Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

1.4 Depths of Illusive Realm Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Depth of Illusive Realm 1.4 Phantasm Amass
Depths of Illusive Realm is a roguelike event that rotates per version update in Wuthering Waves. Check out how to unlock the Depths of Illusive Realm, each stage its characters, how to play it, and all rewards here!

New Updates for Depths of Illusive Realm

New Weekly Claimable Rewards

From Version 1.4, players will be able to claim extra rewards whenever you do Depths of Illusive Realm. The rewards include Morphable Echoes, enemy drops, and Resonator Upgrade materials!

Claim Up to 12 Times Weekly

Wuthering Waves - 12 Rewards Attempt

These rewards can be claimed weekly up to 12 times, then refreshes every weekly server resets on Mondays.

A Remnant Crystal will appear whenever you defeat a boss inside Depths of Illusive Realm. These could either be from Memory of Calamity doors or the final stages of any realm. You know you are fighting a boss if its health bar is on top of the screen, and after defeating them you'll get a Remnant Crystal.

Do the Hardest Difficulty Weekly

Wuthering Waves - Rewards Claiming After Bosses

As you increase the difficulty of the Illusive Realm, the number of stages will increase as well. This gives you more chances to encounter boss battles therefore minimizing the runs you need to do weekly.

New Trial Resonators for Difficulty 4 and Above

It is also confirmed that Trial resonators will change weekly for Difficulty 4 and above. If you're looking to try out a character you don't have yet, this is your chance! Based on our observations, trial characters change every Thursday at server reset.

All Trial Characters

Week #
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Week 1
(11/14 - 11/20)
Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin
Week 2
(11/21 - 11/27)
Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu
Week 3
(11/28 - 12/04)
Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi
Week 4
(12/05 - 12/11)
Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang
Week 5
(12/12 - 12/18)
Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi
Week 6
(12/19 - 12/25)
Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu
Week 7
(12/26 - 01/01)
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua

1.4 Depths of Illusive Realm Release Date and Duration

Currently Not Available

Phantasm Amass
WuWa - 1.4 Depths of Illusive Realm
November 14, 2024 - January 1, 2025

The 1.4 installment of the Depth of Illusive Realm called "Phantasm Amass" has begun last November 14, 2024 and will run for 47 days until January 1, 2025. Go through the different difficulties to get a Phantom Inferno Rider echo!

Note: Phantom echoes are just skins for the normal echo variants. They have identical stats and effects through and through.

Inferno Rider Echo and Skills: W77

Depths of Illusive Realm Stages

Difficulty 1 Guide

Trial Resonators
Mortefi IconMortefi Shorekeeper IconShorekeeper Youhu IconYouhu

Almost all Resonators can be used in Illusive Realm from Version 1.4 with the exception of Rover-Havoc and Aalto.

Difficulty 1 Guide

Difficulty 2 Guide

Trial Resonators
Calcharo IconCalcharo Lingyang IconLingyang Verina IconVerina

Almost all Resonators can be used in Illusive Realm from Version 1.4 with the exception of Rover-Havoc and Aalto.

Difficulty 2 Guide

Difficulty 3 Guide

Trial Resonators
Camellya IconCamellya Encore IconEncore -

Almost all Resonators can be used in Illusive Realm from Version 1.4 with the exception of Rover-Havoc and Aalto.

Difficulty 3 Guide

Difficulty 4 Guide

Trial Resonators
Xiangli Yao IconXiangli Yao Yinlin IconYinlin Lumi IconLumi
Memetic Tuning Available!

Almost all Resonators can be used in Illusive Realm from Version 1.4 with the exception of Rover-Havoc and Aalto.

Difficulty 4 Guide

Difficulty 5 Guide

Trial Resonators
Xiangli Yao IconXiangli Yao Yinlin IconYinlin Lumi IconLumi
Memetic Tuning Available!

Almost all Resonators can be used in Illusive Realm from Version 1.4 with the exception of Rover-Havoc and Aalto.

Difficulty 5 Guide

Difficulty 6 Guide

Trial Resonators
Xiangli Yao IconXiangli Yao Yinlin IconYinlin Lumi IconLumi
Memetic Tuning Available!

