Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Carlotta Character Story Guide | When On a Rainy Night a Family

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - When On a Rainy Night a Family

When On a Rainy Night a Family is Carlotta's Companion Story in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock When On a Rainy Night a Family, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

How to Unlock When On a Rainy Night a Family

Complete What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing

Wuthering Waves - What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing Quest Guide

Apart from reaching Union Level 20, you must also complete the Chapter 2 Act 3 Main Quest What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing.

What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing

When On a Rainy Night a Family Walkthrough

  1. Go to the Liberty Square in Midnight
  2. Go to the Rendezvous
  3. Gather Information About Benett
  4. Talk to Those Present to Identify the Contact
  5. Meet Scarlet Velvet
  6. Investigate the Clues Found in the Shelter
  7. Head to Capollo's Private Dock
  8. Search Near the Bank for Mr. Pierre
  9. Find a Way Out of the Mirror Realm
  10. Enter the Passcode to Turn on the Lights
  11. Confont Carlotta's Mirror Self
  12. Choose a Path to Leave the Maze
  13. Defeat Carlotta's Mirror Self
  14. Wait Until the Scheduled Action Time
  15. Search and Disable Surveillance Cameras
  16. Bring the Data Module to a Safe Place

Go to the Liberty Square in Midnight

Change your in-game time between the hours of 22:00 -2:00, and head toward Liberty Square where Ragunna City's Resonance Nexus is located. Once there, a cutscene plays out where Rover meets with Capollo, a member of the Montelli Family.

The Rover's conversation with Capollo will end shortly after Carlotta intervenes and asks you to meet her at a rendezvous while avoiding the eyes.

How to Pass Time

Go to the Rendezvous

Walk toward the Montelli Quarter while making sure to avoid the gaze of Montelli Family Members with eye icons on top of their head. At the designated location, the Rover awaits Carlotta's arrival and chats with a mysterious old man admiring a painting.

After some time, Carlotta regroups with the Rover and mentions the Montelli Vault Keeper named Benett, and the mystery surrounding their demise. The two then split apart to investigate the late Family Member's residence.

Gather Information About Benett

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Gather Information About Benett

Interview the two family members stationed in front of Benett's residence, then chase after the old man who flees while the Rover and Carlotta share the information they have gathered.

Follow him until he is cornered, and reveal him to be an ex-Montelli Family member named Duncan. He will then point you toward someone called Scarlet Velvet who may possibly be connected to the case.

Talk to Those Present to Identify the Contact

Head toward a section underneath Ragunna's City Square and order a Scarlet Velvet Ribbon from the Bartender which will be given to the hidden contact within the area.

You may speak to the Voluble Woman, Obsessed Man, and Joyous Man at the location, though speak with the Bartender once more to Hand Him the Scarlet Velvet Ribbon instead.

After revealing his identity as the true contact, he points you toward Whisperwind Haven where you can find Scarlet Velvet.

Meet Scarlet Velvet

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Meet Scarlet Velvet

Teleport to the nearest Resonance Beacon in Whisperwind Haven, and approach what seems to be Scarlet Velvet arguing with some Acolytes. Echoes will be summoned on the field which the Rover will have to defeat, and the members of The Order flee.

Scarlet Velvet then points Carlotta and the Rover toward a small shack Benett left behind by the coast which may contain clues to his eventual passing.

All Resonance Beacon Locations

Investigate the Clues Found in the Shelter

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Investigate the Clues Found in the Shelter

After heading into the cave and fighting your way through the TDs, search for clues around Benett's old shelter by using your Sensor to pinpoint any objects of interest. Interact with the three golden beacons that appear on the floor, and share your findings with Carlotta.

A message then arrives from Duncan who has discovered Benett's damaged Terminal, and the two head back to the Montelli Quarters to uncover clues hidden within it.

How to Use the Sensor

Head to Capollo's Private Dock

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Head to Capollo

As Carlotta, head down to the docks and interact with a beacon by some crates to the right of the pier, and head further down to investigate another golden beacon by other wooden containers. An even bigger mystery begins as Carlotta falls into an unsuspecting trap.

