support Replacement
Verina is another 5-Star healer who also provides buffs that the team's DPS characters can make use of.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Support Replacement
Baizhi is a free-to-play option who can provide a ton of healing and a buff to the next Resonator with her Outro Skill.

General Rotation

1 Begin with Shorekeeper, and use her rotations to charge Concerto Energy and her Resonance Liberation. Use the latter when it comes up, then switch to Sanhua when the former is full.
2 Cycle through Sanhua's kit using optimal rotations to maximize her Ice Structure damage, while also maxing out Concerto Energy.
3 Switch to Calcharo with maxed Concerto Energy to grant him Sanhua's Outro Skill buff. Charge and use his Resonance Liberation to enter his enhanced form and do more damage.
4 As Calcharo, charge Concerto Energy one more time, then switch to Shorekeeper to detonate her Resonance Liberation's field.
5 Repeat the steps until the enemy is felled.

Calcharo Free-to-Play Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi

This free-to-play team composition relies on Yangyang providing Resonance Energy for Calcharo so that he can use his Resonance Liberation sooner.

Your third slot can be Baizhi or any other healer if you have them.

General Rotation

1 Yangyang starts the battle and charges the Concerto Energy until the other Resonator's icons glow up. She can use her Resonance Liberation to group up small enemies.
2 Once Calcharo is fully charged, you can switch to him so he can use his Intro Skill. Switching from Yangyang to Calcharo will restore the latter's Resonance Energy.
3 Use Calcharo's Resonance Liberation to enter Deathblade Gear and deal a lot of DMG with his kit.
4 Switch to Yangyang again once the Concerto Energy has fully charged up. If you need healing, switch to Baizhi and use their healing skill for a quick heal.
5 Repeat the steps until the enemy is felled.

How to Play Calcharo

Calcharo Gameplay Guide

Do Calcharo's Resonance Skill to Unleash Heavy Attack: “Mercy”

Calcharo's Resonance Skill can deal a lot of damage especially if the button inputs are timed correctly.

Tap the Resonance Skill button 3 times and then use Calcharo's Heavy Attack to deal a lot of damage.

Heavy Attack Deals AoE Damage

It is important to use Calcharo's Resonance Skill 3 times before using his Heavy Attack since you need a full Forte Circuit gauge to access Heavy Attack: “Mercy”.

Heavy Attack: “Mercy” has a wide range and can hit multiple targets. The ability can also recover Resonance Energy and Concerto Energy.

Use Calcharo's Ultimate to Enter Enhanced State

Wuthering Waves - Calcharo Ultimate

Calcharo will transform into an enhanced state when using his Ultimate. In the Deathblade Gear state, the damage of his Basic Attacks, Heavy Attacks, and Dodge Counter will increase.

Charge Forte Using Basic Attacks

Do note that after using Calcharo's Ultimate, his Forte Circuit gauge will not get charged using his Resonance Skill. Instead, landing Basic Attacks will now allow Calcharo to gain one point of “Killing Intent.”

Using Basic Attacks in Ultimate Form

As mentioned above, Calcharo's Forte Circuit gauge gets filled up when he uses his Basic Attacks in Ultimate form and requires 5 Killing Intent stacks to be able to unleash Heavy Attack: Death Messenger.

Calcharo Recommended Combos

Resonance Skill Combo

Res. Skill 1 → Res. Skill 2 → Res. Skill 3 → Heavy Attack: “Mercy” (consumes 3 “Cruelty” stacks)

Outside of Calcharo's Ultimate form, you should be using the Resonance Skill combo by tapping the Resonance Skill button 3 times and then using Calcharo's Heavy Attack to end it.

Resonance Liberation Mode Combo

(During Res. Lib) BA1 → BA2 → BA3 → BA4 → BA5 → Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger” (uses 5 “Killing Intent” stacks)

During Calcharo's Ultimate form, use Calcharo's Basic Attack five times to access Heavy Attack: Death Messenger and deal a lot of damage.

High DMG Combo

Intro → Res. Skill 1 → Res. Lib → Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger” → Basic Attack x5 → Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger” → Basic Attack x5 → Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger” → Echo → Outro

This is Calcharo's highest damage combo. This can only work if you can use his Intro Skill and his Resonance Liberation is ready.

Start by using Calcharo's Intro Skill, use his Resonance Skill once then enter Resonance Liberation. After entering Resonance Liberation, you should have five Killing Intent stacks to use Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger”.

