Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Wuthering Waves 1.1 Release Date, Patch Notes, and Details

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves 1.1 Release Date, Patch Notes, and Details

Version 1.1 is an update to Wuthering Waves released on June 28, 2024! Check out the details of the 1.1 update, including new Resonators, bosses, and Story Quests!

Version 1.1 Release Date

Released on June 28, 2024

Version 1.1
“Thaw of Eons”
Release Date June 28, 2024

Moved Ahead One Week Early

According to the update posted by Kuro Games in their official website, Version 1.1 arrived one week earlier than planned to coincide with Yinlin being released a week earlier than previously scheduled.

Version 1.1 Summary

All Version 1.1 Links

Version 1.1 News
1.1 Update All Active Redeem Codes
1.1 Characters
Jinhsi wo NameJinhsi Changli wo NameChangli
1.1 Banners
Thawborn Renewal Vermillion's Ploy
1.1 Weapons
Ages of Harvest Blazing Brilliance
Beguiling Melody -
1.1 Quests
Chapter 1 Act 7: Thaw of Eons Changli Companion Quest
Glorious Loong's Pearl Dance Dance Chelonian!
1.1 Locations
Mt. Firmament
1.1 Echoes
Sentinel Jué Clang Bang
Dwarf Cassowary Lava Larva
Lightcrusher Lumiscale Construct
Glacio Dreadmane -
1.1 Events
Tales From Mt. Firmament Traces of Mt. Firmament
Gifts of Celestial Light Special Check-In Event
Lollo Campaign Tactical Simulacra
Dreams Ablaze in Darkness -

Version 1.1 Gift Codes

Gift Codes Revealed For Version 1.1

Redeem Codes Rewards Expiry
Astrite Astrite x50
Shell Credit Shell Credit x15000

No additional codes were added with the release of Version 1.1

List of Gift Codes and How to Redeem

Version 1.1 Gacha Banners

New Characters


First revealed in the Main Story in Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades, Jinhsi has been teased and confirmed for Version 1.1 through drip marketing!

She joins the playable Resonator cast as a 5-Star Spectro Broadblade character through the Thawborn Renewal banner.

Jinhsi Builds and Best Teams


First revealed in the Main Story in Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades, Changli is the character to get for the second phase of Version 1.1!

She is now available in the gacha as a 5-Star Fusion Sword character through the Vermillion's Ploy banner.

Changli Builds and Best Teams

New Weapons

Ages of Harvest

Wuthering Waves - Ages of Harvest Teaser

Ages of Harvest is as a limited 5-Star Broadblade. The Featured Weapon Convene runs alongside Jinhsi and her banner.

Ages of Harvest Best Characters

Blazing Brilliance

Wuthering Waves - Blazing Brilliance Teaser

Blazing Brilliance is a limited 5-Star Sword. The Featured Weapon Convene for this weapon runs together with Changli and her banner.

Blazing Brilliance Best Characters

Beguiling Melody

Wuthering Waves - Beguiling Melody Teaser

Beguiling Melody is a 3-Star Broadblade that will be given to players for completing the Version 1.1 Side Quest Dance Dance Chelonian!.

Beguiling Melody Best Characters

Version 1.1 New Quests

Main Story Quest Chapter 1 Act 7

Wuthering Waves - Act 7 Story Teaser

Act 7 for Chapter 1 of the Main Story Quest arrives with Version 1.1. It is available to players who have completed Act 6: Grand Warstorm, and will pick up where Act 6 left off.

Main Quest Walkthrough and Story Chapter List

Changli Companion Quest

Wuthering Waves - Changli Companion Quest Teaser

Version 1.1 will also include a Companion Quest for Changli, titled Immortal Blaze. It will release on July 22, 2024.

List of Companion Stories

New Exploration Quest

Wuthering Waves - Glorious Loong

A new Exploration Quest, Glorious Loong's Pearl, will become available in the next version of the game. This quest will add and focus on the new overworld mechanics of the Altar of Radiance, Altar of Worship, and Loong's Pearl.

List of Exploration Quests

New Side Quest

Wuthering Waves - Dance Dance Chelonian Teaser

There will also be a new side quest titled Dance Dance Chelonian!, which will award the player with the free 3-Star Broadblade, Beguiling Melody.

List of Side Quests

Version 1.1 New Area

Mt. Firmament

Teased in Launch Trailer Visible in Overworld

Mt. Firmament is confirmed and showcased in the latest Version Preview to be a brand-new location available in Version 1.1.

Mt. Firmament New Locations

Mt. Firmament will contain several new locales for the player to explore.


Wuthering Waves - Hongzhen Teaser

The town of Hongzhen will be available for exploration in the next Version update. A self-sufficient and isolated village covered in snow, far from the main city of Jinzhou.

