Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Jianxin Best Builds and Teams

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Jianxin Character Info and Kit

Jianxin is a playable 5-star Aero Gauntlet character in Wuthering Waves (WuWa). Check out this guide for the best Jianxin build, Jianxin best teams, echoes, kit (skills), skill priority, and voice actor here!

Jianxin Character Overview

Jianxin Information

Resonator Information
Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin
Rarity ★★★★★
How to Get Permanent Convene
Voice Actor (EN) Ioanna Kimbook

Jianxin Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Overall
A Rank Icon A Rank Icon - A Rank Icon

How Would You Rate Jianxin?

SS 0
S 0
A 0
B 0
C 0

Character Tier List

Jianxin Stats

Lv. 1 Lv. 90
HP 1129 14,112
ATK 27 337
DEF 92 1,124
Energy Regen 100% -
Crit. Rate 5% -
Crit. DMG 150% -

Stat calculations does not include the Attribute Bonuses from Jianxin's Forte.

How Strong is Jianxin?

・Resonance Liberation is great for grouping mobs
・Forte Circuit can provide shielding
・Resonance Skill can negate an enemy's attack
・Outro Skill can buff the next character's Resonance Liberation
・Has lower ATK than most other 5-Star characters
・Doesn't have an innate Aero DMG Boost
・Resonance Liberation is less effective against heavier enemies

Jianxin is a versatile DPS and Sub-DPS Hybrid that can provide crowd-control with her Resonance Liberation and party-wide shields with her Forte Circuit. Her Outro Skill buffs the next character's Resonance Liberation.

While Jianxin is amazing against AoE scenarios, she struggles against heavier enemies due to her crowd-control only being effective on light enemies.

Jianxin Build Guide

Jianxin Best Build: Crowd Control Sub-DPS Build

Best Weapon
Alt. Weapons
Sonata Effect 5-piece
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds
Cost Pattern ④ ③ ③ ① ①
Main Echo Wuthering Waves - Impermanence HeronImpermanence Heron

Jianxin Best Echo Stats

Echo Main Stats Priority
④-Cost ③-Cost ①-Cost
CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG Aero DMG or Energy Regen ATK%
Echo Substats Tuning Priority
1. Energy Regen % ★★★
2. CRIT Rate ★★
3. CRIT DMG ★★
4. ATK% ★★
5. Res. Liberation DMG Bonus ★

Jianxin excels as a Sub-DPS thanks to her Ultimate and Intro Skill grouping enemies, and her Outro Skill buffing the next character's Resonance Liberation DMG. She can also double as an off-tank thanks to her Resonance Skill being able to absorb attacks and her Forte Circuit healing her and reducing damage taken which she can then pass to the next character taking the field. Pair this with a 5-pc Moonlit Clouds set, and your main DPS unit will be unstoppable.

Jianxin Best Echo Sets

Optimal Main Echo

Main Echo Explanation
Wuthering Waves - Impermanence HeronImpermanence Heron
Wuthering Waves - Energy Regen
・Restores Jianxin's Resonance Energy so she can cast her Ultimate more.
・Increases the next character's DMG dealt, good for a semi-support role for Jiaxin.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Feilian BeringalNightmare: Feilian Beringal
Wuthering Waves - Aero
・Increases Jianxin's overall Aero DMG.
・Great when using Jianxin as a damage dealer.
・Use Felian Beringal if you don't have access yet to Rinascita.

Echo Tier List

Jianxin Best Sonata Effects

Echo Set Rating
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds
★★★ - Best
The 5 pc. Moonlit Clouds set makes Jianxin lean towards a more supportive build by increasing her Energy Regen Rate and by buffing the next character used after her Outro Skill. Note that this set is best used on a more rotation heavy or Resonance Liberation focused team comp.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Sierra Gale Sierra Gale
★★☆ - 2nd Best
A 5 pc. Sierra Gale set makes Jianxin lean towards a more offensive build by increasing the damage of her Aero attacks.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Sierra Gale Sierra Gale
Wuthering Waves - Lingering Tunes Lingering Tunes
★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Use this set if you don't have a 5 pc. set with the ideal stats. This will give her a good balance of generic Aero and ATK Boosts. Optionally, you could also replace Lingering Tunes with Moonlit Clouds if you want extra Energy Regen instead of ATK.