After using the first Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger”, use five Basic Attacks to do another Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger”. Repeat this combo until you've done your third Heavy Attack: “Death Messenger”.

Once the Resonance Liberation is over, use your Echo then switch to your next character for Calcharo's Outro Skill.

Calcharo Materails: Ascension and Forte

Calcharo Ascension Materials

Character Ascension Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
World Boss
Overworld Material
Iris Iris x60
Shell Credit Shell Credit x170,000

Forte Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
Forgery Challenge
Weekly Boss
Shell Credit Shell Credit x2,030,000

Ascension Materials Per Rank

Character Ascension Materials
Rank 1
20 ➔ 40
Rank 2
40 ➔ 50
Rank 3
50 ➔ 60
Rank 4
60 ➔ 70
Iris Iris x12
Rank 5
70 ➔ 80
Iris Iris x16
Rank 6
80 ➔ 90
Iris Iris x20

Total Forte Materials

Total Forte Materials
Main Nodes
Lv. 1 ➔ 10
Shell Credit Shell Credit x1,400,000
Bonus 1
Shell Credit Shell Credit x200,000
Bonus 2
Shell Credit Shell Credit x400,000
Inherent Skill 1
Inherent Skill 2

Calcharo Skill Priority and Forte List

Skill Priority Explanation
Normal Attack ☆☆☆☆ While his Basic Attacks are used often, you'd want to prioritize upgrading his Ult first and foremost. This is because the enhanced Basic Attacks in that mode are when his damage output is at its highest. Upgrade this after his higher priority skills are maxed out.
Resonance Skill ★★★☆☆ Calcharo's Resonance Skill is still an important part of his kit, but it doesn't deal as much damage when compared to his enhanced attacks during his Resonance Liberation. You'll still want to upgrade this third since you'll be weaving this in between attacks.
Forte Circuit ★★★★★ Even though Heavy Attack: Death Messenger is tied to his Resonance Liberation, it scales off Calcharo's Forte Circuit level instead of his Ult. Upgrade this alongside his Ultimate so that you can maximize his damage output.
Resonance Liberation ★★★★ This is Calcharo's most important skill since it enhances his Basic Attacks and enables his Forte Skill to use Death Messenger instead of Mercy. Prioritize upgrading this first alongside his Forte Skill so that he can deal as much damage as possible.
Intro Skill ☆☆☆☆ While his Intro Skill isn't bad, it's still the lowest priority upgrade since it's more important to upgrade his other skills.

First of all, you need to upgrade Calcharo's Forte Circuit first because it is his main source of damage. Once at full stack, unleashing a Heavy Attack will deal immense damage against any foes. Afterward, upgrade his Resonance Liberation next as entering Deathblade Gear state elevates Calcharo's damage and most of the multipliers are found in this skill. You can opt to upgrade his Resonance Skill, but only after the first two.

Normal Attack

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Gnawing Fangs
Basic Attack:
Calcharo performs up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Electro DMG.

Heavy Attack:
Consumes Stamina to attack the target, dealing Electro DMG.

Mid-air Attack:
Consumes Stamina to perform a Mid-Air Plunging attack, dealing Electro DMG.

Dodge Counter:
Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Electro DMG.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. Crit. DMG +2.40%
2. Crit. DMG +5.60%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Part 1 Damage 23.00%*2
Part 2 Damage 50.00%
Part 3 Damage 42.84%+21.42%*3
Part 4 Damage 39.99%*2+53.32%
Heavy Attack Damage 20.80%*5
Mid-Air Attack Damage 62.00%
Dodge Counter Damage 33.44%*3+42.99%
Heavy Attack Stamina Consumption 30
Mid-Air Attack Stamina Consumption 30

Resonance Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Extermination Order
Calcharo performs up to 3 consecutive attacks, dealing Electro DMG.

If Calcharo is switched off field, or if Resonance Skill Extermination Order is not performed again in a while, this skill will enter Cooldown.

Resonance Skill Extermination Order does not interrupt Calcharo's Basic Attack combo.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. ATK +1.80%
2. ATK +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Extermination Order Part 1 Damage 25.94%*2+34.59%
Extermination Order Part 2 Damage 38.91%*2+51.88%
Extermination Order Part 3 Damage 108.08%*2
Cooldown 10
Extermination Order Con. Energy Regen 4

Forte Circuit

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Hunting Mission
Heavy Attack - Mercy:
When Calcharo has 3 Cruelty, his Heavy Attack is replaced with Heavy Attack Mercy.
When casting Heavy Attack Mercy, consumes 3 Cruelty to deal Electro DMG, considered as Heavy Attack damage, and recovers Resonance Energy and Concerto Energy.

