Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways Guide and Rewards

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways

Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways is a weekly combat game mode in Wuthering Waves 2.1! See how to unlock Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways, how to play it, its stages, and all its rewards here!

Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways Duration

Released on February 17, 2025

Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways
Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways
March 17, 2025 - March 24, 2025
Fifth Cycle

The very first cycle of Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways started on February 17, 2025. It will reset every Monday so be sure to claim as many rewards as you can by then!

Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways Guide

Recommended Teams (Aid Resonators)

Jinhsi Coordinated Team
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina
Phoebe DoT Team
Wuthering Waves - PhoebePhoebe Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

The Dreamscape Aid Resonators for this week are Jinhsi, Phoebe, Shorekeeper, and Verina. Using at least one of these Resonators will grant the team 150% Illusive Points Bonus, to help you farm more points!

It's important to note though that you can still use non-Spectro Resonators for Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways. It's definitely possible to get all of the Illusive Point rewards without using any of the Aid Resonators! They are just there to help you farm points faster.

List of All Spectro Characters

Current Dreamscape Aid

Dreamscape Aid
・All Resonators in the team gain 30% Spectro DMG Bonus.
・Hitting a target with Basic Attack grants 20 Dreamscape Energy. This effect can be triggered once every second. Casting Resonance Skill grants 100 Dreamscape Energy. This effect can be triggered once every 10s. Dealing Spectro DMG grants 30 Dreamscape Energy. This effect can be triggered once every second.
・Enter Lucid Dream when Dreamscape Energy reaches 500. In this mode, certain Metaphors will be enhanced, Crit. Rate and Energy Regen of all Resonators in the team are increased by 50% and 100% respectively, and the cooldown of their Resonance Skill and Resonance Liberation is reduced by 50%. Lucid Dream lasts for 10s and depletes all Dreamscape Energy when it ends.

Best Metaphors to Use

Metaphor Explanation
Flow This metaphor increases Crit. Rate and damage dealt when you continuously deal damage, which is ideal for any team. This works especially well with Spectro Frazzle and with comps that have coordinated attacks.
All-seeing Eye Great for all teams as damage dealt is increased by this metaphor.
Insulation Parts Increases the duration of the Lucid Dream status when casting Intro skills using this state. This is good for team rotations.
Hidden Blade Great stat buffer as it adds a lot of Crit. Rate to resonators.
Blue Night Waltz Good for rotations as it increases ATK and DMG dealt by the incoming resonator once Intro Skill is casted.
The Lament Epoch Works well with Shorekeeper and Crit-related metaphors as it increases the damage of Critical attacks.
Bird of Friendship This metaphor works together with The Lament Epoch in improving Critical attacks.
Medic Kit This metaphor helps with sustain as it gives HP back when dealing damage.
Unordered Cube Helps with Dreamscape Energy generation, which works well with other Crit-related metaphors.
Prophecy of Destruction Works well with Shorekeeper and other Crit. Rate increasing buffs, which improves the damage potential for Crits.

Metaphor Explanation
Standard Tacetite Bloom Increases Resonance Liberation DMG, which is good for most teams.
Comb Improves Dreamscape Energy generation when dealing with enemies.
Thermal-Conduction Parts Increases the Concerto Energy generation, making it ideal for team rotations to maximize Outro Skills.
Old Revolver This metaphor increases Crit. Rate, helping with resonators' Crit. ratios.

How to Unlock Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways

Complete The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes

Wuthering Waves - Chapter 2 Act 1 The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes Quest Guide

You must complete the The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes quest to unlock Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways!

The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes Guide

Unlock Ragunna's Resonance Nexus

You must also unlock the Resonance Nexus in Ragunna City to enjoy this weekly game mode! To do this, you must do the Through the Sea Thou Break Quest to arrive at Rinascita and access the city's Resonance Nexus.

All Rinascita Resonance Nexus Locations

Reach Union Level 30

Wuthering Waves - Raise Union Level to Progress through the Story

You must be at Union Level 30 to challenge and enjoy Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways.

How to Increase Union Level

Complete the New Side Quest


A new sidequest named Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways is available on February 17, 2025. Complete this to unlock the location of this week's Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways!

Teleport to Ragunna's Resonance Nexus

You have to teleport to Ragunna's Resonance Nexus, and go left where you'll find Encore's Cosmos on a chair. Talk to them to proceed!

How to Play Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways

Pick a Team

Pick Teams
You must choose three Resonators to form a team for Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways. Additionally there will be new Dreamscape Aid Resonators every week. If you use these Resonators, you'll gain 150% Bonus Illusive Points which are important for getting the rewards!

Choose the Best Metaphor Buffs

Metaphor Buffs
There are multiple Memory Zones you must clear in Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways. Everytime you clear a Memory Zone, you get a Metaphor buff. Be sure to pick the best one that matches your playstyle and synergizes with your team.

Metaphor Buffs that are labeled with Dreamscape Power give you additional bonuses when you are in the Lucid Dream state.

Enter the Lucid Dream State

Fill Dreamscape Energy
You must fill your Dreamscape Energy to enter the Lucid Dream state! You can do this by simply attacking enemies. You can also fill it faster depending on the Metaphors you obtain.

Entering the Lucid Dream state is important because it gives you additional buffs, which are based on the Metaphors you choose and this week's Dreamscape Aids. Lucid Dream only lasts for 10s so be sure to hit the enemies with everything you've got within that timeframe!

Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways Rewards

Illusive Point Summary

Illusive Points Rewards
1,000 Astrite Astrite x40
2,000 Advanced Sealed Tube Advanced Sealed Tube x5
3,000 Astrite Astrite x60
4,000 Advanced Resonance Potion Advanced Resonance Potion x5
5,000 Astrite Astrite x60
6,000 Shell Credit Shell Credit x60,000

Remnant Crystal Rewards Summary

Remnant Crystal Rewards

You can only get Remnant Crystal rewards once you defeat powerful enemies in Memory Zone 7 and 13. They also cost 60, or 120 if you want double rewards, Waveplates to obtain!

Choose An Echo from Any Tacet Field with Unborn Echoes

Unborn Echo

Unborn Echoes allows you to choose to roll an echo from any tacet field of your choice! The pool of tacet fields are based on the current line up of tacet fields.

How to Get Unborn Echoes

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1 Yuki Kitsune5 days

Does anyone know if kuro is going to release the something like the previous version of the Illusive realms? because this version is "ok" but extremely unsatisfying to play..... the Rewards match the short amount of time you have to go through it, but its just the previous version of The Illusive realms gave you a type of build up so you felt like you actually accomplished something for finishing them and gaining all the rewards unlike this one...


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