Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Chapter 1 Act 5 Rewinding Raindrops Quest Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Rewinding Raindrops

Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops is the fifth Act in Chapter 1 of the Main Quest in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock Rewinding Raindrops, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

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Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades Chapter 1 Act 6: Grand Warstorm

Rewinding Raindrops Find a Way to Turn On Electricity

How to Find a Way to Turn On Electricity
1 Find a Way to Turn On Electricity
Go to the Upper Level
Search the Room for Clues
Pick Up the Second Green Induction Cell in the Middle of the Room
Pick Up the First Green Induction Cell from the Previous Room
Pick Up the Third Green Induction Cell and Place It on the Transducer
Place the Red and Green Induction Cells on the Next Room
Fight Off the Tacet Discords
Activate the Device on the Wall
Take the Elevator to the Basement

Go to the Upper Level

You need to find the Induction Cells that you will use to activate the facility's elevator.

Follow the yellow marker leading to the upper level. Use the Levitator utility on the green Induction Cell next to Encore and place it on the leftmost green colored switch to open the red barrier behind Encore.

Induction Cells and Transducers Puzzle Guide

Search the Room for Clues

Enter the newly opened room and interact with the two holograms.

Pick Up the Second Green Induction Cell in the Middle of the Room

Second Green Induction Cell Location
Room with Two Green Switches Location

After interacting with the two holograms, the quest objective will switch back to "Find a way to turn on electricity".

Inside the room, pick up the second green Induction Cell in the middle and bring it outside towards the next room with two green colored switches. Place the Induction Cell on one of the green switches.

Pick Up the First Green Induction Cell from the Previous Room

Go back to where Encore is standing and pick up the first green Induction Cell from the leftmost green switch and bring it towards the room with two green colored switches.

Place the Induction Cell on the other green colored switch to open the red barrier.

Pick Up the Third Green Induction Cell and Place It on the Transducer

Third Green Induction Cell Location
Transducer Location

Head inside the room and pick up the third green Induction Cell beside the hologram of the treasure chest. Place the Induction Cell on the Transducer in the middle of the room to change its color from green to red.

Place the Red and Green Induction Cells on the Next Room

Pick up the red Induction Cell and bring it towards the next room that has a green switch and a red switch.

Place the red Induction Cell on the red switch and a green Induction Cell on the green switch to open the red barrier.

Fight Off the Tacet Discords

Enter the room and defeat all the Tacet Discords that spawn.

Activate the Device on the Wall

Spinning Mechanism Location
Spinning Mechanism Puzzle Location

Follow the yellow marker towards the spinning mechanism puzzle in the middle of the room.

Spin each layer of the disk so that the blue pathways connect and form an inverted L-shape to activate the device.

How to Find a Way to Turn On Electricity

Take the Elevator to the Basement

Head back to the entrance of the facility and find the circular device. Interact with it to head down the facility's basement.

How to Unlock Rewinding Raindrops

Reach Union Level 21

Unlocking Rewinding Raindrops requires you to raise your Union Level to 21. You can complete other quests in the Quest Log and side quests in the open world to raise your Union Level.

How to Increase Union Level

Reach SOL3 Phase Rank 3

Wuthering Waves - SOL3 Ascension Phase Quest
In order to reach Union Level 21, you need to complete the SOL3 Phase Ascension: Phase I Tutorial Quest to raise your SOL3 Phase to Rank 3. This allows you to increase your Union Level.

How to Raise Your SOL3 Phase Level

Complete Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades

Rewinding Raindrops automatically appears on the quest log once you complete the Clashing Blades main quest. However, you need to reach Union Level 21 before you can start the quest.

Chapter 1 Act 4 Clashing Blades Quest Guide

Rewinding Raindrops Walkthrough

Rewinding Raindrops Walkthrough
1 Jinzhou
Meet Up with Yangyang and Chixia
Find Linsu
Go to the Waterfall Behind the Square
2 Behind the Waterfall Area
Follow the Flowers
Talk to Yangyang
Locate Where the Sound is Coming From
Find a Suitable Place to Lure Out Your Stalker
3 Jinzhou
Meet Up with Yangyang
Look for Aalto
Talk to Aalto and Encore
4 Court of Savantae Facility
Go to the Court of Savantae Facility
Solve the Spinning Mechanism Puzzle
5 Find a Way to Turn On Electricity
Search the Room for Clues
Pick Up the Second Green Induction Cell in the Middle of the Room
Pick Up the First Green Induction Cell from the Previous Room
Pick Up the Third Green Induction Cell and Place It on the Transducer
Place the Red and Green Induction Cells on the Next Room
Fight Off the Tacet Discords
Activate the Device on the Wall
Take the Elevator to the Basement
6 Defeat the Mech Abomination
7 Meet Aalto at the Entrance

Meet Up with Yangyang and Chixia

Head to the upper level of Jinzhou's city hall and find Yangyang and Chixia on the right side of the area.

Find Linsu

Find Linsu nearby and talk to her.

Go to the Waterfall Behind the Square

Head to the waterfall behind the square and go through it to find a shortcut to the back of the mountain.

Follow the Flowers

As you reach the location of the yellow quest marker, several flowers will appear on the ground. Follow the trail of flowers leading to the top of the mountainside and to a field of flowers.

Talk to Yangyang

After talking to Verina, find Yangyang near the dirt road and talk to her.

Locate Where the Sound is Coming From

Follow the yellow marker until you reach an area with two Fractsidus members. Defeat them to progress the quest objective.

