Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Yuanwu Best Builds and Teams

Wuthering Waves - Yuanwu Character Info and Kit

Yuanwu is a playable 4-star Electro Gauntlet character in Wuthering Waves (WuWa). Check out this guide for the best Yuanwu build, Yuanwu best teams, echoes, kit (skills), skill priority, and voice actor here!

Yuanwu Character Overview

Yuanwu Information

Resonator Information
Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu
Rarity ★★★★
How to Get Any Convene Banner
Voice Actor (EN) Adam Diggle

Yuanwu Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Overall
- A Rank Icon - A Rank Icon

How Would You Rate Yuanwu?

SS 5
S 9
A 1
B 1
C 2

Character Tier List

Yuanwu Stats

Lv. 1 Lv. 90
HP 682 8,525
ATK 18 225
DEF 134 1,637
Energy Regen 100% -
Crit. Rate 5% -
Crit. DMG 150% -

Stat calculations does not include the Attribute Bonuses from Yuanwu's Forte.

How Strong is Yuanwu?

• A Sub-DPS character that can reduce the enemies' Vibration Strength when using his Outro Skill or in his Lightning Infused state. A solid character to use against elites and stronger enemies
• The Thunder Wedge that his Resonance Skill summons stays on the field when he gets switched out, dealing Coordinated Attacks. A good ability that allows Yuanwu to still dish out some damage off-field
• He can be obtained for free when progressing the Tower of Adversity
• Other than Anti-interruption, he does not have any abilities at S0 that buff the team's damage or a particular element unless you equip him with a support-oriented Echo Set. Having him at S6, however, will have the Thunder Wedge buff the on-field character's DEF
• The Thunder Wedge's AoE is small for a game that has a lot of mobile enemies. You need characters that can group enemies together or immobilize bosses to stay in the Thunder Wedge's range

Yuanwu is an Sub-DPS character who has a unique kit that depletes an enemy's Vibration Strength. Sadly, the Thunder Wedge that he summons has a small range. His playstyle also involves switching in multiple times to recast his Resonance Skill, which can be overwhelming.

Yuanwu Build Guide

Yuanwu Best Build: Sub-DPS Build

Best Weapon
Alt. Weapons
Sonata Effect 5-piece
Wuthering Waves - Empyrean Anthem Empyrean Anthem
Cost Pattern ④ ③ ③ ① ①
Main Echo Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Tempest MephisNightmare: Tempest Mephis

Yuanwu Best Echo Stats

Echo Main Stats Priority
④-Cost ③-Cost ①-Cost
CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG Electro DMG DEF%
Echo Substats Tuning Priority
1. CRIT Rate ★★★
2. CRIT DMG ★★★
3. DEF% ★★
4. Res. Skill DMG Bonus ★★
5. Flat DEF ★

Yuanwu is an Electro Sub-DPS whose abilities mostly scale off his DEF stat. His Resonance Skill allows Yuanwu to summon a wedge that does not disappear when he switches out, dealing Electro DMG within an area. He also has the unique ability to decrease the enemies' Vibration Strength. So, focus on increasing his CRIT, DEF, and Electro DMG so he can deal as much damage as possible!

Yuanwu Best Echo Sets

Optimal Main Echo

Main Echo Explanation
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Tempest MephisNightmare: Tempest Mephis
Wuthering Waves - Electro Wuthering Waves -
・The best Echo for Yuanwu running the Empyrean Anthem set.
・If you do not have the nightmare version yet, use the normal version for the Void Thunder set. This will lock you to the Void Thunder set though and run Yuanwu as a damage dealer.
Wuthering Waves - Bell-Borne GeocheloneBell-Borne Geochelone
Wuthering Waves - Energy Regen Wuthering Waves - Healing
・Provides general shield protection for the team when Yuanwu is your Sub-DPS.
・Increases DMG dealt and reduce incoming damage.
・Shield effect can transfer to the next character.

