Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Echo Tier List

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Echo Tier List
Echoes are Wuthering Wave's artifact and accessory system, and they also have their own unique abilities you can use. Check out our tier list for the best Echoes to use and farm in Wuthering Waves (WuWa).

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Best Echoes Tier List

Nightmare Echoes are All Better Than Normal Versions

Nightmare Echo and Effects

Starting from Version 2.0, all the Nightmare Echoes are now significantly better than their normal counterparts with regards to their effects. This is mostly because you do not need to summon them to get their buffs and instead you only have to slot them as the main echoes.

The only exception is Impermanence Heron because the nightmare and normal versions differ in Sonata Effects.

On that note, all the normal echoes are replaced with their Nightmare counterparts in the tier list. The normal variants are going to be mostly early game options if you are not in Rinascita yet.

All Nightmare Echoes and Locations

Echo Tier List

The tier list below are the best echoes to use in the main slot of your echo builds.

SS Rank Icon
S Rank Icon
A Rank Icon
B Rank Icon

1-Cost Echoes Not Included

Only the strongest and best echoes are listed here hence no 1-cost echoes are included in the list. This list is judged based on their skill effect and utility in both the battle and the overworld.

Full Tier List Explanations

SS Tier Echo Explanation

Echo Explanation
Wuthering Waves - HecateHecate • The best echo for Sub-DPS that does coordinated attack.
• ATK increase for the current resonator as long as the coordinated attacks deal critical hits.
• Echo effect summons blades that also works off-field.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Inferno RiderNightmare: Inferno Rider • Extremely effective attacker when summoned in battle.
• ATK is increased for 15s after skill activation
• The skill deals up to 270% damage.
• Can be used in the overworld to traverse quickly.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: CrownlessNightmare: Crownless • Deals a total of 270% damage everytime it is summoned.
• Skill can be charged up to three times, so you can use the echo skill multiple times.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Tempest MephisNightmare: Tempest Mephis • One of the two best echo for Electro DPS.
• See if your Resonator scales off Resonance Skill or Resonance Liberation. If Resonance Skill, use Tempest Mephis.
• Also has access to Empyrean Anthem sonata effects, so this echo could also work with coordinated attack Sub-DPS characters.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Thundering MephisNightmare: Thundering Mephis • One of the two best echo for Electro DPS.
• See if your Resonator scales off Resonance Skill or Resonance Liberation. If Resonance Liberation, use Thundering Mephis.

S Tier Echo Explanation

Echo Explanation
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Mourning AixNightmare: Mourning Aix • Premier main echo option for DPS character that deals Spectro Frazzle.
• No contest and should be the only option.
• Usage is very limited though as there are no other Spectro Frazzle characters outside Rover (Spectro) and Phoebe, hence the S-tier rating.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Impermanence HeronNightmare: Impermanence Heron • Focuses mainly on Sub-DPS in Havoc teams, so it is a bit inflexible.
• The normal variants may be a bit more useful in non-Havoc team situations.
• The skill itself deals 300%+ total Havoc DMG.
Wuthering Waves - Impermanence HeronImpermanence Heron • Increases Resonance Energy of the equipping character and the ATK of the next character taking the field.
• The skill itself deals 300%+ total Havoc DMG.
• Still the best in slot for any Sub-DPS running Moonlit Clouds. The nightmare version of this echo only has the Midnight Veil sonata effect which is a bit more inclined for Havoc Sub-DPS's.
Wuthering Waves - Fallacy of No ReturnFallacy of No Return • The best Rejuvenating Glow echo for the best HP-scaling supports in the game.
• Works with Shorekeeper, the best healer in the game right now.
• Can charge Concerto Energy extremely fast by holding the echo button. Resonators can still act while Fallacy is delivering a flurry of punches.
Wuthering Waves - Sentry ConstructSentry Construct • The best echo for those running the new Frosty Resolve sonata effect.
• Deals a lot of damage as an echo.
• Does not need to be summoned to provide echo bonuses.

Best Echo Sonata Sets in the Early Game

Sonata Sets provide set bonuses if you equip echoes that have the proper sonata effect. There are a total of 9 sonata sets that provide different buffs on characters.

Towards the late game, you will aim to have a full set of 5 echoes belonging to the same sonata set to maximize the effect of the set. In the early game, however, you can opt to just mix the effect of 2 sonata sets by only equipping 2 pieces from each set. This will give your character a 2-pc bonus from both sets.

List of All Echoes and Sonata Effects Guide

Best Sonata Sets for DPS

Wuthering Waves - Jiyan as a DPS

Name Set Effect
Lingering Tunes IconLingering Tunes 2-pc Effect:
ATK +10%
5-pc Effect:
While on the field, ATK increases by 5% every 1.5s. This effect stacks up to 4 stacks. Outro Skill DMG +60%.

For most DPS resonators, you would want to use the Lingering Tunes set as this will increase the damage output of your characters. You will most likely move to a more elemental-focused set in the late game though, but Lingering Tunes is fine in the early game.

List of All Lingering Tunes Echoes

Equip Elemental Boosting Sonata After

Once you have farmed enough Echoes, you will get access to echoes that will provide Sonata Effects that boost the DMG of a certain elemental type. These are great when used with a DPS as elemental DMG is hard to come by when tuning for Echo stats.

Sonata Effect Element DMG Bonus
Freezing FrostFreezing Frost Wuthering Waves - GlacioGlacio
Molten RiftMolten Rift Wuthering Waves - FusionFusion
Void ThunderVoid Thunder Wuthering Waves - ElectroElectro
Sierra GaleSierra Gale Wuthering Waves - AeroAero
Celestial LightCelestial Light Wuthering Waves - SpectroSpectro
Havoc EclipseSun-sinking Eclipse Wuthering Waves - HavocHavoc

Best Sonata Sets for Sub-DPS Supports

Wuthering Waves - 4-star Resonator Yangyang

Name Set Effect
Moonlit CloudsmMoonlit Clouds 2-pc Effect:
Energy Regen +10%
5-pc Effect:
After using Outro Skill, increases the ATK of the next Resonator by 22.5% for 15s.

Sub-DPS resonators in Wuthering Waves can not only deal damage but also have Outro Skills that benefit the next character taking the field. For characters that fit this description, Moonlit Clouds is the usual best-in-slot Sonata set.

List of All Moonlit Clouds Echoes

Best Sonata Sets for Healers

Wuthering Waves - 4-star Resonator Baizhi

Name Set Effect
Rejuvenating GlowRejuvenating Glow 2-pc Effect:
Healing Bonus +10%
5-pc Effect:
Increases the ATK of all party members by 15% for 30s upon healing allies.

For healer support units, equipping two or more echoes that have a Rejuvenating Glow sonata effect will improve the overall healing capabilities of healers. Not only that, when healing the ATK of all party members will increase upon healing so it will also buff them!

List of All Rejuvenating Glow Echoes

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1 Anonymous7 months

Hey shouldnt the dreadmane be on this tier, as well as lumiscale construct


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