Find a Suitable Place to Lure Out Your Stalker

Follow the yellow marker until a short cutscene plays zooming out to show the mountainside.

From there, a timer will appear and you will need to jump on the mushrooms and use the Grapple to make your way to the top of the mountainside.

Meet Up with Yangyang

Head back to Jinzhou and talk to Yangyang.

Look for Aalto

Mist Figure 1 Location
Mist Figure 2 Location
Mist Figure 3 Location

In the next sequence, you need to find and interact with 3 mist figures around Jinzhou to find Aalto's location. Each mist figure can be found surrounded by groups of people.

Talk to Aalto and Encore

Head to the area south of Plateau Ruins and talk to Aalto and Encore.

You can also fast travel to the Huanglong-Whining Aix's Mire-Fallen Grave Resonance Beacon if you have activated it to quickly find them.

Go to the Court of Savantae Facility

Follow the marker as you make your way to the Court of Savantae Facility. A cutscene will play as you reach its location.

Solve the Spinning Mechanism Puzzle

Press the Switch and Rotate buttons on the lower-right corner to spin each layer of the disk so that the blue pathways connect and form an inverted L-shape to unlock the door to the Court of Savantae Facility.

Find a Way to Turn On the Electricity

In the next sequence, you need to find the Induction Cells around the upper level that you will use to activate the facility's elevator.

Follow the yellow marker leading to the upper level. Use the Levitator utility on the green Induction Cell next to Encore and place it on the leftmost green colored switch to open the red barrier behind Encore.

Search the Room for Clues

Enter the newly opened room and interact with the two holograms.

Pick Up the Second Green Induction Cell in the Middle of the Room

Second Green Induction Cell Location
Room with Two Green Switches Location

After interacting with the two holograms, the quest objective will switch back to "Find a way to turn on electricity".

Inside the room, pick up the second green Induction Cell in the middle and bring it outside towards the next room with two green colored switches. Place the Induction Cell on one of the green switches.

Pick Up the First Green Induction Cell from the Previous Room

Go back to where Encore is standing and pick up the first green Induction Cell from the leftmost green switch and bring it towards the room with two green colored switches.

Place the Induction Cell on the other green colored switch to open the red barrier.

Pick Up the Third Green Induction Cell and Place It on the Transducer

Third Green Induction Cell Location
Transducer Location

Head inside the room and pick up the third green Induction Cell beside the hologram of the treasure chest. Place the Induction Cell on the Transducer in the middle of the room to change its color from green to red.

Place the Red and Green Induction Cells on the Next Room

Pick up the red Induction Cell and bring it towards the next room that has a green switch and a red switch.

Place the red Induction Cell on the red switch and a green Induction Cell on the green switch to open the red barrier.

Fight Off the Tacet Discords

Enter the room and defeat all the Tacet Discords that spawn.

Activate the Device on the Wall

Spinning Mechanism Location
Spinning Mechanism Puzzle Location

Follow the yellow marker towards the spinning mechanism puzzle in the middle of the room.

Spin each layer of the disk so that the blue pathways connect and form an inverted L-shape to activate the device.

Take the Elevator to the Basement

Head back to the entrance of the facility and find the circular device. Interact with it to head down the facility's basement.

Defeat the Mech Abomination

At the bottom of the basement is a boss arena where you need to defeat the Mech Abomination. Encore joins your team as a trial resonator for this sequence.

Meet Aalto at the Entrance

After defeating the Mech Abomination, exit the facility to find Aalto and Encore outside. A cutscene will play once you get near the two.

Talking to Aalto for the Second Time Starts a Point of No Return

After the cutscene ends, a notice pop-up window will appear indicating that proceeding with the next quest objective leads to a temporary point of no return.

If you wish to proceed and complete this main quest, talk to Aalto to activate another cutscene. This leads you immediately to the start of the next main quest, Grand Warstorm.

Rewinding Raindrops Information

Rewinding Raindrops Quest Information
Questline Chapter 1
Required Union Lvl Union Level 21
Quest Location Jinzhou
Version Release 1.0

Rewinding Raindrops Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Rewinding Raindrops Quest Rewards
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100

If the Melody Rings True Trophy

Completing Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops main quest rewards you with the If the Melody Rings True Trophy, allowing you to claim 10 Astrites.

Trophy List and Rewards

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Quests

List of Quests

List of Quest Types

All Quests Types
Main Quests Companion Stories
Exploration Quests Side Quests
Tutorial Quests Daily Quests

Main Quest Walkthrough

Prologue Chapter
1 Prologue Act 1: Utterance of Marvels: I 2 Prologue Act 2: Utterance of Marvels: II
Chapter 1 Acts 1-6
1 Chapter 1 Act 1: First Resonance 2 Chapter 1 Act 2: Echoing Marche
3 Chapter 1 Act 3: Ominous Star 4 Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades
5 Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops 6 Chapter 1 Act 6: Grand Warstorm
Chapter 1 Act 7: Thaw of Eons
1 A New Companion 2 Dreamy Scents
3 To Mt. Firmament 4 Truthseeker's Pass
5 Road of Pilgrimage 6 Mianloong Chamber
7 The Commander of Time 8 Dawn of Snowstorm
Chapter 1 Act 8: To the Shore's End
1 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 1) 2 Hidden Between the Waves
3 Legacy of the Lasting Night 4 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 2)
5 Reclaim Tomorrow From the Past 6 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 3)
7 Beyond the Shore's End - -
Chapter 2 Prologue to Act 3
1 Through the Sea Thou Break 2 The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes
3 Veils Off in Sun or Shadow 4 What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing


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