Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

List of All Phantom (Shiny) Echo Locations

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - List of All Phantom (Shiny) Echo Locations

Phantom Echoes are differently colored Echoes in Wuthering Waves. Check out all the Phantom Echoes in the game, Shiny Echo locations, and what Phantom or Shiny Echoes are in this guide!

List of All Phantom (Shiny) Echoes

All Phantom Echoes and How to Get

Echo How to Get
Wuthering Waves - Dreamless Phantom: Dreamless
Calamity | 4-Cost
Bought for 500 Illusive Specimens at the Illusive Shop after clearing Carnival in Slumberland IV in Depths of Illusive Realm Version 1.2.
Wuthering Waves - Feilian Beringal Phantom: Feilian Beringal
Overlord | 4-Cost
Bought for 120 Hazard Records in the Adversity Exchange Point Shop after obtaining 1,200 Hazard Records in total.
Wuthering Waves - Impermanence Heron Phantom: Impermanence Heron
Overlord | 4-Cost
Bought for 400 Illusive Specimens after clearing Difficulty IV in Depths of Illusive Realm.
Wuthering Waves - Inferno Rider Phantom: Inferno Rider
Overlord | 4-Cost
Bought for 750 Illusive Specimens at the Illusive Shop after clearing Phantasm Amass V in Depths of Illusive Realm Version 1.4.
Wuthering Waves - Lorelei Phantom: Lorelei
Overlord | 4-Cost
Obtain for 200 Nameless Coins through the Limited-Time Event Shop after reaching Fame Level 9 in the Old Man and the Whale Permanent Event
Wuthering Waves - Mourning Aix Phantom: Mourning Aix
Overlord | 4-Cost
Bought for 300 Data Sets through Simulation Training Point Shop after obtaining 3,500 Data Sets in total.
Wuthering Waves - Sentry Construct Phantom: Sentry Construct
Overlord | 4-Cost
Obtain for 320 Trial Coins through Trial Store after obtaining 1,200 Trial Coins in total
Wuthering Waves - Thundering Mephis Phantom: Thundering Mephis
Overlord | 4-Cost
Bought for 300 Data Sets through Simulation Training Point Shop after obtaining 2,500 Data Sets in total.
Wuthering Waves - Lightcrusher Phantom: Lightcrusher
Elite | 3-Cost
Randomly found on the water in Loong's Rest or Tianqu Tree.
Wuthering Waves - Lumiscale Construct Phantom: Lumiscale Construct
Elite | 3-Cost
Randomly found north of Bank of Life in Tethys' Deep.
Wuthering Waves - Questless Knight Phantom: Questless Knight
Elite | 3-Cost
Side Quest: "The Last Knight"
Wuthering Waves - Rocksteady Guardian Phantom: Rocksteady Guardian
Elite | 3-Cost
Randomly found in Withering Frontline or north of Tower of Adversity.
Wuthering Waves - Vitreum Dancer Phantom: Vitreum Dancer
Elite | 3-Cost
Exploration Quest "Hymn of the Sea of Clouds"
Wuthering Waves - Clang Bang Phantom: Clang Bang
Common | 1-Cost
Randomly found in Luminous Shore or under the peak of Loong's Crest.
Wuthering Waves - Diggy Duggy Phantom: Diggy Duggy
Common | 1-Cost
Randomly found
Wuthering Waves - Gulpuff Phantom: Gulpuff
Common | 1-Cost
Randomly found north of Tethys Hub in Black Shores.
Wuthering Waves - Hoartoise Phantom: Hoartoise
Common | 1-Cost
Randomly found in Bell-Borne Ravine or Thorny Passage.

Phantom, or Shiny, Echoes are rare variations of Echoes in Wuthering Waves. See what phantom Echoes are and how to hunt shinies in this guide!

Phantom (Shiny) Echo Locations

Jump to a Phantom Echo Location!
Lumiscale Construct Gulpuff Lightcrusher
Clang Bang Hoartoise Rocksteady Guardian

Phantom: Lumiscale Construct Location

Tethys' Deep

Phantom Lumiscale Construct Location - By Bank of Life in Tethys
Phantom: Lumiscale Construct can be found north of Bank of Life in Tethys' Deep. It spawns by a Gold Tidal Heritage.

Phantom: Gulpuff Location

Black Shores

Phantom Gulpuff Location - North of Tethys Hub
Phantom: Gulpuff can spawn north of the Tethys Hub in Black Shores.

Phantom: Lightcrusher Locations

Tianqu Tree

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Lightcrusher Tianqu Tree

Phantom: Lightcrusher may be found roaming near the Tianqu Tree in Mt. Firmament.