Echo Tier List

Yuanwu Best Sonata Effects

Echo Set Rating
Wuthering Waves - Empyrean Anthem Empyrean Anthem
★★★ - Best
Upon arriving in Rinascita, you can now get echoes with the Empyrean Anthem sonata effect. This bolsters Yuanwu's Coordinated Attack DMG so you're dealing as much damage as possible within his circular area of effect. Nightmare: Tempest Mephis is also chosen as the main echo to boost Yuanwu's Electro DMG Bonus and Resonance Skill DMG even more.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds
★★☆ - 2nd Best
Equipping Yuanwu with a 5 pc. Moonlit Clouds set allows Yuanwu to be more support-oriented since using his Outro Skill will buff the ATK of the character swapping in for a couple of seconds. Equipping Bell-borne Geochelone will increase his DEF even more and provide shielding to all Resonators taking the field.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Void Thunder Void Thunder
★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Not necessarily inferior to equipping Moonlit Clouds, but the Void Thunder set can be used instead if you want to maximize Yuanwu's damage. Using a 5 pc. Void Thunder increases Yuanwu's Electro DMG after using Heavy Attack or his Skill. Yuanwu's Skill in particular is an integral part of his playstyle which you will almost always use. If you do not have the Nightmare version yet, the normal version of the Tempest Mephis will suffice.

Recommended Main Echo:

List of All Echoes and Sonata Effects

Yuanwu Best Weapons

Best Weapons for Yuanwu Ranked

Weapon Skill
1 Wuthering Waves - Abyss Surges Abyss Surges Stormy Resolution
Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When hitting a target with Resonance Skill, increases Basic Attack DMG Bonus by 10%, lasting for 8s. When hitting a target with Basic Attacks, increases Resonance Skill DMG Bonus by 10%, lasting for 8s.
2 Wuthering Waves - Amity Accord Amity Accord Camaraderie
When Intro Skill is cast, increases Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus by 20%, lasting for 15s.
3 Wuthering Waves - Stonard Stonard Wallbreaker
When Resonance Skill is cast, increases the caster's Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus by 18%, lasting for 15s.
4 Wuthering Waves - Marcato Marcato Ceaseless Aria
When Resonance Skill is cast, restore 8 Concerto Energy. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 20s.
5 Wuthering Waves - Guardian Gauntlets Guardian Gauntlets Collective Strength
Increases Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus by 12%.
6 Wuthering Waves - Gauntlets of Voyager Gauntlets of Voyager Crusade
When Resonance Skill is cast, restores 8 Resonance Energy. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 20s.

List of All Weapons

Yuanwu Best Weapon Explained

Yuanwu's best weapon is Abyssal Surges as it provides Yuanwu an increase in his Energy Regen, allowing him to use his Ultimate sooner. The Basic Attack and Resonance Skill DMG bonus will also help Yuanwu's effectiveness in combat since both abilities are key factors to his combos. A solid 4-star alternative is Amity Accord as it increases Yuanwu's DEF and also provide some Resonance Liberation DMG bonus!

Yuanwu Best Teams

Yuanwu Free-to-Play Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi

This team contains characters that you can obtain for free. The team revolves around Yuanwu consistently using his Resonance Skill to deploy Thunder Wedge.

A lot of Yuanwu's abilities such as his Outro Skill can deplete an enemy's Vibration Strength. So, switching Yuanwu in and out of the field will eventually stagger elite and stronger enemies!

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang Support Replacement
If you are confident with your parrying and dodging skills, you can replace Baizhi for Yangyang. She can gather enemies with her Ultimate to contain them in Yuanwu's Thunder Wedge. She can also provide Resonance Energy to the Main DPS or even Yuanwu!

General Rotation

1 Yuanwu enters the battle first to use his Resonance Skill, dropping the Thunder Wedge. After that, use Yuanwu's Basic Attacks to charge the Concerto Energy. Make sure that the enemies are inside the Thunder Wedge's range.
2 When the other Resonators icons glow up, signifying that the Concerto Energy is full, switch with Rover (Spectro) for them to deal some Spectro DMG.
3 While fighting as Rover (Spectro), make sure again that enemies are inside the Thunder Wedge's AoE since this allows it to deal damage and also charges Yuanwu's Forte Gauge even when he is off-field.
4 Switch back to Yuanwu once the Concerto Energy has been fully charged. If Yuanwu's Forte Gauge is full, detonate Yuanwu's Thunder Wedge by long pressing the Resonance Skill button, then do some Basic Attacks to complete the combo.
5 If Yuanwu's Ultimate is available use it and then recast the Skill before switching out to the healer or Main DPS!
6 Repeat the steps until you defeat all the enemies.

