Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

All Tactical Hologram: Calamity Locations and How to Unlock

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Wuthering Waves - All Tactical Hologram: Calamity Locations and How to Unlock

Tactical Hologram: Calamity are optional boss fights with increased difficulty levels in Wuthering Waves. Check out all Tactical Hologram: Calamity locations, how to unlock them, and their rewards.

All Tactical Hologram: Calamity Locations

Tactical Hologram: Tempest Mephis

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Tempest Mephis Location

The Tactical Hologram for Tempest Mephis is found around Settle Range. You can reach it through the Resonance Beacon for the Port City of Guixu.

Tempest Mephis Echo Skill: W75

Tactical Hologram: Impermanence Heron

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Impermanence Heron Location

Impermanence Heron's Tactical Hologram is near the Wuming Bay Resonance Beacon. It should be around the southern part of the Corroded Ruins.

Impermanence Heron Echo Skill: H72

Tactical Hologram: Mourning Aix

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Mourning Aix Location

The Tactical Hologram for Mourning Aix is found in Whining Aix's Mire. It's located to the East of the regular Boss Challenge for Mourning Aix.

Mourning Aix Echo Skill: H73

Tactical Hologram: Feilian Beringal

Wuthering Waves -  Tactical Hologram Feilian Beringal Location

Tactical Hologram: Feilian Beringal is found near the southern Wenye Beach Resonance Beacon around the Dim Forest area.

Feilian Beringal Echo Skill: H71

How to Unlock Tactical Hologram: Calamity

Unlocks at Union Level 27

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Calamity Unlocks at Union Level 27

Tactical Hologram: Calamity unlocks once you reach Union Level 27. You'll also receive a notification in the map screen that a new difficulty is open for Tactical Hologram: Calamity.

How to Increase Union Level

What is Tactical Hologram: Calamity?

Boss Fights With Increased Difficulty

Each Tactical Hologram: Calamity pits you against a certain Echo with 6 different difficulty levels. As the difficulty level increases, so does the boss' level and the value of the rewards you get. These challenges are much harder than their regular Boss Challenges as they have new moves and stronger attacks.

As a note, you can only select a harder difficulty level if you've beaten the prior difficulty level. Prioritize upgrading your Resonators, Weapons, and Echoes before taking on these challenges.

Special Mechanisms at Higher Difficulty Levels

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Calamity Special Mechanisms
Starting Difficulty V, Special Mechanisms will be added. Special Mechanisms are added difficulty modifiers, making higher difficulties of Tactical Hologram: Calamity a true test of your skills in battle.

Gives Echoes and Data Sets as Rewards

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Calamity Rewards
Beating a Tactical Hologram: Calamity for the first time rewards you with some Astrite and a 4 or 5-star Echo of the boss, depending on the difficulty.

Exchange Data Sets in Simulation Training Store

Wuthering Waves - Data Set Simulation Training Shop

You also get Data Sets which can be exchanged at the Simulation Training Store for Echo materials and even Phantom Echoes.

Simulation Training Store Location

Rewards Can Only be Claimed Once

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Calamity First Clear Rewards

You can only claim rewards a single time after defeating a certain difficulty level since these are challenges and not an actual world or weekly boss fight.

Records Your Time to Defeat the Boss

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Calamity Records

The game will also record your time to defeat the boss on each difficulty level. This is a great way to test your team composition and builds since you can check your clear time and compare it with other players.

No Co-Op Play

As Tactical Hologram: Calamity is meant to be a test of skill, there is no co-op or multiplayer when taking these challenges.

Is Wuthering Waves a Multiplayer Game?

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List of All Bosses

All Boss Guides

Boss Guides
All Boss Locations All Weekly Bosses
All World Bosses Tactical Hologram: Calamity


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