Loong's Rest

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Lightcrusher Loong

Phantom: Lightcrusher may also appear in the water of the Loong's Rest area. You must complete Chapter 1 Act 7 before you can fight and absorb it.

Phantom: Clang Bang Location

Loong's Crest

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Clang Bang Location

Phantom: Clang Bang can be found in the "mouth" of the dragon in Loong's Crest. To reach it, glide down from the Resonance Beacon near the peak to find a Clang Bang Echo Challenge and a group of Clang Bang.

Luminous Shore

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Clang Bang Luminous Shore

Phantom: Clang Bang may also be spotted around the Lumious Shore. Both locations are in Mt. Firmament.

Phantom: Hoartoise Locations

Bell-Borne Ravine

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Hoartoise Tolling Stream

Phantom: Hoartoise can be found in two possible locations. The first is around the Bell-Borne Ravine (formerly Tolling Stream), south of the Bell-Borne Geochelone.

Thorny Passage

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Hoartoise Thorny Passage

The other location is in the waters between the Violet Banyan and Thorny Passage.

Phantom: Rocksteady Guardian Locations

Withering Frontline

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Rocksteady Guardian Withering Frontline

Phantom: Rocksteady Guardian can be found around the Withering Frontline, south of the Thundering Mephis. Absorbing it will reward the Do You Believe in Light? trophy.

Tower of Adversity

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Rocksteady Guardian Tower of Adversity Island

Another Phantom: Rocksteady Guardian location is on the island north of the Tower of Adversity.

How to Get Phantom (Shiny) Echoes

Randomly Spawn on Set Locations

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Echoes Randomly Spawn
Phantom, or Shiny, Echoes randomly spawn in set locations the overworld. When it doesn't appear, come back the next day in real time since Echo spawns reset daily.

Join Other Players' Worlds

When waiting for a day isn't an option, you can jump into other players' world and see if a Phantom Echo spawned in theirs. This method will help all the players in the world since killing the shiny Echo will allow everyone to get it!

Is Wuthering Waves a Multiplayer Game?

Rewards for Event or Purchase from Point Store

Wuthering Waves - Phantom Thundering Mephis for 300 Data Sets

Most of the 4-Cost Phantom Echoes can be obtained from events like the Depths of Illusive Realm or purchased from the Point Store using currencies like Hazard Records or Data Sets.

Get Deep Records Tokens from Tower of Adversity

The Hazard Records special tokens can be obtained by going through the Tower of Adversity, which is a special area you can battle through to get rewards. This is an endgame-level location, so be sure to be absolutely prepared!

Tower of Adversity Guide

Get Drill Data Sets from Hologram Challenges

The Data Set special tokens can be obtained by doing Tactical Hologram Challenges. This is an endgame challenge, so only try them out if your team and items are optimized.

All Tactical Hologram: Calamity Locations

What Are Phantom (Shiny) Echoes?

Echoes With a Different Color

Phantom or shiny Echoes differ from their regular counterparts in color. They don't have any special stats or bonuses, so they can be used just like their normal-colored versions.

Can be Equipped as Echo Skins

Once you absorbed a Phantom Echo, you can then “re-skin” that type of Echo. All you have to do is press the icon next to the Equip button in Echo Selection and select “Apply Phantom Appearance”.

You can think of Phantom Echoes as skins for your Echoes, so you can do this for all of the same Echoes in your inventory.

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Echoes Guide

List of Echoes and Sonata Effects

All Echoes Guides

List of Echoes by Cost

Echoes by Cost
4-Cost 3-Cost 1-Cost

List of Echoes by Sonata Effect

Sonata Effects
Freezing Frost Freezing Frost Molten Rift Molten Rift Void Thunder Void Thunder
Sierra Gale Sierra Gale Celestial LightCelestial Light Sun-sinking Eclipse Sun-sinking Eclipse
Rejuvenation GlowRejuvenation Glow Moonlit CloudsMoonlit Clouds Lingering TunesLingering Tunes
Frosty ResolveFrosty Resolve Eternal RadianceEternal Radiance Midnight VeilMidnight Veil
Empyrean AnthemEmpyrean Anthem Tidebreaking CourageTidebreaking Courage

List of Echoes by Class

Echo Classes
Calamity Overlord Elite Common


3 Anonymous5 months

You left out dreamless phantom

2 Anonymous9 months

Another thing worth noting. If you play on PC with a Controller, the option to change the echo's appearance wont be visible unless you switch to Mouse and Keyboard. Thankfully, swapping between controller and M and K is seamless.


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