Recommended Main Echo:

List of All Echoes and Sonata Effects

Jianxin Best Weapons

Best Weapons for Jianxin Ranked

Weapon Skill
1 Wuthering Waves - Abyss Surges Abyss Surges Stormy Resolution
Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When hitting a target with Resonance Skill, increases Basic Attack DMG Bonus by 10%, lasting for 8s. When hitting a target with Basic Attacks, increases Resonance Skill DMG Bonus by 10%, lasting for 8s.
2 Wuthering Waves - Marcato Marcato Ceaseless Aria
When Resonance Skill is cast, restore 8 Concerto Energy. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 20s.
3 Wuthering Waves - Gauntlets#21D Gauntlets#21D Mastermind
When the Resonator dashes or dodges, increases ATK by 8%. Increases Dodge Counter DMG by 50%, lasting for 8s. When Dodge Counter is performed, heals the Resonator by 5% of their Max HP. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 6s.
4 Wuthering Waves - Stonard Stonard Wallbreaker
When Resonance Skill is cast, increases the caster's Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus by 18%, lasting for 15s.
5 Wuthering Waves - Gauntlets of Night Gauntlets of Night Assemble
When Intro Skill is cast, increases ATK by 8%, lasting for 10s.
6 Wuthering Waves - Guardian Gauntlets Guardian Gauntlets Collective Strength
Increases Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus by 12%.

List of All Weapons

Jianxin Best Weapon Explained

Ideally, Jianxin wants Gauntlets that can either boost her damage output or increase her Energy Regen for more Ult casts. Abyss Surges is the best choice for this since it offers both stat increases, but you can use any of the other weapons listed above if you don't have it or someone else has them equipped.

Jianxin Best Teams

Jianxin Sub-DPS Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

Jianxin is a great Sub-DPS for someone like Calcharo since his attacks, like Heavy Attack: Death Messenger, counts as Resonance Liberation damage and get boosted from her Outro Skill. The Shorekeeper provides potent buffs to the former two Resonators, while also providing some damage with her butterflies.

As a note, you can replace Calcharo with any other character that likes to spam their Ultimate Ability. Just make sure that the damage counts as Resonance Liberation damage since Jianxin's Resonance Liberation Boost doesn't affect enhanced attacks unless it's explicitly stated like in Calcharo or Encore's Forte Circuit descriptions.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - Rover (Havoc)Rover (Havoc) DPS Replacement
Havoc Rover can benefit greatly from Jianxin's Resonance Liberation amplification.
Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli DPS Replacement
Changli's burst potential with her Resonance Liberation also increases when paired with Jianxin because of her Resonance Liberation Amplification.
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Support Replacement
As another 5-Star Support, Verina's Damage Deepen can buff both Jianxin and the team's Main DPS, while also providing consistent healing.
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Support Replacement
Baizhi is a free-to-play option who can provide a ton of healing.

General Rotation

1 Start the battle with Shorekeeper, and use her Basic Attacks and Resonance Skill to generate Flare Star and Dim Star Butterflies.
2 Fill up Concerto Energy, then use Shorekeeper's Resonance Liberation followed by her Outro Skill through swapping to Jianxin.
3 Cycle through Jianxin's kit to build her Forte Gauge. Use Jianxin's Forte Circuit to gain a shield, and her Resonance Liberation to group enemies. Then, swap to Calcharo with full Concerto Energy.
4 With Jianxin's Outro Skill buff, build up to and use Calcharo's Resonance Liberation. Try to use as many Dodge Counters as possible to maximize the Resonance Liberation DMG Boost.
5 As Calcharo, fill up Concerto Energy to the max, then swap back to Shorekeeper to detonate her Resonance Liberation Field.
6 Repeat the steps until the enemy is felled.

How to Play Jianxin

Jianxin Gameplay Guide

Charge Forte to Use Heavy Attack

How to Gain
Chi Stacks
・Basic Attack
・Heavy Attack (uncharged)
・Mid-air Attack
・Dodge Counter
・Tap Resonance Skill
・Long Press Resonance Skill
・Intro Skill

Resonance Skill doesn't need to hit enemies to get Chi.