Calcharo can hold up to 3 Cruelty.
Under Resonance Liberation Deathblade Gear state, Cruelty cannot be acquired.
When Resonance Skill Extermination Order hits the target, gain 1 Cruelty.

Resonance Liberation - Death Messenger:
When Calcharo has 5 Killing Intent, his Basic Attack is replaced with Heavy Attack Death Messenger, Calcharo consumes 5 Killing Intent to deal Electro DMG, considered as Resonance Liberation damage, and recovers Resonance Energy and Concerto Energy.

Killing Intent:
Under Resonance Liberation Deathblade Gear state, Calcharo's Forte Gauge is replaced with Killing Intent, stacking up to 5.
When Basic Attack Hounds Roar hits the target, Calcharo gains 1 Killing Intent.

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
“Mercy” Damage 19.67%*8+39.34%
“Death Messenger" Damage 49.18%*8+98.35%
“Mercy” Con. Energy Regen 6
“Death Messenger" Con. Energy Regen 10
“Mercy” Con. Energy Regen 6
“Death Messenger" Con. Energy Regen 12.5

Inherent Skills

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Inherent Skill 1:
Bloodshed Awake
When casting Heavy Attack Mercy, Calcharo's Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus is increased by 10% for 15s.
Inherent Skill 2:
Revenant Rush
When Resonance Liberation “Death Messenger” hits the target, the damage received by Calcharo is reduced by 15%, lasting 5 seconds.

Resonance Liberation

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Phantom Etching
Calcharo attacks the target, dealing Electro DMG and enters Deathblade Gear state. After Resonance Liberation Deathblade Gear state ends, Calcharo's next Intro Skill is replaced with Necessary Means, which deals Electro DMG, considered as Intro Skill damage.
Deathblade Gear:
- Basic Attack is replaced with Basic Attack Hounds Roar.
- Dodge Counter deals increased damage, considered as Resonance Liberation damage.

Hounds Roar:
Calcharo performs up to 5 consecutive attacks, dealing Electro DMG, considered as Basic Attack DMG.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. ATK +1.80%
2. ATK +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill Damage 300.00%
“Necessary Means" Damage 100.00%*2
Hounds Roar Part 1 44.30%
Hounds Roar Part 2 17.72%*2+26.58%*2
Hounds Roar Part 3 82.41%
Hounds Roar Part 4 17.52%*6
Hounds Roar Part 5 75.54%*2
Heavy Attack Damage 31.20%*5
Dodge Counter Damage 28.67%*6
Heavy Attack Stamina Consumption 30
Deathblade Gear Duration 11
Cooldown 20
Res. Energy Cost 125
Con. Energy Regen 20

Intro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Wanted Outlaw
Attack the target, dealing Electro DMG.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. Crit. DMG +2.40%
2. Crit. DMG +5.60%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill Damage 20.00%*2+30.00%*2
Con. Energy Regen 10

Outro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Shadowy Raid
Calcharo summons Phantom to support the on-field Resonator, clearing the targets in front with a slash. The Phantom's attacks deals Electro DMG equal to 195.98%+391.96 of Calcharo's ATK.

Calcharo Resonance Chain

Recommended Sequence Nodes

Why We Recommend It
S1 ★★☆☆☆ - Okay
This is an okay Sequence Node to unlock since Calcharo's most important skill is his Ultimate. Even though there are other ways to get Resonance Energy, having an extra source of Resonance Energy Regen will allow Calcharo to use equipment that has more offensive stats instead of ones with Energy Regen%.
S2 ★★☆☆☆ - Okay
This is a pretty good upgrade to get since you'll want to weave in Resonance Skills in between attacks whenever you can. However, this loses value when he's in his Ult since you'd want to focus on spamming his Forte Circuit instead of using his Resonance Skill.
S3 ★★★★☆ - Great
Calcharo gets a generically great buff from this Sequence Node since he'll want to use his Resonance Liberation as much as possible anyway. If you don't plan on maxing out his Resonance Chain, aim for this at least since it's the best upgrade he'll get until S6.
S4 ★☆☆☆☆ - Bad
This Sequence Node is only good if you have an optimized team where you'll be able to swap back to Calcharo and get his full damage rotation off with the 30s timeframe. If you can't fit your rotation within that time, including Outro Skill buffs and all, don't bother pulling for this upgrade.
S5 ★☆☆☆☆ - Bad
While this is a nice buff to get, this is counterintuitive to Calcharo's playstyle since he isn't used in quick-swap teams that spam all of their skills to burst down enemies. However, it's still nice to have since it's a generic damage increase.
S6 ★★★★★ - Amazing
His capstone is by far the best one to unlock since it heavily increases his damage output, especially when paired with Jianxin who buffs Resonance Liberation DMG. The only downside is that you have to invest heavily into Calcharo to max out his Resonance Chain, and most other Sequence Nodes aren't worth unlocking.

