Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

All Current and Next Banners (Gacha)

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - All Current and Next Banners (Gacha)
This is a list of all Convene Banners available for Wuthering Waves (WuWa) in Version 2.1 and the next banners on future updates. See all characters and weapons for the current and upcoming convene banners, and gacha simulators to test your luck in this guide!

Available Convene Banners in Wuthering Waves

Brant and Changli Limited Banners

Banner Featured Characters
Blaze Across the Deep IconBlaze Across the Deep
VermillionVermillion's Ploy
Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant (5★, Fusion)
Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli (5★, Fusion)

Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu (4★, Glacio)
Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi (4★, Havoc)
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi (4★, Fusion)
Absolute Pulsation (Unflickering Valor) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Unflickering Valor)
Absolute Pulsation (Changli) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Changli)
Wuthering Waves - Unflickering Valor Unflickering Valor (5★, Sword)
Wuthering Waves - Blazing Brilliance Blazing Brilliance (5★, Sword)

Wuthering Waves - Waning Redshift Waning Redshift (4★, Broadblade)
Wuthering Waves - Comet Flare Comet Flare (4★, Rectifier)
Wuthering Waves - Marcato Marcato (4★, Gauntlet)

Limited Convene Drop Rates

For Limited Convenes, the 5-star Drop Rate of the featured banner is the same at 0.8%, with a guaranteed 5-star within 80 pulls.

However, for Limited Weapon Convenes, the 5-star Weapon will always be guaranteed. There is no losing the 50/50 rate for weapons.

All Permanent Convene Banners

The Permanent Convene Banners will always be available for players to pull on, and will run alongside Limited Convenes.

Meanwhile, the Novice Convene has no time limit to be pulled on by players; it only goes away once the player manages to get a 5-star Resonator within its featured 50 pulls.

Banners Description
BeginnerBeginner's Choice Convene Banner • Allows you to choose a 5-star character that is guaranteed to be pulled within 80 pulls.

• Limited characters like Jiyan are not included in the 5-star character pool.
Utterance of Marvels IconUtterance of Marvels
Novice Convene
• You are guaranteeed to obtain at least one 4-star or higher rarity item for every 10 Convenes.

• You are guaranteed at least one 5-star Resonator for every 50 Convenes.
Tidal Chorus IconTidal Chorus
Character Permanent Convene
• You are guaranteeed to obtain at least one 4-star or higher rarity item for every 10 Convenes.

• You are guaranteed at least one 5-star Resonator for every 80 Convenes.
Weapon Permanent Convene IconWeapon Permanent Convene
Winter Brume Banner
• You are guaranteeed to obtain at least one 4-star or higher rarity item for every 10 Convenes.

• You are guaranteed at least one 5-star weapon for every 80 Convenes.

Upcoming Version 2.2 Banners

Limited Character Banners

Version 2.2 Banners
Wuthering Waves Neptune Neptune's Lullaby
(March 27 - Phase 1)
Wuthering Waves End of Lost Trail Banner End of Lost Trail
(March 27 - Phase 1)
Wuthering Waves Till the Sea Turns Clear Banner Till the Sea Turns Clear
(TBD - Phase 2)

As stated in the recent Version 2.2 Livestream, Cantarella will be releasing alongside a rerun of Camellya's banner during the first phase of the 2.2 update on March 27, 2025. Following them in phase two will be a rerun of only Shorekeeper's banner.

Version 2.2 Release Date and Details

Limited Weapon Banners

Version 2.2 Weapons
Wuthering Waves Whispers of Sirens Banner Whispers of Sirens
(March 27 - Phase 1)
Wuthering Waves Red Spring Banner Red Spring
(March 27 - Phase 1)
Wuthering Waves Stellar Symphony Banner Stellar Symphony
(TBD - Phase 2)

Running alongside their respective limited character banners are Cantarella's signature weapon Whispers of Sirens and a rerun of Camellya's Red Spring on phase one of Version 2.2, while phase two will feature another rerun of Shorekeeper's weapon Stellar Symphony.

Absolute Pulsation Weapon Banner Guide

All Convene (Gacha) Simulators

All Convene Simulators

Wuthering Waves - Characters

Try your luck in our Convene Simulators based on real in-game probability!

All Convene Simulators

All WuWa Version 2.1 Banner History

Version 2.1 Phase 2

Banners Banner Details
Blaze Across the Deep BannerBlaze Across the Deep

VermillionVermillion's Ploy

Phase 2
Start: March 6, 2025
End: March 26, 2025
Limited 5★

Rate-up 4★

Featured Weapon(s):

All Gacha Banner History (February 2025)

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves Front Photo

Wuthering Waves Wiki Front

Guides by Category

Wuthering Waves Categories
Wuthering Waves - News and UpdatesNews and Game Info Wuthering Waves - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
Wuthering Waves - CharactersCharacters Wuthering Waves - EchoesEchoes
Wuthering Waves - WeaponsWeapons Wuthering Waves - ConvenesGacha (Convene)
Wuthering Waves - QuestsQuests Wuthering Waves - EventsEvents
Wuthering Waves - EnemiesEnemies Wuthering Waves - BossesBosses
Wuthering Waves - Tower of AdversityTower of Adversity Wuthering Waves - Depths of Illusive RealmDepths of Illusive Realm
Wuthering Waves - Character Tier List Partial BannerCharacter Tier List Wuthering Waves - Maps and LocationsMaps
Wuthering Waves - Items.pngItems Wuthering Waves Character Skins Character Skins
Whimpering Wastes GuideWhimpering Wastes Fantasies of the Thousand GatewaysFantasies of the Thousand Gateways


5 Anonymousabout 1 month

wut the guy say i wanna kno

4 Anonymous5 months

calm your farm each is like almost a month or so or sum y be so fucking rude for


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