Yuanwu Premium Electro Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

This is a premium Electro team that uses Xiangli Yao as the team's main DPS, with Yuanwu providing off-field damage. The Shorekeeper acts as the team's healer and buffer, further amping the damage of the former two.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Main DPS Replacement
As another 5-Star Electro DPS, Calcharo can also work as the main DPS of the team, carrying most of the damage.
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Support Replacement
Verina is a strong alternative Support Resonator who can provide a Damage Deepen buff, alongside Coordinated Attacks.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Support Replacement
Baizhi is a more accessible option that can provide some healing and even buff the healed characters' damage.

General Rotation

1 Start the battle with the Shorekeeper, using her Basic Attacks and Resonance Skill to charge her Resonance Liberation and Concerto Energy.
2 Once it's available, activate Shorekeeper's Resonance Liberation. Switch to Yuanwu once Concerto Energy is full.
3 Use Yuanwu's Resonance Skill on entry. Then, use his Basic Attacks to charge the Concerto Energy while also making sure that the enemies are inside the Thunder Wedge's range.
4 Once Concerto Energy is fully charged, swap to Xiangli Yao. Switching from Yuanwu to Xiangli Yao will weaken the Vibration Strength of enemies with Yuanwu's Outro Skill.
4 Use Xiangli Yao's optimal rotations to maximize his damage output on-field. Make sure that you are fighting the enemies inside the Thunder Wedge's circular field.
5 Once Xiangli Yao has completed his rotations, charge Concerto Energy to the max and switch back to Shorekeeper to have her detonate her Resonance Liberation with her Intro Skill.
6 Repeat the steps until the enemy is felled.

Yuanwu Coordinated Attack Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

Yuanwu is a free-to-play option in a team focused on Coordinated Attacks for Jinhsi. Use Yuanwu's Resonance Skill to increase Jinhsi's Incandescence stacks.

The Shorekeeper can also stack up Jinhsi's Incandescence by dealing Spectro Damage to enemies while she is on-field.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Support Replacement
Verina is a strong alternative Support Resonator who can provide a Damage Deepen buff, alongside Coordinated Attacks.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Support Replacement
Baizhi is a more accessible option that can provide some healing and even buff the healed characters' damage.

How to Play Yuanwu

Yuanwu Gameplay Guide

Use Resonance Skill to Summon Thunder Wedge

Using Yuanwu's Resonance Skill will summon Thunder Wedge on the field. The Thunder Wedge will do some Coordinated Attacks when the on-field character damages an enemy within the wedge's range.

Detonate the Thunder Wedge to Deal AoE Electro DMG

You can detonate the Thunder Wedge to deal Electro DMG when the Forte Circuit gauge is full. You can make it explode by casting Yuanwu's Ultimate or long-pressing the Resonance Skill button. Note that you enter Yuanwu's enhanced state called Lightning Infused after detonating.

How to Charge Yuanwu's Forte Circuit

Wuthering Waves - Yuanwu Forte Circuit

Yuanwu's Forte Circuit gauge gains a charge as long as Thunder Wedge is on the field. You can also obtain additional charges when it deals Coordinated Attacks. Note that you cannot charge the gauge when Lightning Infused!

Unlock Yuanwu's Second Inherent Skill to Upgrade the Resonance Skill

Wuthering Waves - Yuanwu Inherent Skill 2

Unlocking Yuanwu's second Inherent Skill increases the range of Thunder Wedge. It also allows him to automatically drop a Thunder Wedge whenever you swap him out and his Forte Circuit gauge is not full.

