Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

List of All Sonata Effects

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - List of All Sonata Effects
Sonata Effects are set bonuses given by Echoes in Wuthering Waves. See a list of all Sonata Effects and their bonuses as well as learn what Sonata Effects are.

List of All Sonata Effects

New Sonata Effects in Version 2.2

Sonata Effect Set Bonuses
Wuthering Waves - Gusts of WelkinGusts of Welkin 2 set: Aero DMG +10%.
5 set: Inflicting Aero Erosion on enemies increases Aero DMG for all Resonators in the team by 15%, and for the Resonator triggering this effect by an additional 15%, lasting for 20s.

The new Sonata Effect Gusts of Welkin is announced for Version 2.2 of Wuthering Waves. This brings in another Aero-based Sonata Effect belonging to some of the new Echoes in Rinascita!

Version 2.2 Release Date and Details

All Sonata Effects

Sonata Effect Set Bonuses
Wuthering Waves - Celestial LightCelestial Light 2 set: Spectro DMG +10%.
5 set: Spectro DMG +30% for 15s after releasing Intro Skill.
Wuthering Waves - Empyrean AnthemEmpyrean Anthem 2 set: Energy Regen +10%.
5 set: Increase the Resonator's Coordinated Attack DMG by 80%. Upon a critical hit of Coordinated Attack, increase the active Resonator's ATK by 20% for 4s.
Wuthering Waves - Eternal RadianceEternal Radiance 2 set: Spectro DMG +10%.
5 set: Inflicting enemies with Spectro Frazzle increases Crit. Rate by 20% for 15s. Attacking enemies with 10 stacks of Spectro Frazzle grants 15% Spectro DMG Bonus for 15s.
Wuthering Waves - Freezing FrostFreezing Frost 2 set: Glacio DMG +10%.
5 set: Glacio DMG +10% after releasing Basic Attack or Heavy Attack. This effect stacks up to 3 times, each stack lasts 15s.
Wuthering Waves - Frosty ResolveFrosty Resolve 2 set: Resonance Skill DMG +12%
5 set: Casting Resonance Skill grants 22.5% Glacio DMG Bonus for 15s and casting Resonance Liberation increases Resonance Skill DMG by 18%, lasting for 5s. This effect stacks up to 2 times.
Wuthering Waves - Gusts of WelkinGusts of Welkin 2 set: Aero DMG +10%.
5 set: Inflicting Aero Erosion on enemies increases Aero DMG for all Resonators in the team by 15%, and for the Resonator triggering this effect by an additional 15%, lasting for 20s.
Wuthering Waves - Lingering TunesLingering Tunes 2 set: ATK +10%.
5 set: While on the field, ATK increases by 5% every 1.5s. This effect stacks up to 4 stacks. Outro Skill DMG +60%.
Wuthering Waves - Midnight VeilMidnight Veil 2 set: Havoc DMG +10%.
5 set: When Outro Skill is triggered, deal additional 480% Havoc DMG to surrounding enemies, and grants the incoming Resonator 15% Havoc DMG Bonus for 15s.
Wuthering Waves - Molten RiftMolten Rift 2 set: Fusion DMG +10%.
5 set: Fusion DMG +30% for 15s after releasing Resonance Skill.
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit CloudsMoonlit Clouds 2 set: Energy Regen +10%.
5 set: After using Outro Skill, increases the ATK of the next Resonator by 22.5% for 15s.
Wuthering Waves - Rejuvenating GlowRejuvenating Glow 2 set: Healing Bonus +10%.
5 set: Increases the ATK of all party members by 15% for 30s upon healing allies.
Wuthering Waves - Sierra GaleSierra Gale 2 set: Aero DMG +10%.
5 set: Aero DMG +30% for 15s after releasing Intro Skill.
Wuthering Waves - Sun-sinking EclipseSun-sinking Eclipse 2 set: Havoc DMG +10%.
5 set: Havoc DMG +7.5% after releasing Basic Attack or Heavy Attack. This effect stacks up to 4 times, each stack lasts 15s.
Wuthering Waves - Tidebreaking CourageTidebreaking Courage 2 set: Energy Regen +10%.
5 set: Increase the Resonator's ATK by 15%. Reaching 250% Energy Regen increases all Attribute DMG by 30% for the Resonator.
Wuthering Waves - Void ThunderVoid Thunder 2 set: Electro DMG +10%.
5 set: Electro DMG +15% after releasing Heavy Attack or Resonance Skill. This effect stacks up to 2 times, each stack lasts 15s.

There are 15 Sonata Effects in the game, each having different bonuses including additional damage, healing, or energy regen.

List of All Characters (Resonators)

What Are Sonata Effects?

Echo Set Bonuses

Wuthering Waves - 5 Set Bonus Sonata Effect Active

Sonata Effects are the set bonuses given by equipping Echoes with the same Sonata. These are only activated when there are either two or five Echoes of the same Sonata equipped to your resonators. It's possible to have two different 2-set effects or one 5-set effect per character.

Same Echoes Don't Count

Having two of the same Echo equipped will increase your stats but will not count toward Sonata Effects. Phantom Echoes are simply skins for Echoes, so they do not count as well.

Nightmare Echoes Are Considered Different

Nightmare Sonata Effect

It is possible to activate the Sonata Effect by having an Echo and its Nightmare version as these are counted as separate Echoes by the game.

All Nightmare Echoes and Locations

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Echoes Guide

List of Echoes and Sonata Effects

All Echoes Guides

List of Echoes by Cost

Echoes by Cost
4-Cost 3-Cost 1-Cost

List of Echoes by Sonata Effect

Sonata Effects
Freezing Frost Freezing Frost Molten Rift Molten Rift Void Thunder Void Thunder
Sierra Gale Sierra Gale Celestial LightCelestial Light Sun-sinking Eclipse Sun-sinking Eclipse
Rejuvenation GlowRejuvenation Glow Moonlit CloudsMoonlit Clouds Lingering TunesLingering Tunes
Frosty ResolveFrosty Resolve Eternal RadianceEternal Radiance Midnight VeilMidnight Veil
Empyrean AnthemEmpyrean Anthem Tidebreaking CourageTidebreaking Courage Wuthering Waves Gusts of Welkin Gusts of Welkin

List of Echoes by Class

Echo Classes
Calamity Overlord Elite Common


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