Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Vigil of Endless Night Quest Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Vigil of Endless Night

Vigil of Endless Night is an Exploration Quest at the Mt. Firmament region in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock Vigil of Endless Night, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

How to Unlock Vigil of Endless Night

Complete Ch. 1, Act 7: Thaw of Eons

Wuthering Waves - Thaw of Eons

To unlock Vigil of Endless Night, players must finish the main quest Chapter 1, Act 7: Thaw of Eons. The problems in Mt. Firmament must be solved before Vigil of Endless Night unlocks.

Chapter 1 Act 7 Thaw of Eons Quest Guide

Vigil of Endless Night Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Chenpi in Jinzhou
  2. Enter The Cave and Use The Chrono Sign
  3. Go Down and Avoid the Lasers
  4. Solve the Laser Puzzle
  5. Interact With the Prototype Chronosorter
  6. Go to the First Security Node
  7. Go to the Second Security Node
  8. Go to the Third Security Node
  9. Defend the Third Node!
  10. Go to the Fourth Node
  11. Investigate the Info Tablet and Go to the Chronosorter
  12. Defeat Two Lumiscale Constructs
  13. Activate the Chronosorter
  14. Go Back to Chenpi to Finish the Quest

Talk to Chenpi in Jinzhou

Talk to Chenpi in Jinzhou

To start the quest, players must talk to Chenpi about a certain key. He will then ask you to go to Woodveil Hall, a new underground area that unlocks in Version 1.2. Enter the cave and go down the slide until the game teaches you about the Chrono Sign.

Enter The Cave and Use The Chrono Sign

Enter the Cave and Use the Chrono Sign

Use the newly obtained device to open the gates. Step on the switch to retract the pillars then use the Chrono Sign to freeze the pillars in time. Enter and defeat all the enemies you see.

Use Chrono Signs to Freeze Objects and Enemies

02b - How to Use the Chrono Sign

The Chrono Sign is a device that you can use to freeze moving objects and enemies for a while. This is especially useful when solving puzzles and aiding in fights.

Go Down and Avoid the Lasers

Go Down and AVoid the Laser

Follow the quest marker and open the hole blocked by pillars. Step on the switch and use the Chrono Sign to freeze the retracted pillar and go down.

Take Note of the Clang Bang Puzzle

Solve the ClangBang Puzzle.png

While going down, you will be able to enter a room with an Echo: Clang Bang puzzle. Solve the puzzle by aligning the echo on the lower right of the formation. A sub-room will open containing a purple chest.

Solve the Laser Puzzle

Solve the Laser Puzzle

After reaching the bottom of the hole, you will be greeted with a pillar laser puzzle. Use the Chrono Sign and freeze the Pillar when the Laser is aligned with the receiver on top of the door.

Interact With the Prototype Chronosorter

Interact with the Prototype Chronosorter

The quest will ask you to interact with the Prototype Chronosorter. Afterwards, it will be revealed that you need to solve three security node puzzles to activate the Chronosorter.

Go to the First Security Node

Go to the First Security Node

Follow the quest marker and activate the first security node. This will be a defense battle and you have to make sure that the security node's integrity does not fall to 0%. Failing to defend the node will be an automatic failure and you have to repeat the battle again.

The enemies here are pretty hard which includes Havoc, Glacio, and Fusion Dreadmanes as well as two Spearbacks. If you're feeling overwhelmed, remember to use your Chrono Sign to freeze the enemies for a short while and deal as much damage as possible.

How to Defend the Security Nodes

Go to the Second Security Node

Second Security Node

The second security node is easier to finish, as you only need to step on the switch and freeze the pillars so the laser aligns with the receiver. Once frozen, run to the node and activate it to finish this sub-quest.

Go to the Third Security Node

Go to the Third Node

Follow the quest marker to the third security node found high above the ceiling of the cave. To go here, climb up the cliff until you arrive at a Chronosorter. Move the selector to the middle and cross the floating platform. Once across, go inside the room until you reach the third node.

Don't forget to unlock the Resonance Beacon so you can go back to this area again in the future.

Unlock and Defend the Third Node!

Defend the Third Node

Unlock the third node by shooting the source of the shield enveloping the node. You can use the newly unlocked Hoverdroid: Shooter to shoot them even with a melee character.

The third node is quite similar to the first node - you have to defend the security node to activate it. This time, it will be harder as the enemies that will attack the node are four (4) Glacio Dreadmanes and two (2) Lightcrushers. The enemies can easily overwhelm the node and cause a failure unless you know what to do.

How to Defend the Security Nodes

Use Chrono Signs to Defeat Enemies!

Use Chrono Signs to Defeat the Enemies

To successfully defend the node, you have to use your Chrono Sign to freeze enemies and defeat them while in this state. Unless you do this, the enemies can deplete the node's integrity within seconds.

Go to the Fourth Node

14 - Interact with the Fourth Node

Go to the location marked and go to the fourth node. For this, you have to solve a Clang-Bang puzzle and break the ice floor. After falling down, solve the laser puzzle to unlock the fourth and final node.

Investigate the Info Tablet and Go to the Chronosorter

Interact with the Tablet and Go to the Chronosorter.png

After defending the third node, follow the quest marker and interact with an info tablet. Afterwards, go to the Chronosorter and interact with it.

Defeat Two Lumiscale Constructs

Defeat the Lumiscale Constructs

Before you can interact with the Chronosorter, you will be interrupted by two Lumiscale Constructs. Defeat them with your best team and remember to use your Chrono Sign to freeze them in time for free hits!

Activate the Chronosorter

Activate the Chronosorter

After defeating the Lumiscale Constructs, activate the Chronosorter to play a cutscene.

Go Back to Chenpi to Finish the Quest

Go Back to Chenpi

After the cutscene, go back to Chenpi in Jinzhou to finish the quest. You will be able to keep the Chrono Sign, but it can only be used inside Woodveil Hall.

Trophy Unlock - Lesson Number 5: Live A Bit

After the quest, a new trophy will unlock called Lesson Number 5: Live A Bit. This will net you with free 10 Astrites!

Vigil of Endless Night Information

Vigil of Endless Night Quest Information
Required Union Lvl None
Quest Location Mt. Firmament
Version Release 1.2

Vigil of Endless Night Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Vigil of Endless Night Quest Rewards

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All Mt. Firmament Exploration Quest Guides

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Glorious Loong's Pearl The Last Rite Mirrored Loong's Pearl Peak of the Arch-Shaped Rock
Vigil of Endless Night Where the Waterfalls Meet


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