Cast Yuanwu's Ultimate to Deal Electro DMG to Enemies

Wuthering Waves - Yuanwu Ultimate

Using Yuanwu's Ultimate allows him to deal Electro DMG and immediately enter the Lightning Infused state.

Increased Anti-Interruption and Vibration Strength Depletion

The Lightning Infused state greatly increases anti-interruption. For Yuanwu, his Basic Attack, Heavy Attack, and Dodge Counter will have an attack speed increase and also deplete Vibration Strength faster.

Unlike the Lightning Infused state gained when detonating Thunderwing Wedge, the enhanced state gained from using Yuanwu's ultimate will persist if you swap out into a different character!

Yuanwu Depletes Vibration Strength

Ability How to Do
Outro Skill Switch Yuanwu out when the Concerto Energy is full.
Thunder Uprising As long as the Thunder Wedge is on the field, it automatically casts this ability whenever you fill up Yuanwu's Forte Circuit gauge. The damage and Vibration Strength depletion increase when unlocking his 1st Inherent Skill.
Any Attacks During the Lightning Infused State Detonate Thunder Wedge or use Yuanwu's Ultimate.

The table above contains all of Yuanwu's abilities that can decrease Vibration Strength. Vibration Strength is the white bar below an enemy's health bar. When it has been depleted, enemies will be staggered for several seconds.

Combat System Guide

Yuanwu Recommended Combos

Yuanwu Optimal Rotation Combo

Res. Skill → Switch to Main DPS → Trigger Thunder Uprising → Switch to Yuanwu → Res. Skill (long press) → Res. Skill → Lightning Infused Combos → Echo Skill (if available) → Res. Skill → Switch Out

Use Yuanwu's Resonance Skill to summon the Thunder Wedge. Switch to your Main DPS and then deal damage until the Thunder Wedge uses Thunder Uprising, releasing a shockwave.

When the Thunder Wedge casts Thunder Uprising, this means that Yuanwu's Forte Circuit gauge is already full, switch back to him to cast Rumbling Spark, detonating the Thunder Wedge if it is still on-field.

While Yuanwu is in the Lightning Infused state, recast his Resonance Skill and then attack the enemy in order to deplete their Vibration Strength. When the state ends, use Yuanwu's Resonance Skill again before switching out.

Yuanwu Lightning Infused Combos

Basic Attack Combo

BA1 → BA2 → BA3 → BA4 → BA5

Do Yuanwu's Basic Attack combo immediately when entering the Lightning Infused state.

Heavy Attack Combo

HA1 → HA2

A short combo that you can do during the Lightning Infused state is Yuanwu's Heavy Attack chain. Do this after his Basic Attack Combo.

Yuanwu Switch Out Ultimate Combo

Ultimate → Lightning Infused Combos → Res. Skill → Echo → Switch Out (trigger Outro Skill if available)

If Yuanwu's ultimate is available while following the Optimal Rotation Combo above, use it only after the Lightning Infused state gained from Rumbling Spark ends.

After casting his ultimate, continue doing the Lightning Infused Combos until the state ends. Next, use the Echo Skill of the Bell-Borne Geochelone and then switch to your Main DPS.

If you decide to switch out before the Lightning Infused state ends, your Main DPS will be able to benefit from the anti-interruption effect!

Yuanwu Materials: Ascension and Forte

Yuanwu Ascension Materials

Character Ascension Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
World Boss
Overworld Material
Shell Credit Shell Credit x170,000

Forte Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
Forgery Challenge
Weekly Boss
Shell Credit Shell Credit x2,030,000

Ascension Materials Per Rank

Character Ascension Materials
Rank 1
20 ➔ 40
Rank 2
40 ➔ 50
Rank 3
50 ➔ 60
Rank 4
60 ➔ 70
Rank 5
70 ➔ 80
Rank 6
80 ➔ 90

Total Forte Materials

Total Forte Materials
Main Nodes
Lv. 1 ➔ 10
Shell Credit Shell Credit x1,400,000
Bonus 1
Shell Credit Shell Credit x200,000
Bonus 2
Shell Credit Shell Credit x400,000
Inherent Skill 1
Inherent Skill 2