Truthseeker's Pass

Wuthering Waves - Truthseeker

Truthseeker's Pass is another area to be added in Version 1.1. Another one of the Court of Savantae's ruins, left behind while the researchers and staff that once worked here have vanished.

Mianloong Chamber

Wuthering Waves - Mianloong Chamber Teaser

Mianloong Chamber will also be added alongside Mt. Firmament. The chamber is said to be the vessel and hibernation pod for the sentinel Jué.

Loong's Crest

Wuthering Waves - Loong

Loong's Crest is another area that will be added alongside the others in the next Version update. It was the residents of Mt. Firmament who carved the stone into a statue of Jué to show their appreciation for its blessings.

Mt. Firmament New Mechanics

Several new overworld mechanics will also be included in the Version 1.1 update.


Wuthering Waves - Chronosorter Teaser

The Chronosorter will allow the player to adjust the flow of time to manipulate objects in its area of effect.

Photonvault and Photon Barrier

Wuthering Waves - Photonvault and Photon Barrier Teaser

Photonvaults and Photon Barriers are usually linked to one another. Disabling all nearby Photonvaults with attacks will dispel a Photon Barrier.

Leap Device

Wuthering Waves - Leap Device Teaser

The Leap Device will propel the players who stand on it in a certain direction after a while.


Wuthering Waves - Windchimers Teaser

Windchimers will be a new collectible that the player can acquire using attacks.

Mt. Firmament New Challenges

There will also be some new challenges that players can attempt when exploring Mt. Firmament.

Echo Challenge: Clang Bang

Wuthering Waves - Echo Challenge Clang Bang Teaser

Echo Challenge: Clang Bang will have the player transform into the new Echo Clang Bang to solve the presented puzzles.

Clang Bang Echo Challenge Guide

Tactical Hologram: Ski

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Ski Teaser

The new Tactical Hologram: Ski will require the player to pass through an obstacle course involving Acceleration and Point Rings to reach the finish line in time.

Version 1.1 New Bosses

Sentinel Jué

Wuthering Waves - Jué as seen in Story Quests

Teased as early as the opening mission of Wuthering Waves, Sentinel Jué has been confirmed and showcased in the latest Version Preview to be a Boss and Echo for players to encounter in Version 1.1!

Sentinel Jué Boss and Echo Information

Tactical Hologram: Crownless

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Crownless Teaser

The Overlord-Class Tacet Discord, Crownless, is getting its own Tactical Hologram challenge in version 1.1. The challenge incorporates buffs related to dodging, so be sure to adapt accordingly!

All Tactical Hologram Calamity Locations

Version 1.1 Echoes

New Echoes

No Echo Possible Sonata Effects Echo Skill
G05 Wuthering Waves - Clang BangClang Bang
Summon a Clang Bang that follows the enemy and eventually self-combusts, dealing Glacio DMG.
H22 Wuthering Waves - Dwarf CassowaryDwarf Cassowary
Summon a Dwarf Cassowary to attack, dealing Physical DMG.
H53 Wuthering Waves - Glacio DreadmaneGlacio Dreadmane
Transform into a Glacio Dreadmane to deal consecutive attacks. Can be cast in mid-air.
Z01 Wuthering Waves - JuéJué
Summon Jué to attack the enemies, dealing Spectro DMG. The Resonator can perform Resonance Skill to deal sustained Spectro DMG to enemies over time.
H21 Wuthering Waves - Lava LarvaLava Larva
Summon a Lava Larva that continuously attacks enemies, dealing Fusion DMG.
H54 Wuthering Waves - LightcrusherLightcrusher
Lunge forward as a Lightcrusher, dealing Spectro DMG. Hold the Echo Skill to lunge for a longer distance after gathering momentum in the Lightcrusher form.
Z11 Wuthering Waves - Lumiscale ConstructLumiscale Construct
Transform into a Lumiscale Construct and enter a Parry Stance. When attacked, perform a Counterattack. If you parry a Special Skill attack, interrupt it and deal extra damage.

Aside from Jué , several other Tacet Discords and Echoes were added in Version 1.1.

List of All Echoes

Version 1.1 New Events

Version 1.1 also has a line-up of events that have been announced in advance!

List of Events and Schedule

Dreams Ablaze in Darkness

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm Version 1.1 Teaser

Dreams Ablaze in Darkness has been teased as a new Depths of Illusive Realm event which runs from July 4 to August 5, 2024. It will feature mechanics such as Tokens, Symphony Rank, and Memetic Tuning for players to enjoy; the total event reward limit is stated to be 1000 Astrite.