All Sequence Node Effects

S1 Covert Negotiation
When the Resonance Skill Extermination Order hits a target, it additionally recovers 10 Resonance Energy, which can be triggered once every 20 seconds.
S2 Zero-Sum Game
After Calcharo casts Intro Skill Wanted Criminal or Intro Skill Necessary Means, his Resonance Skill DMG Bonus is increased by 30% for 15s.
S3 Iron Fist Diplomacy
During the Resonance Liberation Deathblade Gear state, Calcharo's Electro DMG Bonus is increased by 25%.
S4 Dark Alliance
After casting the Outro Skill Shadowy Raid, Electro DMG Bonus of all team members is increased by 20% for 30s.
S5 Unconventional Compact
Intro Skill Wanted Criminal and Intro Skill Necessary Means deal 50% more damage.
S6 The Ultimatum
When casting Resonance Liberation Death Messenger, Calcharo will summon 2 Phantoms to perform coordinated attacks, each Phantom deals Electro DMG equal to 100% of Calcharo's ATK, which is considered Resonance Liberation DMG.

How to Get Calcharo

Pull from Character Banners

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Wuthering Waves - With Hushed Whispers
With Hushed Whispers
Wuthering Waves - Tidal Chorus
Tidal Chorus
Wuthering Waves - Utterance of Marvels
Utterance of Marvels
Wuthering Waves - Beginner
Beginner's Choice Convene Banner

Calcharo is a 5-star standard character that can be currently summoned from all Character Convenes listed above!

Calcharo can appear on Limited Banners by losing 50/50, and Standard Character Banners!

Calcharo Voice Actor and Lore

Calcharo Voice Actors

Calcharo Voice Actor List
EN Ben Cura
JP Toshiyuki Morikawa
CN Xu Xiang
KR Park Min-gi

List of All Voice Actors

Calcharo In-Game Lore

Gender Male
Birthplace New Federation
Affiliation Ghost Hounds
Basic Info Leader of the "Ghost Hounds", an intemational mercenary group. Ruthless, vengeful, unforgiving. A potential client must be mindful of the price to pay before making him an offer.

List of All Factions

Calcharo Splash Art

Wuthering Waves - Calcharo Splash Art Calcharo's Splash Art
See Full Image

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Characters

List of All Characters List of Character Builds

Characters by Rarity

Resonator Rarity
5-Star Characters5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters4-Star Characters

Characters by Element

Resonator Elements
Wuthering Waves - AeroAero Wuthering Waves - ElectroElectro Wuthering Waves - FusionFusion
Wuthering Waves - GlacioGlacio Wuthering Waves - HavocHavoc Wuthering Waves - SpectroSpectro

Characters by Weapon

Characters by Weapon
Gauntlet CharactersGauntlets Pistol CharactersPistol Rectifier CharactersRectifier
Sword CharactersSword Broadblade CharactersBroadblade

Other Lists of Characters

Other Resonator Lists
Female Characters Male Characters
Voice Actors Free Characters
Healers Factions
Upcoming Characters

All Playable Characters

Playable Characters
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta
Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang
Wuthering Waves - PhoebePhoebe Wuthering Waves - RocciaRoccia Wuthering Waves - Rover (Havoc)Rover (Havoc)
Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina
Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi
Wuthering Waves - AaltoAalto Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia
Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi
Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang
Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu

Upcoming Characters

Upcoming Characters
Wuthering Waves - ZaniZani Wuthering Waves - CantarellaCantarella Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant


35 Anonymousabout 2 months

he is really annoying to play i maxed out him he is so much weaker than xianli yao

34 SYNDRA3 months

2.0 player here i got calcharo in 1.0 hes now at 60cr rate 300 cr dmg and w2, my calcharo clears every mob,boss, challange while a jinshi player is still charging her utility XD i love this char with all my heart best dps (considering hes free and a standart banner) , if u cant counter-dodge just say that haha


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