Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Where All Fish Converge Quest Guide | Old Man and the Whale

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves Where All Fish Converge Quest Guide

Where All Fish Converge is an Event Quest under the Old Man and the Whale event in Wuthering Waves 2.1! See how to unlock Where All Fish Converge, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

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Love in the Time of Fishing Old Man and the Whale

How to Unlock Where All Fish Converge

Complete Love in Time of Fishing

Wuthering Waves - Love in the Time of Fishing Guide

Where All Fish Converge automatically unlocks after completing its prerequisite event quest Love in the Time of Fishing.

Love in the Time of Fishing Quest Guide

Where All Fish Converge Walkthrough

Ask Queequeg About Ship Repairs

Wuthering Waves Talk to Queequeg About Ship Repairs

After obtaining another piece of the Pequod Blueprint, speak to Queequeg at the northern part of Port of Riccioli and hand over 100 Palm Logs, 2,000 Riccioli Fishery Coins, and the Pequod Blueprint: Basic.

Afterward, head over to Planck by the docks and prepare to sail toward Serene Bay.

Travel to Serene Bay

Wuthering Waves Travel to Serene Bay
Steer your Gondola northwest from the docks toward Serene Bay. Along your journey, Cetus The Tidebreaker sends your boat flying, throwing you toward the grassy shores of the island where a group of Tacet Discords have spawned. Defeat them all and continue your journey.

Locate Planck in Serene Bay

Wuthering Waves Locate Planck in Serene Bay
From where you landed, walk north until you come across Planck stationed by a shipwreck. He will hand you a letter from Ahab detailing instructions on where to find the key to the Serene Bay lighthouse and assign you with a Fishing Request.

Complete Ahab's Priority Requests

Wuthering Waves Complete Ahab

Before starting these string of Priority Fishing Requests, unlock the Abyssal Hull Fishing Ability first at the docks, which allows you to fish in Deep Waters and Increase Cargo Capacity.

Apart from this, make sure to equip your Nautical Light from the Utility Wheel to help ward off any Ghost Medusas while fishing at nighttime and deeper waters.

Ahab's Request: Find the Key

Ahab's first request requires 1 Clione and 1 Pokey Moray which spawn at All times of the day. Set sail toward the nearest fishing spot where either fish can be found and cast your line.

Do note that the Clione takes on a T-Shape while the Pokey Moray has a Z-Shape. Arrange them properly in your Cargo to make sure that both fish fit along with your other catches, and hand them over on the Fishing Request tab.

How to Arrange Cargo while Fishing

Ahab's Request: A Feather?

Set Sail once more and catch 2 Feather Stars to complete this request. These fish are shaped in a 2x3 rectangle, so plan around other available catches and use the Quick Sale feature to make more room if needed.

If you happen to catch other valuable fish alongside it, consider cutting your losses and only save the most valuable ones that fit in your Cargo, or consider upgrading your Cargo Capacity to level 2.

Ahab's Request: Meet the Phantom

Take to the seas once more during the nighttime in search of 1 Stygian Phantom and 1 Pokey Moray. The Stygian Phantom's shape will follow its silhouette in a staircase-like block, while the Pokey Moray will be in its usual Z-Shape.

Beware though as the Stygian Phantom is located in dangerous waters, so use your Nautical Light to keep any Ghost Medusa away. Like the first two requests, effectively arrange your catch in your Cargo, and hand over the required fishes to Planck.

Ahab's Request: Setting the Trap

For the last Fishing Request, you will need to catch 2 Rainbow Dolphinfish. The nearest fishing spot this is found in will likely be as dangerous as the preceding request, with a strom that may bring many hurricanes. Make sure to dodge them safely so your Gondola does not suffer damage.

The Rainbow Dolphinfish will occupy 5 blocks horizontally, with one block attached to the first and fourth blocks. Arrange them as efficiently as possible along with your other catch, and turn them over to Planck at any dock.

Set Sail and Catch Titanium Mackerel

After completing all of the Priority Requests, set sail once more and catch a Titanium Mackerel from its designated fishing spot. Afterward, dock at Serene Bay and head toward the lighthouse at its peak.

Light Up the Lighthouse in Serene Bay

Wuthering Waves Light Up the Lighthouse in Serene Bay
Insert the Titanium Mackerel in the beacon in front of the lighthouse. This will trigger a cutscene where its light is restored, and the Tidebreaker swims on the distant shores. The quest will conclude afterward, allowing you to collect your rewards!

Where All Fish Converge Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Where All Fish Converge Rewards
Fame Fame x300 Astrite Astrite x20
Universal Compass x1 Advanced Sealed Tube Advanced Sealed Tube x3
Shell Credit Shell Credit x10,000 Fragment of a Mysterious Scripture x1
Riccioli Fishery Coin Riccioli Fishery Coin x2,000

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All Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks
How to Arrange Cargo Best Fishing Ability to Unlock First
How to Farm Fishery Coin Legendary Fish Locations
How to Increase Fame List of all Fish
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Where All Fish Converge Old Man and the Whale
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