Almost all Resonators can be used in Illusive Realm from Version 1.4 with the exception of Rover-Havoc and Aalto.

Difficulty 6 Guide

How to Unlock Version 1.4 Depths of Illusive Realm

Finish Against All Odds

Wuthering Waves Against All Odds Dreamscape Odyssey Guide

For Version 1.4, you have complete the first quest of Somnium Labyrinth called Against All Odds to unlock Depths of Illusive Realm. After the quest, you are free to play this game mode until January 1, 2025.

Against All Odds Dreamscape Odyssey Guide

Reach Union Level 17

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - How to Unlock

You can unlock Depths of Illusive Realm by reaching Union Level 17.

How to Increase Union Level

Complete Somnoire: Illusive Realm Tutorial Quest

Wuthering Waves - Somnoire Illusive Realms Quest Guide.png
You also need to complete the Tutorial Quest Somnoire: Illusive Realms in order to fully unlock Depths of Illusive Realm.

Somnoire: Illusive Realms Quest Guide

How to Play Depths of Illusive Realm

Depths of Illusive Realm Process Guide

  1. Select Your Character
  2. Adjust Difficulty and Reward Rate in Memetic Tuning
  3. Select Your Upgrades
  4. Gain Symphony Rank Buffs
  5. Clear Memory Rooms
  6. Defeat Bosses to Claim Weekly Reards
  7. Purchase More Metaphors with Dream Fragments
  8. Gain Permanent Buff from Tokens
  9. Defeat the Memory of Endgame
  10. Upgrade Yourself With Thought Evolution

Select Your Character

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Character Select

Before you start a stage, you need to select a character. You can either use the Trial Characters provided by the event or select any of the approved characters you own to tackle the stage.

You cannot use a character in the Unavailable Character section.

Memetic Tuning Adjusts Difficulty and Reward Rate

Memetic Tuning is introduced in Dreams Ablaze in Darkness. It affects your gameplay through Depths of Illusive Realm stages by adjusting its difficulty and reward rates. Tuning is usually found in the more difficult stages of the game usually starting from Difficulty 4.

It has two types: Reverie Memes, which will decrease the difficulty and the reward rate, and Nightmare Memes, which will increase it once you clear a stage.

Select Your Upgrades

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Select Character Upgrades

Once you've started a stage, you will first encounter NPCs that provide you with Echoes, Character Upgrades, and Metaphors you can use. Make sure to select the Echo and Metaphors that synergize well with your character.

List of Character Upgrades

Upgrade Your Echo

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Echo Ability Upgrade

Your Echo can be upgraded by collecting Metaphors during a Depths of Illusive Realm run. To fulfill the requirements, you must select a Metaphor that provides an elemental energy to unlock Additional Abilities.

List of Metaphors

Gain Symphony Rank Buffs in Combat

Symphony Ranking Buffs your Resonators
The new Depths of Illusive Realm: Dreams Ablaze in Darkness introduces the Symphony Rank, which buffs your resonator the more you fight well.

Symphony Rank Buff Effects
Symphony Ranking - A Dodge Counter DMG increased by 100%
Symphony Ranking - S After performing a Dodge Counter, the Cooldown of all skills is reduced by 30%.
Symphony Ranking - SS Crit. Rate and Crit. DMG are increased by 100%, and your Symphony Rank will not drop below SS for a brief time.

Conditions for High Symphony Rank

Raise Symphony Rank Lower Symphony Rank
Continuous Combos
Use Resonance Skill
Perfect Dodge
Defeat an enemy
Use Resonance Liberation
X Receive Damage
X No combos or have not attacked for a certain period of time

Perfect dodging, counterattacking, or defeating an enemy will raise your symphony ranks while getting hit or not attacking for a certain period of time will lower it.

Clear Memory Rooms

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Gameplay

When you enter Memory rooms, do your best to successfully clear it to collect more Metaphors. These range from defeating enemies within a time limit to protecting a Defense Shield from enemies.