Jianxin's general playstyle revolves around charging her Forte Circuit gauge by stacking Chi. Listed above are the abilities that can generate Chi.

Resonance Skill Parrries Attacks

Jianxin's Resonance Skill can parry attacks, even from bosses, by holding down the Resonance Skill button. She does not take damage when this ability triggers. But, if you release the button, Jianxin will deal Aero DMG.

Use Heavy Attack: Primordial Chi Spiral

After filling up Jianxin's Forte Circuit gauge, use Heavy Attack: Primordial Chi Spiral by long pressing the Baic Attack button. This starts Zhoutian Progress.

Charged Heavy Attack Explained

Wuthering Waves - Jianxin

How to Use Heavy Attack When the Forte Circuit gauge is full, hold Heavy Attack to increase Jianxin's anti-interruption, deal continuous Aero DMG, and slowly consume Chi. Release the button when you reach your desired Zhoutian progression.
Zhoutian Progress
[Before Minor Zhoutian]
・This occurs if Chi consumption has yet to reach ①.
・Gains a shield.
・Deals Aero DMG when the Heavy Attack button is released.
[Minor Zhoutian]
・This occurs if Chi consumption reaches ①.
・Gains a stronger shield compared to the one above. Also, casts Shock to deal Aero DMG.
・Deals Aero DMG again when the Heavy Attack button is released.
[Major Zhoutian: Inner]
・This occurs if Chi consumption reaches ②.
・Gains a stronger shield compared to the one above.
・Has the same damage-related abilities as Minor Zhoutian.
[Major Zhoutian: Outer]
・This occurs if you fully consume Jianxin's Chi.
・Provides the same shield as Major Zhoutian: Inner and also casts Shock.
・Aim to reach this progression to maximize the shield and damage provided by the ability.

The table above lists the different stages that can be reached when you continue to hold down Jianxin's Heavy Attack. You ideally want to consume all Chi to maximize the abilities' effect. It is also worth noting that the shield that it provides will also heal the on-field character!

Cast Ultimate to Gather Enemies

Jianxin's ultimate simply pulls in enemies to the center of the wind field and deals continuous Aero DMG. When the wind field disappears, it deals Aero DMG again to affected targets. This ability is great to use before swapping out to a different character!

Jianxin Recommended Combos

Optimal Rotation Combo

Intro Skill → Res. Lib → Res. Skill (Hold) → Basic Attack Combo x2 → Heavy Attack - Primordial Chi Spiral → Echo → Outro

Start by using Jianxin's Intro Skill followed by her Resonance Liberation. Afterwards, use Jianxin's Resonance Skill on hold and do two full Basic Attack combos to collect the maximum Chi and fill up Concerto energy.

Once her Chi is full, hold down the Heavy Attack until the animation ends. Finally, use Jianxin's Echo and switch to the DPS character to have their Resonance Liberation DMG Amplified.

Jianxin Materials: Ascension and Forte

Jianxin Ascension Materials

Character Ascension Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
World Boss
Overworld Material
Shell Credit Shell Credit x170,000

Forte Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
Forgery Challenge
Weekly Boss
Shell Credit Shell Credit x2,030,000

Ascension Materials Per Rank

Character Ascension Materials
Rank 1
20 ➔ 40
Rank 2
40 ➔ 50
Rank 3
50 ➔ 60
Rank 4
60 ➔ 70
Rank 5
70 ➔ 80
Rank 6
80 ➔ 90

Total Forte Materials

Total Forte Materials
Main Nodes
Lv. 1 ➔ 10
Shell Credit Shell Credit x1,400,000
Bonus 1
Shell Credit Shell Credit x200,000
Bonus 2
Shell Credit Shell Credit x400,000
Inherent Skill 1
Inherent Skill 2

Jianxin Skill Priority and Forte List

Skill Priority Explanation
Normal Attack ★★★☆☆ Whenever Jianxin isn't using her Ult or Forte Circuit, she'll be attacking to generate Concerto and Resonance Charges. Upgrade her Basic Attack after her Resonance Liberation and Forte Circuit, but remember to not neglect it and leave it too low level.
Resonance Skill ★★☆☆☆ The damage increase from leveling this skill up is nice, but Jianxin's Resonance Skill should still be mainly used to negate an attack rather than for the damage that it deals.
Forte Circuit ★★★★★ While upgrading this skill is great for the damage boost it'll get, its biggest draw is that it also increases the Shield and Healing that you get. This is extremely useful for supporting your team, especially if you don't have a dedicated Shielder/Healer.