Gifts of Celestial Light

Wuthering Waves - Gifts of Celestial Light Teaser

Gifts of Celestial Light is a 7-Day Log-In Event where players will be able to log in to receive a total of 5 Radiant Tides and 5 Lustrous Tides!

Gifts of Celestial Light Log-in Event Guide

Gifts of Gratitude Check-In Event

Wuthering Waves - Version 1.1 Gifts of Gratitude

There will also be a Special Check-In Event called Gifts of Gratitude for Version 1.1, which will reward players with 10 Radiant Tides, 10 Forging Tides, and 10 Lustrous Tides!

Gifts of Gratitude Event Guide

Tales From Mt. Firmament

Wuthering Waves - Tales from Mt. Firmament Teaser

Tales From Mt. Firmament is an event that will be related to the new location, Mt. Firmament. This will be a four stage Area Exploration Event that will release in the Version 1.1 Update.

The unlock requirements for this event are a Union Level of 14, and visiting Mt. Firmament in the soon-to-be added Main Quest, Voyage to Firmament.

Tales From Mt. Firmament Event Guide

Traces of Mt. Firmament

Wuthering Waves - Traces of Mt. Firmament Teaser

Traces of Mt. Firmament is another Mt. Firmament event that will appear in Version 1.1. This is a photo-based event that will have the player following clues to explore the target area.

To unlock this event, players will have to do the Scale of Past Side Quest, which will become available upon the completion of the soon-to-be added Main Quest, Jinzhou: Thaw of Eons.

Traces of Mt. Firmament Event Guide

Lollo Campaign

Wuthering Waves - Lollo Campaign Version 1.1 Teaser

The Lollo Campaign has been revealed as a comissioned event. This event runs from July 20 to August 8, 2024.

Lollo Campaign Event Guide

Tactical Simulacra

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Simulacra Version 1.1 Teaser

Tactical Simulacra will release in 1.1 as a combat event. This event runs from July 20 to August 8, 2024.

Tactical Simulacra Event Guide

Bountiful Crescendo

Bountiful Crescendo will be a double-drop event in Version 1.1. During this event, levelling materials from the Simulation Training and Forgery Challenges will have their drops doubled!

Event Start July 11, 2024 (4:00 AM Server Time)
Event End July 18, 2024 (3:59 AM Server Time)
Requirement Union Level 14

Chord Cleansing

Chord Cleansing has been teased to rerun in the next Version update. It is a double-drop event where Echo drops will be increased!

Event Start August 6, 2024 (4:00 AM Server Time)
Event End August 13, 2024 (3:59 AM Server Time)
Requirement Union Level 19

Item Exchange: Oscillated Coral Store

The amount of Radiant Tides, Lustrous Tides, and Forging Tides that the player can redeem for Oscillated Coral in the Store will be increased to 7 per convene item.

Version 1.1 Fixes and Optimizations

Combat and Control

Optimizations to Combat and Systems

Confirmed Optimizations for Version 1.1
・Depths of Illusive Realm improvements confirmed
・Custom Keybinding now available starting Union Level 2
・Player tutorial for Custom Keybinding
・Remapping controller keys for Open Map and Open Chat

Resonator Combat Style Tags

Wuthering Waves - Resonator Combat Style Tags Teaser

Version 1.1 will introduce the Combat Style Tags to help players better understand what their Resonators are good at!

Controller Support for Mobile Coming Soon

Though not confirmed for Version 1.1, the developers have confirmed that they are working on controller support for mobile devices!

Waveplate Storage System in Future Update

Though not confirmed for Version 1.1, the developers will be introducing a Waveplate Storage System in future updates that should allow players to save Waveplates once it overflows from capacity.

Echo System

New Tuner Synthesis

Wuthering Waves - Tuner Synthesis Teased

Version 1.1 will add a Synthesis Recipe for Premium Tuners, and will use the lower-rarity tuners as material.

Union EXP Reward for Unlocking Echo Entries

Union EXP will now be rewarded for unlocking new Echo entries. For those playing before 1.1, the Union EXP for currently unlocked entries will be sent retroactively via mail.

Data Bank Level Cap Raised

The Data Bank level cap is going to 21. This level will guarantee 5-Star Echoes as drops.

Other Optimizations to the Echo System

Confirmed Optimizations for Version 1.1
・Reduced Shell Credit Cost for developing Echoes
・Tacet Field reward cutscene removed
・Yield of Echoes & Echo materials increased
・Cost of Echo from Daily Activities locked to 3 & 4 cost
・Cruisewing Echo Challenge timer increased and speed decreased
・New Clang Bang Echo Transformation Puzzle

Map Exploration System

Addition of A Layered Map

Wuthering Waves - Mount Firmament Layered Map Teaser

Mt. Firmament will be coming in with a Layered Map. It was announced that other areas of Jinzhou will be given layered maps in future updates as well.

