Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Best Fishing Ability to Unlock First

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

What Fishing Ability to Unlock First

Fishing Abilities help out in the fishing experience in Wuthering Waves's Version 2.1 event. Check out the best abilities to unlock while progressing, as well as top priorities to consider to maximize earnings!

Which Key Ability to Unlock First

Fishing Ability Unlock Priority

There are three paths to take note of while going through the Fishing Ability tree. The first three rows are the main Abilities to unlock, which involve the fishing minigame itself.

The fourth row are complementary Abilities that add on to the fishing minigame, as well as help in certain situations. They can be upgraded at your leisure; the important part is to focus on the first three rows.

Cargo Capacity First

Base Cargo Capacity

The most crucial upgrade above everything else is the ability to increase cargo capacity. This allows players to increase the amount of fish they can carry, and accommodate larger fish found in certain locations.

How to Arrange Cargo while Fishing

Acceleration and Sailing Speed Second

Old Man and the Whale Look For Fishing Spots

Get the Sailing Speed upgrade row right after increasing cargo capacity. The first node will give you a second charge of Acceleration, while the next two upgrades will passively increase the boat's traversal speed.

Fishing Progress Last

How to Fish
The last upgrade node to prioritize is the Fishing Progress. The fishing minigame is simple, if not a little tricky to time the hits right. Each node will increase the rate of finishing the completion bar when you do the fishing minigame, but in terms of importance, this can take a backseat to cargo capacity and sailing speed.

Which Secondary Ability Upgrade to Unlock FIrst

Ability Upgrade Rankings

Rank Ability Effect
1 Gondola Spur TrainingGondola Spur Training Special spur training designed for gondolas. Train Rachel to further reduce its Acceleration cooldown.
2 TrawlTrawl An advanced trawl kit that allows Trawl to yield catches of even higher quality.
3 BaitBait Traditional bait used in the Riccioli Islands. Equipped to unlock Baiting, which creates a fishing spot that yields larger quantities and higher-quality sea creatures you caught before in the area.
4 Sweet Puff TubeSweet Puff Tube An enhanced tube that improves the efficiency of Bampuffs.
5 Wonder BubbleWonder Bubble Wonder Bubbles are full of wonders! Wonder Bubbles may ensnare catches of higher quality now.
6 Nautical LightNautical Light A modified ship light that reduces the Nautical Light cooldown.

Prioritize Gondola Spur Training

Dash Gondola.png

The top Ability Upgrade to unlock first is the Gondola Spur Training, as it helps increase Rachel's overall speed, allowing you to get to Fishing Points and the Dock faster for more convenience.

Other Ability Rankings Explained

Gondola Spur Training Tooltip

In second are the Trawl upgrades, as they can largely boost your passive income. The Bait and Sweet Puff Tube upgrades are useful, but are lower on the list due to their limited nature since they require items from the shop.

The Wonder Bubble can be left for later, as while it boosts passive income, the fish from it are generally of a lower rarity. Lastly, the Nautical Light is not as necessary so long as you don't linger in Ghost Medusa spawn areas.

Which Character Ability to Unlock First

Unlock Rover's Riccioli Islands Biology

Fishing Rover Ability Unlock Priority

Among the abilities available for the Rover, the recommended one to unlock first is Riccioli Islands Biology, which boosts the selling price of fish. In the long term, this is an overall increase of income that will make it easier to unlock more Fishing Abilities over time.

Unlock Phoebe's Forbidden Scrolls

Fishing Phoebe Ability Unlock Priority

Forbidden Scrolls is the recommended ability to unlock first from Phoebe's side. This increases the chances to fish a mutant, which has much more value compared to a regular fish when sold.

What are Fishing Abilities?

Upgrades to Make Fishing Easier Overall

The Fishing Abilities help make the fishing experience easier as you progress in both the story and in the fishing minigame itself. Make sure to spend some of the Riccioli Fishing Coins to earn more!

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

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Old Man and the Whale Event Guide

Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks

All Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks
How to Arrange Cargo Best Fishing Ability to Unlock First
How to Farm Fishery Coin Legendary Fish Locations
How to Increase Fame List of all Fish
How to Get Fish No. 70 -

Old Man and the Whale Quests

All Old Man and the Whale Quests
Set Sail! Pro Angler! Love in the Time of Fishing
Where All Fish Converge Old Man and the Whale
I Alone Survived -


5 Anonymous18 days

You'll eventually unlock a quest called The Sailor's Treasure and another called Woman in Mask that give you the materials

4 Anonymous18 days


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