You can swap this skill's upgrade priority with her Resonance Liberation if you prefer damage over safety.
Resonance Liberation ★★★★ Jianxin's Ultimate is one of her most important abilities since it groups up enemies while dealing a lot of damage. Upgrading this skill is a high priority since it will greatly improve your efficiency at killing mobs.

As mentioned above, you can also swap this skill's upgrade priority with her Forte Circuit if you so choose.
Intro Skill ☆☆☆☆ While her Intro Skill is great for grouping enemies without having to use her Ult, it's still the lowest priority upgrade when compared to every other skill that she has.

Since Jianxin will most of the time focus on healing and shielding allies while dealing damage, focus on upgrading her Forte Circuit first to improve on those aspects. Afterward, go for her Resonance Liberation to improve damage while grouping enemies.

Normal Attack

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Basic Attack:
Jianxin performs up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Aero DMG.

Heavy Attack:
Jianxin consumes Stamina to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG.

Mid-air Attack:
Jianxin consumes Stamina to plunge and unleash a powerful kick, dealing Aero DMG.

Dodge Counter:
Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. Crit. Rate +1.20%
2. Crit. Rate +2.80%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Part 1 Damage 34.94%
Part 2 Damage 13.40%*2+40.19%
Part 3 Damage 21.00%*4
Part 4 Damage 57.04%
Heavy Attack Damage 63.41%
Mid-Air Attack Damage 62.00%
Dodge Counter Damage 20.54%*2+82.14%
Heavy Attack Stamina Consumption 20
Mid-Air Attack Stamina Consumption 30

Resonance Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Calming Air
Hold Resonance Skill to enter Parry Stance.
Chi Counter:
When Jianxin is attacked in the Parry Stance, she does not take damage and immediately performs Chi Counter, dealing Aero DMG.

Chi Parry:
Release the Resonance Skill button during Parry Stance to interrupt Parry Stance and perform Chi Parry, dealing Aero DMG.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. Attack +1.80%
2. Attack +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Chi Counter Damage 168.30%
Chi Parry Damage 130.14%
Cooldown 12s
Skill Con. Energy Regen 8
Chi Counter Con. Energy Regen 14
Chi Parry Con. Energy Regen 14

Forte Circuit

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Primordial Chi Spiral
Heavy Attack - Primordial Chi Spiral:
When Chi reaches max stacks, hold Heavy Attack to cast Primordial Chi Spiral and start Zhoutian Progress.

Zhoutian Progress:
Jianxin's anti-interruption is increased, and her damage taken is reduced by 50%:
Jianxin continuously consumes Chi and casts Chi Strike to attack targets nearby, dealing Aero DMG.
As Zhoutian Progress accumulates, Jianxin reaches different Zhoutian and gain effects accordingly.
Before Minor Zhoutian: Gain Zhoutian Progress 1 shield. When Zhoutian Progress is interrupted, cast Pushing Punch to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG.
Minor Zhoutian: Gain Zhoutian Progress 2 shield and cast Shock to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG. When Zhoutian Progress is interrupted, cast Yielding Pull to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG.
Major Zhoutian: Inner: Gain Zhoutian Progress 3 shield and cast Shock to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG. When Zhoutian Progress is interrupted, cast Yielding Pull to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG.
Major Zhoutian: Outer: Gain Zhoutian Progress 3 shield and cast Shock to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG. When you release Basic Attack button, interrupt Zhoutian Progress and lose all Chi;
When all Chi is consumed, end Zhoutian Progress.
When Zhoutian Progress ends, regain a shield according to the Zhoutian Progress you reached; As the shield provided by Heavy Attack: Primordial Chi Spiral presists, restore HP for the on-field character once every 6s.

