Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Echoing Tower (Experimental Zone) Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Experimental Zone Echoing Tower Guide
Check out how to beat the Experimental Zone's Echoing Tower in Wuthering Waves. We have the best characters and stage guides for each floor here!

Experimental Zone Echoing Tower Floor 1

Echoing Tower 1 Details

Echo Skill DMG is increased by 200%. After Resonators release Echo Skills, their ATK is increased by 25% for 8s, and they restore 30% Resonance Energy.
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 90s left
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 150s left
(Lv. 50)
Vigor Cost 1 Vigor

Echoing Tower 1 Best Characters

Main DPS

Depending on your Main DPS, you'll want to bring a Sub-DPS whose Outro Skill compliments their playstyle. For example, if you're using Heavy Attackers like Calcharo and Danjin, you'll want to bring Mortefi since his Outro Skill buffs Heavy Attack DMG.

Make sure that you also bring a healing support since the Echoing Tower is harder than the Resonant Tower, and you'll need the sustain to survive.

How to Beat Echoing Tower Floor 1

Spam Interference Buffed Echo Skills

For both floors 1 and 2, you'll want to use your Echo Skill as much as possible since it gets a 200% DMG boost. Using your Echo Skill will also increase your Resonator's ATK by 25%, making it easier to kill off all the enemies on this floor.

Experimental Zone Echoing Tower Floor 2

Echoing Tower 2 Details

Echo Skill DMG is increased by 200%. After Resonators release Echo Skills, their ATK is increased by 25% for 8s, and they restore 30% Resonance Energy.
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 90s left
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 150s left
(Lv. 55)
Vigor Cost 2 Vigor

Echoing Tower 2 Best Characters

Main DPS

For this floor, you'll want to avoid using Aero and Fusion characters since the Hoochiefs and Saurians resist those elements respectively. However, if your strongest characters use those elements, you can still use them as long as their character and equipment levels match or exceed that of the enemies.

How to Beat Echoing Tower Floor 2

Focus on Killing the Saurians First

The Hoochief Cyclones are much harder to kill since you'll need to deal with their Vibration Strength shields and larger health bars. Focus on killing the Baby Viridblaze Saurians first so that you'll have an easier time dealing with the Hoochiefs once they're gone.

Experimental Zone Echoing Tower Floor 3

Echoing Tower 3 Details

After Echo skill is cast, all party members' DMG is increased by 20% and DEF by 20% for 15s, stacking up to 3 times.
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 120s left
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 180s left
(Lv. 60)
Vigor Cost 3 Vigor

Echoing Tower 3 Best Characters

Main DPS

Similar to floor 2, you'll want to avoid using Electro characters for this floor since 3 enemies resist it, with one of them being an Elite Class enemy. As much as possible, try not to use a character that isn't the same element as any of the enemies, but if you can't, then it's fine as long as their character and equipment levels match or exceeds the enemies.

How to Beat Echoing Tower Floor 3

Kill the Flautist and Tambourinist First

Even though the Flautist and Tambourinist are harder to kill compared to the Elemental Predators, you'll still want to deal with them first since they have large AoE attacks that can be annoying. Make sure to kill them off so that you don't accidentally dodge into their attacks.

Watch Out for Ranged Attacks

Wuthering Waves - Watch Out for Enemy Ranged Attacks
This floor has a lot of enemies with ranged attacks, and you don't want to take too much damage or you could lose one of your party members. Watch out for the enemies' attack indicators on your screen. As soon as it starts blinking red, swap your focus to that enemy so you can see their attack and dodge it.

Experimental Zone Echoing Tower Floor 4

Echoing Tower 4 Details

After Echo skill is cast, all party members' DMG is increased by 20% and DEF by 20% for 15s, stacking up to 3 times.
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 120s left
Wuthering Waves - CrestClear the challenge with at least 180s left
(Lv. 70)
Vigor Cost 4 Vigor

Echoing Tower 4 Best Characters

Main DPS

This is going to be the hardest challenge in this Zone since you'll be facing two Herons and three Prisms, as well as a Mourning Aix afterwards. Make sure that your team is fully upgraded and that you know each character's rotations so that you can maximize their DPS.

Remember that you can always come back later with a higher-level team if you don't clear all three objectives the first time around.

Do Not Use Spectro Characters

Wuthering Waves - Spectro Prism Immune to Spectro Damage
For the final floor of this Tower, you will have to avoid using Spectro DPS characters. This is because there are two Spectro Prisms on this floor, and they'll be immune to Spectro damage. However, you can still use Verina since she's primarily used as a Support rather than a DPS.

How to Beat Echoing Tower Floor 4

Kill the Spectro Prisms First

Wuthering Waves - Spectro Prism Description
As soon as the fight begins, focus on killing the Spectro Prisms first before anything else. If they're left alive, they will provide constant shield buffs to the other enemies, and they can also be absorbed by the two Herons giving them a permanent shield.

Play Safe and Spam Echo Skills for DEF Boosts

Unless you're aiming to clear all 3 Objectives, play safe and focus on healing and dodging attacks. Make sure that you also spam Echo Skills as much as possible so that you can get the constant DEF boosts to survive attacks you wouldn't be able to otherwise.

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