List of Memory Doors and Illusia Encounters

Defeat Bosses to Claim Weekly Rewards

Wuthering Waves - Rewards Claiming After Bosses

From Version 1.4, players will be able to claim extra rewards by defeating a total of 12 boses weekly. Bosses are usually behind Memory of Conflict doors so if you're looking to just complete rewards, choose that door!

Purchase More Metaphors with Dream Fragments

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Purchasing Metaphors in Memory of Rest

When you enter Memory of Rest rooms, you can heal your character and shop for more Metaphors using the Dream Fragments you've collected during the current Depth of Illusive Realm run.

Gain Permanent Buffs from Tokens

Permanent Token Buffs
While they can also be handed out by NPCs within a stage, these Tokens are separate from the Metaphors. They are permanent and the more beneficial the buffs are, the greater the catch for each.

For example, the Sacrifice Token increases your Resonance Skill DMG, but casting it will consume your stamina.

Defeat the Memory of Endgame to Collect Rewards

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Defeat the Boss in Memory of Endgame

The final room, Memory of Endgame, is a boss fight. Use the Metaphors and Upgrades you've collected to defeat the final boss within the time limit to collect the rewards!

Upgrade Yourself With Thought Evolution

Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive Realm - Thought Evolution

If you're having a hard time clearing a stage, you can go to the Thought Evolution menu to receive permanent upgrades when you play Depths of Illusive Realm.

Use the Memory Points you've collected from playing Depths of Illusive Realm to give your characters an upgrade.

Depths of Illusive Realm Rewards

Illusive Store Rewards

Unlocked From The Start

Reward Price
Claim Qty
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100
Illusive Specimen x100

Wuthering Waves- Advanced Resonance Potion Icon Advanced Resonance Potion
Illusive Specimen x8

Wuthering Waves- Advanced Energy Core Icon Advanced Energy Core
Illusive Specimen x8

Wuthering Waves- Shell Credit Icon Shell Credit x10,000
Illusive Specimen x5


Required: Clear Difficulty 2

Reward Price
Claim Qty
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100
Illusive Specimen x100


Required: Clear Difficulty 3

Reward Price
Claim Qty
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100
Illusive Specimen x100

Wuthering Waves- Premium Sealed Tube Icon Premium Sealed Tube
Illusive Specimen x25

Wuthering Waves- Premium Resonance Potion Icon Premium Resonance Potion
Illusive Specimen x20

Wuthering Waves- Premium Energy Core Icon Premium Energy Core
Illusive Specimen x20


Required: Clear Difficulty 4

Reward Price
Claim Qty
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100
Illusive Specimen x100

Wuthering Waves- Projection: Formless Broadblade Icon Projection: Formless Broadblade
Illusive Specimen x500

Wuthering Waves- Projection: Formless Sword Icon Projection: Formless Sword
Illusive Specimen x500

Wuthering Waves- Projection: Formless Gauntlets Icon Projection: Formless Gauntlets
Illusive Specimen x500

Wuthering Waves- Forgery Medium Supply Icon Forgery Medium Supply
Illusive Specimen x5

Wuthering Waves- Medium Enclosure Tank Icon Medium Enclosure Tank
Illusive Specimen x2

Wuthering Waves- Shell Credit Icon Shell Credit x10,000
Illusive Specimen x5


Required: Clear Difficulty 5

Reward Price
Claim Qty
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100
Illusive Specimen x100

Wuthering Waves Phantom Inferno RiderPhantom: Inferno Rider
Illusive Specimen x750

Wuthering Waves- Projection: Formless Pistol Icon Projection: Formless Pistol
Illusive Specimen x500

Wuthering Waves- Projection: Formless Rectifier Icon Projection: Formless Rectifier
Illusive Specimen x500

Wuthering Waves- Malleable Elite Class Echo I Icon Malleable Elite Class Echo I
Illusive Specimen x200

Wuthering Waves- Malleable Elite Class Echo II Icon Malleable Elite Class Echo II
Illusive Specimen x200