Jianxin can hold up to 120 Chi.
Chi is obtained when a Normal Attack Fengyiquan hits the target.
Chi is obtained when the Resonance Skill Calming Air is cast.
Chi is obtained when the Resonance Skill Chi Counter or Resonance Skill Chi Parry hits the target.
Chi is obtained when the Intro Skill Essence of Tao hits the target.

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Pushing Punch Damage 125.00%
Zhoutian Progress Continuous Damage 12.50%
Minor Zhoutian Shock Damage 70.00%
Major Zhoutian - Inner Shock Damage 190.00%
Major Zhoutian - Outer Shock Damage 260.00%
Yielding Pull Damage 110.00%
Incomplete Minor Zhoutian Final Shield 437+17.06%
Minor Zhoutian Final Shield 875+34.13%
Major Zhoutian - Inner Final Shield 1750+68.25%
Major Zhoutian - Outer Final Shield 2915+113.70%
Shield Healing 700+27.30%
Shield Duration 30s
Pushing Punch Con. Energy Regen 10
Minor Zhoutian Con. Energy Regen 5
Major Zhoutian - Inner Con. Energy Regen 18
Major Zhoutian - Outer Con. Energy Regen 23
Yielding Pull Con. Energy Regen 7

Inherent Skills

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Inherent Skill 1:
Formless Release
Damage of Resonance Liberation Purification Force Field is increased by 20%.
Inherent Skill 2:
The Shield obtained with Heavy Attack Primordial Chi Spiral is increased by 20%.

Resonance Liberation

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Purification Force Field
Creates a strong wind field, continuously pulling targets within the wind field to the center and causing Aero DMG. When the wind field disappears, it will cause Aero DMG to all targets within the range again.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. Attack +1.80%
2. Attack +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Resonance Liberation Continuous Damage 15.00%
Resonance Liberation Explosion Damage 320.00%
Wind Field Duration 3.12s
Cooldown 20s
Res. Energy Cost 150
Con. Energy Regen 20

Intro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Essence of Tao
Pull in targets within the range, dealing Aero DMG.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. Crit. Rate +1.20%
2. Crit. Rate +2.80%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill Damage 17.00%*3+34.00%
Con. Energy Regen 10

Outro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
The next character (or other characters on a nearby team that activates an Outro Skill) gains 38% Resonance Liberation DMG Amplified for 14s or they are switched off field.

Jianxin Resonance Chain

Recommended Sequence Nodes

Why We Recommend It
S1 ★★★☆☆ - Good
This Sequence Node is great since it will help you quickly max out her Chi and get the strongest possible Shield from her Forte Circuit. While it's not the most important upgrade out there, it's still a wonderful buff to have if you can get it.
S2 ★★★★☆ - Great
Having an extra charge to counterattacks is an amazing upgrade to get since it gives an extra layer of safety during fights. The extra charge also allows you to generate more Concerto Energy every time you hit an enemy with her Resonance Skill.
S3 ☆☆☆☆☆ - Unimportant
While the extra damage from Chi Parry turning into Chi Counter is nice, this ability should still be mainly used to negate an attack rather than for the damage that it deals.
S4 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Having an upgrade to her Ult's damage after using her Forte Circuit is amazing since you'll want to swap out to your Main DPS after using her Ult. The combination of her Outro Skill buff, Forte Circuit defenses, and Resonance Liberation damage will help your Main DPS safely destroy a wave of enemies.
S5 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Similar to her S4 upgrade, increasing the range of Jianxin's Ult is amazing since it will allow you to suck in even more enemies to quickly kill off with your Main DPS. This is especially great against enemies that spawn relatively far apart and wouldn't get CC'd without the upgrade.
S6 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Jianxin's final Sequence is overloaded with amazing buffs to her kit. This upgrade allows her to cancel a 1 charge Forte Circuit and immediately counter with a heavily empowered Resonance Skill for free. On top of that, she will also gain a Zhoutian Progress 4 Shield, which cannot be obtained without this upgrade!

If you plan on heavily investing in your Jianxin, then this is a must-have skill to get since it heavily improves both her DPS and Supportive capabilities.

Unlock All Sequence Nodes if You Can

While Jianxin's S1 and S2 upgrades are great buffs to get, she really starts to shine the more levels you get in her Resonance Chain. Admittedly, her S3 isn't that great outside of a DPS boost, but everything after that more than makes up for it.

