Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

List of 1-Cost Echoes and Stats

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

1-Cost Echoes are the most basic form of Echoes in Wuthering Waves. Check out a list of all 1-Cost Echoes, how to get them, and their possible stats.

List of All 1-Cost Echoes

No Echo Possible Sonata Effects Echo Skill
W27 Wuthering Waves - Aero PredatorAero Predator
Summon an Aero Predator to deal Aero DMG.
N15 Wuthering Waves - Aero PrismAero Prism
Summon an Aero Prism to deal Aero DMG to enemies.
H06 Wuthering Waves - Baby Viridblaze SaurianBaby Viridblaze Saurian
Transform into a Baby Viridblaze Saurian, rest in place to restore HP.
S11 Wuthering Waves - Calcified JunrockCalcified Junrock
R09 Wuthering Waves - Chest MimicChest Mimic
Summon a Chest Mimic to deal consecutive Spectro DMG to enemies.
H02 Wuthering Waves - ChirpuffChirpuff
Summon a Chirpuff to blast a powerful gust of wind. Deals Aero DMG and knocks enemies back.
R01 Wuthering Waves - Chop Chop: HeadlessChop Chop: Headless
Summon a Chop Chop: Headless to deal Fusion DMG to enemies.
R02 Wuthering Waves - Chop Chop: LeftlessChop Chop: Leftless
Summon a Chop Chop: Leftless to deal Spectro DMG to enemies.
R03 Wuthering Waves - Chop Chop: RightlessChop Chop: Rightless
Summon a Chop Chop: Rightless to deal Havoc DMG to enemies.
G05 Wuthering Waves - Clang BangClang Bang
Summon a Clang Bang that follows the enemy and eventually self-combusts, dealing Glacio DMG.
H12 Wuthering Waves - CruisewingCruisewing
Summon a Cruisewing to heal friendly units.
H11 Wuthering Waves - DiamondclawDiamondclaw
Transform into Diamondclaw to enter a Defense Stance. Counterattack to deal Physical DMG.
R08 Wuthering Waves - Diggy DuggyDiggy Duggy
Transform into Diggy Duggy and deal Physical DMG to enemies.
H22 Wuthering Waves - Dwarf CassowaryDwarf Cassowary
Summon a Dwarf Cassowary to attack, dealing Physical DMG.
W25 Wuthering Waves - Electro PredatorElectro Predator
Summon an Electro Predator to fire a rain of arrows, dealing Electro DMG.
H05 Wuthering Waves - ExcaratExcarat
Transform into Excarat to quickly advance and become immune to damage.
R04 Wuthering Waves - Fae IgnisFae Ignis
Summon a Fae Ignis to deal Havoc DMG to enemies.
S09 Wuthering Waves - Fission JunrockFission Junrock
Summon a Fission Junrock for healing. If not in combat, it picks up minerals or plants nearby for you.
H25 Wuthering Waves - Frostscourge StalkerFrostscourge Stalker
Summon a Frostscourge Stalker to deal Glacio DMG to enemies.
H09 Wuthering Waves - Fusion DreadmaneFusion Dreadmane
Summon a Fusion Dreadmane to fiercely strike the enemies, dealing Fusion DMG.
N12 Wuthering Waves - Fusion PrismFusion Prism
Summon a Fusion Prism that deals Fusion DMG with crystal shards.
W30 Wuthering Waves - Fusion WarriorFusion Warrior
Transform into Fusion Warrior to block enemy attacks. Deal Fusion DMG and reduce this Echo Skill's CD when the block is successful.
H23 Wuthering Waves - Galescourge StalkerGalescourge Stalker
Summon a Galescourge Stalker to heal nearby party members.
W26 Wuthering Waves - Glacio PredatorGlacio Predator
Summon a Glacio Predator to throw ice spears and deal Glacio DMG.
N11 Wuthering Waves - Glacio PrismGlacio Prism
Summon a Glacio Prism that deals Glacio DMG with crystal shards.
S10 Wuthering Waves - Golden JunrockGolden Junrock
H01 Wuthering Waves - GulpuffGulpuff
Summon a Gulpuff to blow bubbles and cause Glacio damage.
N13 Wuthering Waves - Havoc PrismHavoc Prism
Summon a Havoc Prism that deals Havoc DMG with crystal shards.
W31 Wuthering Waves - Havoc WarriorHavoc Warrior
Transform into a Havoc Warrior to continuously deal Havoc DMG.
H15 Wuthering Waves - HoartoiseHoartoise
Transform into a Hoartoise and slowly restore HP.
R06 Wuthering Waves - Hocus PocusHocus Pocus
Summon a Hocus Pocus to deal consecutive Havoc DMG to enemies.
H19 Wuthering Waves - HooscampHooscamp
Transform into Hooscamp Flinger and pounce, dealing Aero DMG.
H21 Wuthering Waves - Lava LarvaLava Larva
Summon a Lava Larva that continuously attacks enemies, dealing Fusion DMG.
R07 Wuthering Waves - Lottie LostLottie Lost
Summon a Lottie Lost to deal Spectro DMG to enemies.
R05 Wuthering Waves - Nimbus WraithNimbus Wraith
Summon a Nimbus Wraith to heal the active Resonator.
H08 Wuthering Waves - Sabyr BoarSabyr Boar
Summon a Sabyr Boar to charge and deal Physical DMG.
G02 Wuthering Waves - Snip SnapSnip Snap
Summon a Snip Snap that throws fireballs, dealing Fusion DMG.
N14 Wuthering Waves - Spectro PrismSpectro Prism
Summon a Spectro Prism that deals Spectro DMG with laser.
G04 Wuthering Waves - Tick TackTick Tack
Summon a Tick Tack that deals Havoc DMG and reduces enemy Vibration Strength.
X54 Wuthering Waves - Traffic IlluminatorTraffic Illuminator
Summon a Traffic Illuminator to immobilize the enemies.
S08 Wuthering Waves - Vanguard JunrockVanguard Junrock
Summon a Vanguard Junrock that charges forward, dealing Physical DMG to enemies in its path.
H24 Wuthering Waves - Voltscourge StalkerVoltscourge Stalker
Summon a Voltscourge Stalker to deal Electro DMG to enemies.
G01 Wuthering Waves - Whiff WhaffWhiff Whaff
Summon a Whiff Whaff that deals Aero DMG and produces a Low-pressure Zone.
S05 Wuthering Waves - Young RoseshroomYoung Roseshroom
Summon a Baby Roseshroom to fire a laser, and deal Havoc DMG.
G03 Wuthering Waves - Zig ZagZig Zag
Summon a Zig Zag that deals Spectro DMG, and creates a Stagnation Zone.