Search Near the Bank for Mr. Pierre

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Search Near the Bank for Mr Pierre

Now, as the Rover, head to the Bank and meet Mr. Pierre who is accompanied by the same mysterious old man you had met previously. He introduces himself as Francesco, Carlotta's grandfather and the Padrino of the Montelli Family.

As Mr. Pierre repairs Benett's Terminal, Francesco entrusts the Rover with a valuable item, asking them to deliver it to Carlotta in her hour of need.

Find a Way Out of the Mirror Realm

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Find a Way Out of the Mirror Realm

Carlotta finds herself trapped in a mirrored version of her past, where things seem familiar, albeit a little skewed. Trudge forward and defeat the TDs that block your way toward the Mansion's entrance.

Enter the building and climb the stairs to your right, where you will meet two gentlemen. She pieces together what she needs to do in order to break free from the realm, then head toward the control panel to switch on the lights.

Enter the Passcode to Turn on The Lights

Enter the code 6289 on the digital dial to turn on the lights. The clues to the code can be found around the Mansion's Hall; The first two numbers correspond to the amount of trees and chandeliers present, while the last two digits are the numbered date of a Montelli Family member's birthday.

How to Enter The Correct Passcode

Confront Carlotta's Mirror Self

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Confront Carlotta

Seat yourself down at once of the couches by the lobby and watch as the Rally unfolds, and Carlotta is heralded rather than scorned. Her Mirror Self makes an entrance, and a confrontation occurs which gets cut short as a shot is blasted from Carlotta's gun.

Follow the Mirrored Carlotta and confront her once more. This then culminates into the Stormy Night from Carlotta's past being summoned, where the Montelli Family was struck with a forceful attack.

Defeat Hordes of TDs

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Defeat Hordes of TDs

The sequence that follows next will consist of Carlotta fighting her way through groups of TDs that spawn within the area. Make sure to defeat them all and save the Montelli Family in this mirrored realm!

Choose a Path to Leave the Maze

In the room where you are forced to choose a path, pick the hallway to your right, and head forward. Capollo will appear and remark that maybe you should have gone left.

With this in mind, retrace your steps to find that the previous hallway has shifted and is actually a path to the true end of the maze. Keep going straight untill all of the glass windows at either side shatter, and the exit reveals itself.

Defeat Carlotta's Mirror Self

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Defeat Carlotta

After Carlotta and the Rover are reunited at the end of the maze, defeat Carlotta's Mirror Self in the next room to free yourselves from this realm of false mimicry!

Now free from the mirror, Carlotta devises a plan to put an end to Capollo's treachery against the Family and seeks the Rover's assistance to carry it out.

Wait Until the Scheduled Action Time

Set your in-game time to 19:00, 2 days later, and head into the Ragunna City Trading Hall. Once inside, Carlotta briefs the Rover of their task, and sends them on their way.

Search and Disable Surveillance Cameras

Control Panel Solution (Left) Control Panel Solution (Right)

Hack into the control panels on either side of the Trading Hall stage by connecting all matching colors to each other. Once done, place all 4 of Carlotta's gems in the marked locations, and wait by the stage.

Bring the Data Module to a Safe Place

When On a Rainy Night a Family - Bring the Data Module to a Safe Place

After foiling Capollo's plans and successfully ousting him from the Family, walk toward the bridge to Bank Street and meet up with Carlotta. The quest ends after a small exchange, and a small Montelli Family token is bestowed upon the Rover.

When On a Rainy Night a Family Information

When On a Rainy Night a Family Quest Information
Required Union Lvl None
Quest Location Ragunna City
Version Release 2.0

When On a Rainy Night a Family Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

When On a Rainy Night a Family Quest Rewards
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100

Unlocks Shine On You Crazy Opal Trophy

Wuthering Waves Shine On You Crazy Opal Trophy

Completing When On a Rainy Night a Family also unlocks the Shine On You Crazy Opal Trophy which allows you to claim 10 Astrites.
Trophy List and Rewards

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