Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Brant Banner Release Date and Characters

Version 2.1 is out now!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┣ Materials: Blazing Bones, Golden Fleece
Character Tier List | All Active Banners
┣ New Event: Tactical Simulacra III, Infinite battle Simulation II
┗ Phase 2 Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Brant Banner Release Date and Characters

Blaze Across the Deep is the latest banner for Brant in Wuthering Waves. Check out Blaze Across the Deep featured 5-star and 4-star characters, character and weapon drop rates, and release date here!

Brant Banner Release Date

Latest Brant Banner Run

Latest Banner for Brant
Blaze Across the Deep IconBlaze Across the Deep
Latest Run Version 2.1
Start Date March 6, 2025 (Asia)
End Date March 26, 2025 (Asia)

Brant's banner releases on March 6, 2025 to March 26, 2025, all throughout the second phase of Version 2.1!

2.1 Livestream Codes and Summary

Brant Banner Countdown

Banner End Countdown
11d 12h 5m 50s
11d 6h 5m 50s
10d 23h 5m 50s
10d 23h 5m 50s

Banner Start and End Dates for All Servers

Server Date
America (PST) March 6, 2025 at 07:00 PM
March 26, 2025 at 12:59 PM
Europe (CET) March 6, 2025 at 04:00 AM
March 26, 2025 at 09:59 PM
Asia (UTC+8) March 6, 2025 at 10:00 AM
March 26, 2025 at 03:59 AM
HMT / SEA (UTC+8) March 6, 2025 at 10:00 AM
March 26, 2025 at 03:59 AM

Brant Banner Info and Simulator

Brant Banner Convene Simulator

Brant Banner Gacha Rates

Rarity Pull Rate
5★ ・Resonator: 0.8% Pull Rate
・Guaranteed from every 80 Convenes
4★ ・Resonator or Weapon: 6.0% Pull Rate
・Guaranteed from every 10 Convenes
3★ ・Weapon: 93.2% Pull Rate

Convene System Type Summary Explanation
Pity System Every type of Convene Banners has its own Convene Counter.
The 10th and 80th convene guarantee only applies if you haven't gotten a 4-star or 5-star convene before reaching the respective required number.

Is It Worth to Pull in Brant's Banner?

Should You Pull on Brant's Banner?

Rating ★★★★★
Rate Up! 5★ Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant
4★ Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi

Yes, Brant is An Excellent Fusion DPS

Brant is a flashy Resonator whose fast-paced, theatrical moves bring energy to the battlefield. His skills balances consistent damage and team support, which cements his role as the nurturing Captain of The Fool's Troupe.

He’s a top-tier choice for squads seeking a seamless Fusion DPS flow with added support, so don’t miss the chance to recruit him!

Brant Banner Characters

Rating ★★★★★
Rate Up! 5★ Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant
4★ Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi

Blaze Across the Deep is a featured convene banner so it would include the rate-up character, Brant, all standard 5-star characters, and all 4-star characters. You cannot get other featured convene characters other than Brant when pulling under Blaze Across the Deep.

5★ Character Drops in Brant's Banner

★ 5-Star Featured Rate-Up ★
Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant
5-Star Off-Rate Characters
Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore
Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina

There is a 50% chance to get the featured 5-star character on your first 5-star pull. Losing the 50% to a standard character will guarantee the featured character on your next 5-star pull!

4★ Character Drops in Brant's Banner

★ 4-Star Featured Rate-Up ★
Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi
4-Star Off-Rate Characters
Wuthering Waves - AaltoAalto Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu
Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi
Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi

There is a 50% chance to get one of the rate-up 4-star character or weapon for every 10 convenes. Losing the 50% to an off-rate character or weapon will guarantee the rate-up character on your next 4-star pull!

Brant Banner Weapons

5★ Weapon Drops in Brant's Banner

There are no 5-star weapons available on Brant's Banner. 5-star weapons are exclusively obtained from either the Weapon Permanent Convene or the Featured Weapon Convene, Absolute Pulsation.

List of All 5-Star Weapons

4★ Weapon Drops in Brant's Banner

Weapon List
Wuthering Waves - Overture Overture Wuthering Waves - Lunar Cutter Lunar Cutter Wuthering Waves - Commando of Conviction Commando of Conviction
Wuthering Waves - Variation Variation Wuthering Waves - Jinzhou Keeper Jinzhou Keeper Wuthering Waves - Comet Flare Comet Flare
Wuthering Waves - Undying Flame Undying Flame Wuthering Waves - Novaburst Novaburst Wuthering Waves - Cadenza Cadenza
Wuthering Waves - Marcato Marcato Wuthering Waves - Hollow Mirage Hollow Mirage Wuthering Waves - Amity Accord Amity Accord
Wuthering Waves - Helios Cleaver Helios Cleaver Wuthering Waves - Discord Discord Wuthering Waves - Dauntless Evernight Dauntless Evernight
Wuthering Waves - Endless Collapse Endless Collapse Wuthering Waves - Waning Redshift Waning Redshift Wuthering Waves - Relativistic Jet Relativistic Jet
Wuthering Waves - Celestial Spiral Celestial Spiral Wuthering Waves - Fusion Accretion Fusion Accretion

List of All 4-Star Weapons

3★ Weapon Drops in Brant's Banner

Weapon List
Wuthering Waves - Sword of Voyager Sword of Voyager Wuthering Waves - Sword of Night Sword of Night Wuthering Waves - Originite: Type II Originite: Type II
Wuthering Waves - Guardian Sword Guardian Sword Wuthering Waves - Rectifier of Voyager Rectifier of Voyager Wuthering Waves - Rectifier of Night Rectifier of Night
Wuthering Waves - Originite: Type V Originite: Type V Wuthering Waves - Guardian Rectifier Guardian Rectifier Wuthering Waves - Pistols of Voyager Pistols of Voyager
Wuthering Waves - Pistols of Night Pistols of Night Wuthering Waves - Originite: Type III Originite: Type III Wuthering Waves - Guardian Pistols Guardian Pistols
Wuthering Waves - Originite: Type IV Originite: Type IV Wuthering Waves - Guardian Gauntlets Guardian Gauntlets Wuthering Waves - Gauntlets of Voyager Gauntlets of Voyager
Wuthering Waves - Gauntlets of Night Gauntlets of Night Wuthering Waves - Originite: Type I Originite: Type I Wuthering Waves - Guardian Broadblade Guardian Broadblade
Wuthering Waves - Broadblade of Voyager Broadblade of Voyager Wuthering Waves - Broadblade of Night Broadblade of Night Wuthering Waves - Beguiling Melody Beguiling Melody

List of All 3-Star Weapons

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Convenes

All Current and Upcoming Banners Wuthering Waves Banner History

All Active Convene Banners

Convene Banners
Absolute Pulsation (Changli) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Changli) VermillionVermillion's Ploy
Absolute Pulsation (Unflickering Valor) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Unflickering Valor) Blaze Across the Deep IconBlaze Across the Deep
BeginnerBeginner's Choice Convene Banner Utterance of Marvels IconUtterance of Marvels
Weapon Permanent Convene IconWeapon Permanent Convene Tidal Chorus IconTidal Chorus

Upcoming Convene Banners

There are currently no available banners under this category!


1 Anonymous9 days

Why everyone already have banner but in Europe we still need to wait 2 hours?


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