Yuanwu Skill Priority and Forte List

Skill Priority Explanation
Normal Attack ★★★☆☆ Since Yuanwu's enhanced skills are tied to his Forte Circuit, upgrading his Basic Attack has a much lower priority compared to his other abilities.
Resonance Skill ★★★★★ Yuanwu's Resonance Skill should be upgraded first since it increases almost all the damage related to Yuanwu's Thunder Wedge.
Forte Circuit ★★★★ Yuanwu's Forte Circuit is his second most important ability and upgrading it increases the damage of the enhanced Basic Attack, Heavy Attack, and Dodge Counter of his Lightning Infused state. It also improves the damage caused by casting Thunder Wedge when the Forte Gauge is full.
Resonance Liberation ★★★☆☆ Upgrading Yuanwu's Ultimate has a lower priority compared to upgrading his Resonance Skill and Forte Circuit since it only increases its damage. The main purpose of his Ultimate is to instantly enter the Lightning Infused state and grant Anti-interruption.
Intro Skill ★★☆☆☆ After upgrading all the abilities above, Yuanwu's Intro Skill should then be upgraded. Upgrading it only increases his Intro Skill's damage.

Yuanwu's Resonance Skill should be prioritized as it increases all manners of damage related to his Thunder Wedge. After that, focus on upgrading his Forte Circuit as it not only increases Thunder Wedge's damage, but also his overall damage while in the Lightning Infused state. Normal Attack and Resonance Liberation should still be upgraded, but not as much as the first two.

Also, prioritize upgrading his second Inherent Skill as soon as you're able because it expands the effective range of Yuanwu's Thunder Wedge. The skill also allows Yuanwu to drop a wedge during his Intro Skill which is great for optimizing rotations.

Normal Attack

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Basic Attack:
Yuanwu performs up to 5 consecutive attacks, dealing Electro DMG.

Heavy Attack:
Yuanwu consumes Stamina to attack the target, dealing Electro DMG.

Mid-air Attack:
Yuanwu consumes Stamina to launch a Mid-air Plunging Attack, dealing Electro DMG.

Dodge Counter:
Use Basic Attack after a successful Doge to attack the target, dealing Electro DMG.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. Electro DMG Bonus +1.80%
2. Electro DMG Bonus +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Part 1 Damage 24.70%
Part 2 Damage 26.06%*2
Part 3 Damage 10.99%*2+16.48%*2
Part 4 Damage 26.06%*2
Part 5 Damage 24.70%*2+32.94%
Heavy Attack Damage 80.00%
Mid-Air Attack Damage 49.60%
Dodge Counter Damage 57.60%*2
Heavy Attack Stamina Consumption 20
Mid-Air Attack Stamina Consumption 30

Resonance Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Leihuang Master
Thunder Wedge:
Yuanwu summons Thunder Wedge, dealing Electro DMG, and forms a Thunder Field centered on the Thunder Wedge. Thunder Wedge lasts for 12s.
Forte Circuit Rumbling Spark and Resonance Liberation Blazing Might will immediately detonate Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge on the field, dealing Electro DMG, considered as Resonance Skill Damage.

Thunder Field:
The on-field character gains the effects below when in the Thunder Field: a Coordinated Attack from Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge is triggered when attacks hit a target, dealing Electro DMG. This can be triggered once every 1.2s. The effect lasts for 1.5s.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. DEF +2.28%
2. DEF +5.32%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill Damage 12.00% DEF
Thunder Wedge Coordinated Attack Damage 4.00% DEF
Thunder Wedge Detonation Damage 30.00% DEF
Rumbling Spark Damage 54.60% DEF
Thunder Wedge Duration 12s
Cooldown 3s
Leihuang Master Con. Energy Regen 3
Rumbling Spark Con. Energy Regen 25

Forte Circuit

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Unassuming Blade
Rumbling Spark:
When “Readiness” is full, long press Resonance Skill to consume all “Readiness” and cast Rumbling Spark, dealing Electro DMG and entering the Lightning Infused state.