If you plan on using her in the long run, even after newer characters are added to the game, then heavily investing in her Resonance Chain becomes well worth it.

All Sequence Node Effects

S1 Verdant Branchlet
After casting Intro Skill Essence of Tao, Jianxin gains 100% extra Chi from Basic Attacks for 10s.
S2 Tao Seeker's Journey
Resonance Skill Calming Air can be used 1 more time.
S3 Principles of Wuwei
After staying in the Parry Stance of Resonance Skill Calming Air for 2.5s, Resonance Skill Chi Counter becomes immediately available.
S4 Multitide Reflection
When performing Forte Circuit Heavy Attack: Primordial Chi Spiral, Jianxin's Resonance Liberation Purification Force Field damage is increased by 80% for 14s.
S5 Mirroring Introspection
The range of Resonance Liberation Purification Force Field is increased by 33%.
S6 Truth from Within
During Forte Circuit Heavy Attack: Primordial Qi Spiral, if Jianxin performs Pushing Punch, enhanced Resonance Skill Special Chi Counter can be used 1 time(s) in 5s. Special Chi Counter: Deals Aero DMG equal to 556.67% of Jianxin's ATK, considered as Heavy Attack DMG. Obtain a Zhoutian Progress 4 Shield (Benefits from Inherent Skill Reflection's bonus effect.)

How to Get Jianxin

Pull from Character Banners

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Wuthering Waves - With Hushed Whispers
With Hushed Whispers
Wuthering Waves - Tidal Chorus
Tidal Chorus
Wuthering Waves - Utterance of Marvels
Utterance of Marvels
Wuthering Waves - Beginner
Beginner's Choice Convene Banner

Jianxin is a 5-star standard character that can be currently summoned from all Character Convenes listed above!

Jianxin can appear on Limited Banners by losing 50/50, and Standard Character Banners!

Jianxin Voice Actor and Lore

Jianxin Voice Actors

Jianxin Voice Actor List
EN Ioanna Kimbook
JP Chika Anzai
CN Yu Zhang
KR Lee Sang-ho

List of All Voice Actors

Jianxin In-Game Lore

Gender Female
Birthplace Huanglong
Affiliation Jinzhou
Basic Info Jianxin, a Taoist monk and successor of Fengyiquan, has dedicated her life to mastering the ultimate martial art. With the power to harness and transform environmental Chi, she can create protective barriers that purify both body and mind.

List of All Factions

Jianxin Splash Art

Wuthering Waves - Jianxin Splash Art Jianxin's Splash Art
See Full Image

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Characters

List of All Characters List of Character Builds

Characters by Rarity

Resonator Rarity
5-Star Characters5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters4-Star Characters

Characters by Element

Resonator Elements
Wuthering Waves - AeroAero Wuthering Waves - ElectroElectro Wuthering Waves - FusionFusion
Wuthering Waves - GlacioGlacio Wuthering Waves - HavocHavoc Wuthering Waves - SpectroSpectro

Characters by Weapon

Characters by Weapon
Gauntlet CharactersGauntlets Pistol CharactersPistol Rectifier CharactersRectifier
Sword CharactersSword Broadblade CharactersBroadblade

Other Lists of Characters

Other Resonator Lists
Female Characters Male Characters
Voice Actors Free Characters
Healers Factions
Upcoming Characters

All Playable Characters

Playable Characters
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta
Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang
Wuthering Waves - PhoebePhoebe Wuthering Waves - RocciaRoccia Wuthering Waves - Rover (Havoc)Rover (Havoc)
Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina
Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi
Wuthering Waves - AaltoAalto Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia
Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi
Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang
Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu

Upcoming Characters

Upcoming Characters
Wuthering Waves - ZaniZani Wuthering Waves - CantarellaCantarella Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant


21 Anonymous13 days

Lost my first 50/50 on Jinhsi's banner and got Jianxin. Can I do something with her or not worth building, perhaps Rover-Havoc outclasses her?

20 Anonymous8 months

Remove these polls they are completely useless, every single character in the game is SS tier according to these polls 🤦🏻‍♂️


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