How to Get 1-Cost Echoes

Defeat Enemies in the Overworld

1-Cost Echoes can simply be obtained by defeating regular enemies scattered around the overworld. These are the most common types of Echoes you can find, making them very easy to obtain.

Complete Tacet Fields

Wuthering Waves - Complete Tacet Fields
Tacet Fields are areas in the game where you will fight several waves of Tacet Discords. These can reward Echoes of certain a Sonata and Tubes for Echo EXP. These unlock at Union Level 19 and require Waveplates to redeem rewards.

Waveplate Recharge Rate and How to Restore

All 1-Cost Echo Main Stats

Rarity 2

Attribute +0 Stat +10 Stat
ATK% 2.2% 5.8%
DEF% 2.2% 5.8%
HP% 2.8% 7.4%
HP (2nd Line) 114 296

Rarity 3

Attribute +0 Stat +15 Stat
ATK% 2.4% 8.1%
DEF% 2.4% 8.1%
HP% 3.0% 10.3%
HP (2nd Line) 152 516

Rarity 4

Attribute +0 Stat +20 Stat
ATK% 2.7% 11.3%
DEF% 2.7% 11.3%
HP% 3.4% 14.3%
HP (2nd Line) 228 957

Rarity 5

Attribute +0 Stat +25 Stat
ATK% 3.6% 18.0%
DEF% 3.6% 18.0%
HP% 4.5% 22.8%
HP (2nd Line) 456 2280

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Echoes Guide

List of Echoes and Sonata Effects

All Echoes Guides

List of Echoes by Cost

Echoes by Cost
4-Cost 3-Cost 1-Cost

List of Echoes by Sonata Effect

Sonata Effects
Freezing Frost Freezing Frost Molten Rift Molten Rift Void Thunder Void Thunder
Sierra Gale Sierra Gale Celestial LightCelestial Light Sun-sinking Eclipse Sun-sinking Eclipse
Rejuvenation GlowRejuvenation Glow Moonlit CloudsMoonlit Clouds Lingering TunesLingering Tunes
Frosty ResolveFrosty Resolve Eternal RadianceEternal Radiance Midnight VeilMidnight Veil
Empyrean AnthemEmpyrean Anthem Tidebreaking CourageTidebreaking Courage

List of Echoes by Class

Echo Classes
Calamity Overlord Elite Common


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