Thunder Uprising:
When you have full “Readiness” Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge will cast Thunder Uprising, dealing Electro DMG.

Lightning Infused:
The character in Lightning Infused state has a greatly increased anti-interruption. When Yuanwu is in this state:
-Basic Attacks: Hits targets in a large range, depletes enemy Vibration Strength faster;
-Heavy Attacks: Attack speed is increased, deplete enemy Vibration Strength faster;
-Dodge Counters: Attack speed is increased, deplete enemy Vibration Strength faster.
-Use Basic Attack within 3s after casting a Heavy Attack or a successful Counterattack to cast Thunderweaver, dealing Electro DMG, considered as Basic Attack damage;
Yuanwu does not recover “Readiness” in this state.

Yuanwu can hold up to 100 “Readiness”.
When Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge is on the field, Yuanwu gains 6 “Readiness” every second, even when he is not the on-field character; When Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge hits a target with a Coordinated Attack, Yuanwu gains 5 “Readiness”.

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Thunder Uprising Damage 20.00% DEF
Lightning Infused Basic Attack Part 1 Damage 12.35% DEF
Lightning Infused Basic Attack Part 2 Damage 13.03%*2 DEF
Lightning Infused Basic Attack Part 3 Damage 5.50%*2+8.24%*2 DEF
Lightning Infused Basic Attack Part 4 Damage 5.77%*5 DEF
Lightning Infused Basic Attack Part V Damage 8.24%*3+16.47% DEF
Lightning Infused Heavy Attack Damage 15.6% DEF
Thunderweaver Damage 15.60%+10.40%*2 DEF
Lightning Infused Dodge Counter Damage 21.76%+16.32%*2 DEF
Lightning Infused Heavy Attack Stamina Consumption 20
Lightning Infused Duration 10s

Inherent Skills

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Inherent Skill 1:
The damage multiplier of Resonance Skill Thunder Uprising is increased by 40%, and its depletion of enemy Vibration Strength is enhanced.
Inherent Skill 2:
Reserved Confidence
The range of the Resonance Skill Thunder Field and Thunder Uprising are greatly expanded. When exiting during combat, if Readiness is not full, Yuanwu will automatically leave 1 Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge in place.

Resonance Liberation

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Blazing Might
Awaken the power of thunder and provide Forte Circuit Lightning Infused status for all nearby characters for 10s, granting them increased Anti-interruption, then perform a powerful blow that deals Electro DMG.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. DEF +2.28%
2. DEF +5.32%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill Damage 88.00%*2 DEF
Cooldown 20s
Res. Energy Cost 125
Con. Energy Regen 20

Intro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Thunder Bombardment
Attack the target, causing Electro DMG.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. Electro DMG Bonus +1.80%
2. Electro DMG Bonus +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill Damage 32.00% DEF
Con. Energy Regen 10

Outro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Lightning Manipulation
Yuanwu unleashes thunderbolts in an area centered around the skill target, weakening the Vibration Strength of enemies upon impact.

Yuanwu Resonance Chain

Recommended Sequence Nodes

Why We Recommend It
S1 ★★★★☆ - Great
This Sequence Node slightly increases the speed of Yuanwu's enhanced Basic Attack and Heavy Attack, allowing you to land his combos much faster.
S2 ★★★☆☆ - Good
Provides an additional effect to Yuanwu's Intro Skill. Switching into Yuanwu will additionally recover 15 Resonance Energy, allowing him to cast his Ultimate sooner.
S3 ★★★★☆ - Great
A permanent damage buff to the Coordinate Attacks of Yuanwu's Thunder Wedge.
S4 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Casting Yuanwu's Ultimate will provide the on-field character with a shield equal to 200% of Yuanwu's DEF for 10 seconds. Given that Yuanwu has a lot of DEF, the shield will be tanky. Obtaining this Sequence Node will make Yuanwu a more support-oriented character without sacrificing his damage.
S5 ★★☆☆☆ - Okay
This Sequence Node simply buffs the damage of Yuanwu's Ultimate when Thunder Wedge is on-field.
S6 ★★★☆☆ - Good
On-field characters within the Thunder Wedge's range will gain a DEF boost. Other than Yuanwu, there are no actual Main DPS in the game that scales off DEF.

