Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

All Daily Quests and How to Unlock

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - All Daily Quests and How to Unlock
A list of all Daily Quests in Wuthering Waves. See a list of all Daily Quests, how to find and unlock them, and rewards for completing them here!

List of All Daily Quests

Quest Name Location / Rewards Version
Crosstalk Location: Jinzhou (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
Defeat the Exiles Location: Random Location (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
Defeat the TDs Location: Random Location (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
First Encounter with Yi'hu Location: Jinzhou (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
Later in the Story Location: Jinzhou (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
Monuments of Condolence Location: Central Plains (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
Save the World? Save the Cat! Location: South of Qichi Village (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
Tacit Partnership Location: Jinzhou (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)
Third-Rate Painter Location: Jinzhou (Huanglong Region)
・Intimacy (×480)
・Shell Credit (×3000)
・Basic Resonance Potion (×1)

How Do Daily Quests Work?

Simple Quests that refresh daily

Wuthering Waves - Simple Quests that refresh daily
Daily Quests are a very simple quest type, which appear in your list of quests each day, rather than being unlocked by visiting a certain area. Each day, you will have a new daily quest appear, and they typically involve interacting with NPCs.

Can be completed very quickly

While they don't offer the best rewards, the quests themselves can typically be completed in a matter of minutes, for rewards like Shell Credits, Intimacy, or character EXP items.

List of Quests

Allows you to gain Activity Points

Wuthering Waves - Daily Quest in Activity Log
The main reason for completing Daily Quests is that completing one is one of the daily tasks you can do in order to earn activity points, a feature which can be repeated every day after the server resets.

Dailies: Things to Do Every Day

How to Complete Daily Quests

Obtain Items

Wuthering Waves - How to Complete Daily Quests - Obtain Items
Certain quests will task you to obtain an item in order to complete it, and they will be given a quest marker for easy location.

List of Items

Defeat Enemies

Wuthering Waves - How to Complete Daily Quests - Defeat Enemies
There are Daily Quests that can be completed by heading over to a specified map location and eliminating all the enemies present within the area.

List of All Enemies

Talk to NPCs

Wuthering Waves - How to Complete Daily Quests - Talk to NPCs
Some Daily Quests only require you to talk to a specific NPC in order to complete it, immediately rewarding you after exiting the conversation, or talking to a few more NPCs after.

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Quests

List of Quests

List of Quest Types

All Quests Types
Main Quests Companion Stories
Exploration Quests Side Quests
Tutorial Quests Daily Quests


1 EchoRetr03 months

Is there a way to set daily quests to a determinate region? For example, I already completed Huanglong daily quests, everything is 100%, and still, I am having dailies in that region.


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