Exploration Quest Tracking

Wuthering Waves - Exploration Quest Tracking Teaser

Exploration Quest progress will now be visible when looking at the Map - Exploration Progress tab.

Lootmapper Utility Range Increase

The Lootmapper will have its detection range increased in the following Version update.

Quest and Gallery System

Resonator Gallery

After the Version 1.1 update, players will be able to check all of their unlocked Resonators and their unlock time in the Gallery - Crossing Stars.

Story Dialogue Gallery

Wuthering Waves - Story Gallery Teaser

Players will also be able to look at the dialogues of completed Main Quests and Companion Stories by going to Gallery - Main Story.

Main Quest Level Requirement Lowered

Main Quest Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades will have its Union Level requirement lowered from to 11. The following acts (Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops and Act 6: Grand Warstorm) will also become available when the previous chapter quests have been completed.

More Daily Guidebook Activity Quests

New Daily Activity Point Tasks will be added in Version 1.1.

Additional Optimizations and Changes

Chat System Style Improvements

After the Version 1.1 update, the chat screen will now only display at half-screen height.

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - News and Updates
Latest News and Updates

Version 2.1 Updates

Version 2.1 Characters

2.1 New and Featured Characters
Wuthering Waves - Phoebe Icon Phoebe
(5★ Spectro)
Wuthering Waves - Brant Icon 5-star Brant
(5★ Fusion)
Changli Icon Changli
(5★ Fusion)

2.1 Tier List and the Best Characters

Version 2.1 Weapons

2.1 Weapons
Wuthering Waves - Luminous Hymn IconLuminous Hymn
Wuthering Waves - Unflickering Valor IconUnflickering Valor
Blazing Brilliance Blazing Brilliance

Weapon Tier List

Version 2.1 Banners

2.1 Banners
Wuthering Waves Phoebe Phoebe Banner
[Phase 1 - Ongoing]
Wuthering Waves Brant Brant Banner
[Phase 2 - Upcoming]
Changli BannerChangli Rerun
[Phase 2 - Upcoming]

All Current and Next Banners (Gacha)

All Version 2.1 Echoes

2.1 New Echo List
Rage Against the StatueRage Against the Statue Aero PrismAero Prism
HurriclawHurriclaw Phantom Lorelei IconPhantom: Lorelei
Calcified JunrockCalcified Junrock Golden JunrockGolden Junrock

Version 2.1 New Map Areas

2.1 Map and New Areas
Riccioli Islands Vault Underground

2.1 Fishing Event Summary

All Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks
How to Arrange Cargo Best Fishing Ability to Unlock First
How to Farm Fishery Coin Legendary Fish Locations
How to Increase Fame List of all Fish
How to Get Fish No. 70 -
All Old Man and the Whale Quests
Set Sail! Pro Angler! Love in the Time of Fishing
Where All Fish Converge Old Man and the Whale
I Alone Survived -

Old Man and the Whale Event Guide

All Version 2.1 News and Events

2.1 News
2.1 Version Summary All Active Redeem Codes
2.1 Events
Apex Ragunna Co-Op Overdash Tactical Simulacra III
Beyond the Waves Infinite Battle Simulation II
2.1 Quests
Exploration Quest
Silent as a Falling Leaf
Brant Companion Quest
Sail Day, Captain!

New Permanent Endgame

2.1 New Endgames
Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways Whimpering Wastes

List of Version Updates

Version 2.0 Updates
Version 2.0 Version 2.1
Version 1.0 Updates
Version 1.0 Version 1.1
Version 1.2 Version 1.3
Version 1.4 -

All Livestreams and Broadcast

All Livestreams & Broadcasts
Reveal Livestream Version 1.3 Livestream
Version 2.0 Livestream Version 2.1 Livestream

List of News and Updates

News and Updates
Available Platforms Wuthering Waves for PS5 Released!
System Requirements and File Size How to Download
Controller Support for PC and Mobile Pre-Registration Guide and Rewards
Differences from Punishing: Gray Raven Differences From Genshin Impact
Age Verification Bug All Codes and How to Redeem
Free 5-Star Resonator Selector Maintenance Schedule Start and End Time
Is Camellya a Playable Character? Is Scar a Playable Character?
Is Phrolova a Playable Character? Is Cartethyia a Playable Character?
Who is Cristoforo? Mac Release Date


1 Anonymous8 months

Wuthering waves developers need to do a more faster work in creating more content and activities. Latest game love and deepspace keeps on coming out with new content every two weeks. In order to compete with genshin, wuthering needs to do more work.


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