Wuthering Waves- Premium Tuner Icon Premium Tuner x10
Illusive Specimen x30


Required: Clear Difficulty 6 Once

Reward Price
Claim Qty
Wuthering Waves- Advanced Sealed Tube Icon Advanced Sealed Tube
Illusive Specimen x10

Wuthering Waves- Advanced Enclosure Tank Icon Advanced Enclosure Tank
Illusive Specimen x6

Wuthering Waves- Shell Credit Icon Shell Credit x10,000
Illusive Specimen x10

Wuthering Waves- Morphable Overlord Class Echo Icon Morphable Overlord Class Echo
Illusive Specimen x20

Wuthering Waves- Morphable Elite Class Echo Icon Morphable Elite Class Echo
Illusive Specimen x20

Wuthering Waves- Morphable Common Class Echo Icon Morphable Common Class Echo
Illusive Specimen x20


Stage Rewards

Stage Rewards
Diff 1 Depths of Illusive RealmDifficulty 1 First-clear:
Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x100

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x100
Memory Points Memory Points x40
Diff 2 Depths of Illusive RealmDifficulty 2 First-clear:
Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x150

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x150
Memory Points Memory Points x60
Diff 3 Depths of Illusive RealmDifficulty 3 First-clear:
Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x200

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x300
Memory Points Memory Points x90
Diff 4 Depths of Illusive RealmDifficulty 4 First-clear:
Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x250

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x400
Memory Points Memory Points x120
Diff 5 Depths of Illusive RealmDifficulty 5 First-clear:
Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x300

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x420
Memory Points Memory Points x126
Diff 6 Depths of Illusive RealmDifficulty 6 First-clear:
Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x350

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x460
Memory Points Memory Points x165

Anomaly Investigation Rewards

Anomaly Investigation I

Objective Rewards
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Camellya 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Lumi 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Youhu 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Shorekeeper 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Encore 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Verina 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Calcharo 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Lingyang 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15
Complete any difficulty of Phantasm Amass with Mortefi 1 time. Astrite Astrite x15

Anomaly Investigation II

Objective Rewards
Unlock all nodes in Thought Evolution. Astrite Astrite x30
Use 3 different Resonators to clear any difficulty of Phantasm Amass once. Premium Resonance Potion Premium Resonance Potion x2
Use 5 different Resonators to clear any difficulty of Phantasm Amass once. Premium Resonance Potion Premium Resonance Potion x3
Use 0 different Resonators to clear any difficulty of Phantasm Amass once. Premium Resonance Potion Premium Resonance Potion x4
Use 4 different Concerto Resonators to challenge any difficulty of Phantasm Amass once. Premium Resonance Potion Premium Resonance Potion x3
Claim Rewards at the Remnant Crystal 9 times. Premium Tuner Premium Tuner x10
Complete 5 Memory of Unknown zones. Premium Energy Core Premium Energy Core x2
Complete 5 Memory of Deathmatch zones. Premium Energy Core Premium Energy Core x2

Anomaly Investigation III

Objective Rewards
Clear any difficulty of Phantasm Amass once with a Reward Rate of 150% or higher. Astrite Astrite x10
Use 3 different Echoes to challenge any difficulty in Phantasm Amass once. Astrite Astrite x10
Activate the fourth Illusification of any Echo. Astrite Astrite x15
Clear Phantasm Amass VI. Premium Tuner Premium Tuner x10
Clear Phantasm Amass IV. Premium Sealed Tube Premium Sealed Tube x2
Clear Phantasm Amass V. Premium Sealed Tube Premium Sealed Tube x4
Challenge Phantasm Amass IV once. Premium Tuner Premium Tuner x10

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5 Anonymous3 months

ok nvm this the game just never explain it or they did and i am just stpid but either way i figured it out just leaving this here incase any1 having the same problem. after you pick your echo and token enter the door and defeat the first group of enemies and choose the Bridged Dreamscape door to pick up a resonators..

4 Anonymous3 months

I cant figure out how to do the "Use 4 different concerto resonators to challenge any difficulty of Phantasm Amass once." when i enter any of the Phantasm Amass there no resonator to choose. mayb im just stpid.


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