All Sequence Node Effects

S1 Steaming Cup of Justice
When Yuanwu is in Forte Circuit's Lightning Infused state, his Basic Attack Speed is increased by 20%, and his Heavy Attack Speed is increased by 20%.
S2 Fierce Heart, Serene Mind
Intro Skill Thunder Bombardment additionally recovers 15 Resonance Energy for Yuanwu.
S3 Upholder of Integrity
When the Coordinated Attacks of Resonance Skill's Thunder Wedge hits a target, the damage is additionally increased by 20% of Yuanwu's DEF.
S4 Retributive Knuckles
When casting Resonance Liberation Blazing Might, the on-field character will gain a Shield equal to 200% of Yuanwu's DEF for 10s.
S5 Neighborhood Protector
When Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge is on the field, Yuanwu's Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus is increased by 50%.
S6 Defender of All Realms
All team members nearby within the range of Resonance Skill Thunder Wedge will gain a 32% DEF increase, lasting 3s.

How to Get Yuanwu

Currently a Featured 4-Star Resonator

Limited Banner
Wuthering Waves - Neptune
Neptune's Lullaby
Wuthering Waves - End of Lost Trail
End of Lost Trail
Version 2.2 - Phase 1
March 27,2025 - April 17, 2025

Yuanwu is a featured 4-star Resonator in a Convene banner running now. Make sure to pull for a higher chance of getting Yuanwu!

Available in All Convene Banners

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Wuthering Waves - Neptune
Neptune's Lullaby
Wuthering Waves - Absolute Pulsation (Whispers of Sirens)
Absolute Pulsation (Whispers of Sirens)
Wuthering Waves - End of Lost Trail
End of Lost Trail
Wuthering Waves - Absolute Pulsation (Red Spring)
Absolute Pulsation (Red Spring)
Wuthering Waves - Tidal Chorus
Tidal Chorus
Wuthering Waves - Weapon Permanent Convene
Weapon Permanent Convene
Wuthering Waves - Utterance of Marvels
Utterance of Marvels
Wuthering Waves - Beginner
Beginner's Choice Convene Banner

Yuanwu can be summoned from all Convenes available in Wuthering Waves! Players can get Yuanwu every 10 pulls.

Obtain Yuanwu for Free

Yuanwu can also be obtained for FREE! Check out the link below to see the conditions for getting Yuanwu without pulling!

How to Get Free Characters

Yuanwu Voice Actor and Lore

Yuanwu Voice Actors

Yuanwu Voice Actor List
EN Adam Diggle
JP Shirokuma Hiroshi
CN Liu BeiChen
KR Park Sung Tae

List of All Voice Actors

Yuanwu In-Game Lore

Gender Male
Birthplace Huanglong
Affiliation Jinzhou
Basic Info Yuanwu owns a boxing gym where he teaches martial arts and health management. He is well-respected in the community for his cordial demeanor and pleasant temperament.

List of All Factions

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Characters

List of All Characters List of Character Builds

Characters by Rarity

Resonator Rarity
5-Star Characters5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters4-Star Characters

Characters by Element

Resonator Elements
Wuthering Waves - AeroAero Wuthering Waves - ElectroElectro Wuthering Waves - FusionFusion
Wuthering Waves - GlacioGlacio Wuthering Waves - HavocHavoc Wuthering Waves - SpectroSpectro

Characters by Weapon

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Gauntlet CharactersGauntlets Pistol CharactersPistol Rectifier CharactersRectifier
Sword CharactersSword Broadblade CharactersBroadblade

Other Lists of Characters

Other Resonator Lists
Female Characters Male Characters
Voice Actors Free Characters
Healers Factions
Upcoming Characters

All Playable Characters

Playable Characters
Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya
Wuthering Waves - CantarellaCantarella Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli
Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi
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4 Anonymous8 months

what build?

3 Drak9 months

def king


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