Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Love in the Time of Fishing Quest Guide | Old Man and the Whale

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Love in the Time of Fishing Guide

Love in the Time of Fishing is an event quest for the Old Man and the Whale event in Wuthering Waves 2.1! See how to unlock Love in the Time of Fishing, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this event quest here!

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Set Sail! Pro Angler! Where All Fish Converge

How to Unlock Love in the Time of Fishing

Complete Set Sail! Pro Angler!

Wuthering Waves - Set Sail! Pro Angler! Guide

Love in the Time of Fishing will automatically unlock once you complete Set Sail! Pro Angler!

Set Sail! Pro Angler! Guide

Love in the Time of Fishing Walkthrough

Raise Your Fame to Level 3 or Above

Your first task is to raise your fame to Lv. 3! You can do this by completing two fishing requests, namely the Flying Fish, Diving Dragon and the The Cutting of the Gordian Knot.

Fishing Request Catches Needed Fame Reward
Flying Fish, Diving Dragon ・Airsailer x1
・Leafy SeaDragons x2
fame x100
The Cutting of the Gordian Knot ・Bell-less Crab x1
・Yarn Eel x2
fame x150

Complete Flying Fish, Diving Dragon

Catch One Airsailer

Catch one Airsailer
Follow the quest marker, and fish for one Airsailer. Once you got one, You should also fit the other fishes you caught in the cargo for extra Fishery Coins!

Catch Two Leafy SeaDragon

Catch two Leafy SeaDragons
Go to the next quest marker, which should just be around 74m ahead! This time, make sure to get two Leafy SeaDragons!

Rotate the Fishes in the Cargo

Rotate the Fish
If you have difficult time putting everything in your cargo, you can rotate them! Right click on the fish you want to rotate, then click the rotate icon on the bottom!

Once you're done, go back to the docks to complete the request. Additionally, be sure to sell all of the other fishes you caught so you would have more space for the next request!
How to Arrange Cargo while Fishing

Complete Cutting of the Gordian Knot

Catch One Bell-less Crab

Catch one Bell-less Crab
The next fishing request is around 230m away! You would have to go behind the island you're currently in. You could go under the wooden bridge until you arrive at the quest marker! You only need one Bell-less Crab, but you should also grab the other fishes you caught for extra Fishery Coins!

Catch Yarn Eel

Catch the Yarn Eel
The Yarn Eel should be around 150m away! You only need two of them, but try to fit as many of them as you can because they cost more than the Bell-less Crab!

Check the Prices

Check the Prices
If you have to choose which of the fishes to sell, you can easily check at their prices! Make sure to prioritize the fishes that cost more.

Talk to Ahab

Ahab at the Bridge
Before looking for Ahab, make sure to sell all of your fishes to Planck! Afterwards, you can look for Ahab by going to the elevated platform at the docks! He is by the bridge with the decorative lights.

Find the Shipwright

Find the Shipwright
After talking to Ahab, you must cross a wooden bridge to find Queequeg, the shipwright! He is standing next to a huge lantern, while wearing gray overalls.

He will be asking for 50 Palm Tree Logs, and 500 Riccioli Fishery Coins. Thankfully, you should've collected enough from the fishing requests. Talk to him again to proceed.

Go to the Dock

Helm Village Location
Head to the dock and set sail with Rachel, the Gondola, for Helm Village! Be sure to follow the quest marker so you wouldn't be lost!

Search for Starbuck

Once you arrive, you have to look for Starbuck. He is the man carrying a big blue fish. To do this quickly, you can easily look at the direction of the quest marker and press T to jump to Starbuck as a Cuddle Wuddle .

Find the Abandoned Gondola

Clear the Rubble
Go back to the docks and set sail to look for Starbuck's abandoned Gondola. Once you arrive at the quest marker, you'll find rubble blocking your way. Use the Sweet Puff to clear it!

After clearing it, the abandoned Gondola will tell Phoebe that a Siren is behind Starbuck's mental state.

Raise Your Fame to Level 6 or Above

You have to raise your fame to Lv. 6 to progress! You can do this by doing fishing requests or catching new fishes! Below are the fishing requests you can do to reach fame Lv. 6!

Fishing Request Catches Needed Fame Reward
Cute Ocean Dwellers ・Dumbo Octopus x1
・Til the Fin-ish x1
fame x450
Take a Giant Gulp ・Giant Gulper x2
fame x500
Prickly Pugilist ・Pricklecrab x1
・Dumbo Octopus x1
fame x500

Maximize Quick Sale

Maximize the Quick Sale
Quick sale is now available! The goal here is to sell the extra fishes you have to make space in your cargo, all while earning Fishery Coins!

This will only work if the entire dashed-area is filled, as it won't work otherwise. Additionally, make sure not to sell the required fishes for the request!

Clear More Rubble

Clear More Rubble
Since you'll be fishing for different fishes across the ocean, it would help if you clear the rubbles near the dock. This is so you can reach the dock faster, and you wouldn't have to use a longer route!

Catch a Big Fish

Catch a Big Fish
Once you have Lv. 6 fame, you can now grab a fish for Starbuck! Wait until nighttime then set sail to catch two Sad Blobs.

You have to go to the part of the sea where the threat levels are high. Once you're done, head back to the docks to deliver the Sad Blobs. Don't forget to sell any extra fishes you may have!

How to Pass Time

Head to the Lighthouse

Light it Up
Once you delivered the Sad Blobs, head back to Starbuck where he'll tell you the truth of what happened. Afterwards, head to the lighthouse and use the key to light it up. You can use the Flight Echo to reach the lighthouse faster.

Love in the Time of Fishing Rewards

Total Rewards

Love in the Time of Fishing Rewards
Fame Fame x100 Astrite Astrite x20
Advanced Energy Core Advanced Energy Core x3 Shell Credit Shell Credit x16,000
Rinascita Fishing Guidebook Rinascita Fishing Guidebook x1 Riccioli Fishery Coin Riccioli Fishery Coin x1,000

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves Old Man and the Whale Related Guides

Old Man and the Whale Event Guide

Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks

All Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks
How to Arrange Cargo Best Fishing Ability to Unlock First
How to Farm Fishery Coin Legendary Fish Locations
How to Increase Fame List of all Fish
How to Get Fish No. 70 -

Old Man and the Whale Quests

All Old Man and the Whale Quests
Set Sail! Pro Angler! Love in the Time of Fishing
Where All Fish Converge Old Man and the Whale
I Alone Survived -


2 Anonymous8 days

if you were selling to pluck don't do it instead deliver it when you go to the purple commission tab on the left side corner

1 Anonymousabout 1 month

hello, I want to ask how to complete the fish for love achievement? I've followed the steps but it still doesn't work do you have any suggestions?


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