Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Changli Character Story Guide | Immortal Blaze Companion Story Walkthrough and Rewards

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Immortal Blaze

Immortal Blaze is Changli's Companion Story in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock Immortal Blaze, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

How to Unlock Immortal Blaze

Complete Act 1 Chapter 7: Thaw of Eons

Wuthering Waves - Chapter 1 Act 7 Thaw of Eons Quest Guide
Immortal Blaze will automatically become available in your quest log after completing Dawn of Snowstorm; the last quest from the Thaw of Eons questline.

After reaching Hongzhen, track the Immortal Blaze quest from your Quest log and follow the marker to Hongzhen's town square.

Chapter 1 Act 7 Thaw of Eons Quest Guide

Immortal Blaze Walkthrough

  1. Find a Place Next to a Ring and Hanging Eaves
  2. Accompany Changli to Mt. Firmament
  3. Rewind the Weiqi Board's Time
  4. Find a Way to Get Inside Together
  5. Connect the Light Beams
  6. Solve Master Xuanmiao's Puzzle
  7. Defeat the Chrono Shadow
  8. Rest For a While

Find a Place Next to a Ring and Hanging Eaves

After speaking with the Suspicious Spectator, you can find the quest objective on the roof of a building in Hongzhen. Use your Grapple and scale the building until you reach the rooftop and a cutscene will play. Afterward, meet with Changli at the Pavillion between 13:00 - 15:00.

Place Next to A Ring and Hanging Eaves Location

Accompany Changli to Mt. Firmament

Wuthering Waves - Accompany Changli to Mt. Firmament
Meet with Changli at the marked location and head into a cave and help a man getting attacked by TDs. A cutscene will play after successfully rescuing him. Return to Hongzhen and ask about the adventurer you rescued then meet with a woman named Fuling and report to Xinyi. Re-accompany Changli to the cave after your discussion and investigate around the area.

Rewind the Weiqi Board's Time

Interact with the Chronosorter and move the marker to the farthest left of the timeline to rewind time, then listen to all of the mirages that appear within the area. You will be interrupted by Fractsidus Artificers which you will have to defeat and follow them into the Sonoro Sphere.

Find a Way to Get Inside Together

Ask the little girl to step on the pressure plate outside of the gate and interact with the chronosorter inside the room. Adjust the timeline to the farthest right in order to keep the door open, then defeat the TD guarding the next room.

Connect the Light Beams

Step Objective
1 Rotate the first Light Path twice.
2 Rotate the second Light Path once.
3 Rotate the third Light Path three times.

Solve Master Xuanmiao's Puzzle

Step Objective
1 Use your Levitator to place the first crystal on the podium to its left.
2 Place the second crystal on the podium across from it.
3 Rotate the first Light Path once.
4 Rotate the second Light Path two times.
5 Rotate the third Light Path three times.
6 Rotate the fourth Light Path once.
7 Rotate the fifth Light Path once.
8 Rotate the sixth Light Path three times.
9 Rotate the seventh Light Path once.
10 Rotate the eighth Light Path two times.

Defeat the Chrono Shadow

Wuthering Waves - Defeat the Chrono Shadow
Defeat the Chrono Shadow in order to escape the Sonoro Sphere. Do note that the Chrono Shadow has a second phase after lowering its HP significantly, and defeating it the second time will trigger a cutscene.

Rest For a While

Wuthering Waves - Rest For a While
Rest for two days by advancing your in-game Time to 2 days later, and speak with Xinyi to know Changli's whereabouts. A cutscene will play after meeting with Changli at the designated location, and will complete the quest afterward.

How to Pass Time

Immortal Blaze Information

Immortal Blaze Quest Information
Required Union Lvl None
Quest Location Mt. Firmament
Version Release 1.1

Immortal Blaze Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Immortal Blaze Quest Rewards
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x140

Unlocks Deserted Trail Trophy

Wuthering Waves - Unlocks Deserted Trail Trophy
Completing Immortal Blaze will reward you with the Deserted Trail Trophy, allowing you to claim 10 Astrites.

Trophy List and Rewards

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Quests

List of Quests

List of Quest Types

All Quests Types
Main Quests Companion Stories
Exploration Quests Side Quests
Tutorial Quests Daily Quests

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Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin Solitary Path
Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi True Colors


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