Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Infinite Torrents Guide - Whimpering Wastes

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Infinite Torrents is a monthly, rotating stage in the Whimpering Wastes endgame mode of Wuthering Waves. See the best team comps for the final stage of Whimpering Wastes, how to get the best possible score, and more in this guide!

Infinite Torrents Reset

Resets on March 03, 2025

Whimpering Wastes

Whimpering Wastes Reset Date and Countdown
March 17, 2025

Whimpering Wastes will reset on March 17, 2025. Rewards will also reset, so make sure to take on the Respawning Waters stages to maximize this rotation's rewards!

Whimpering Wastes Guide and Rewards

Infinite Torrents Guide

Infinite Torrents Stage Guide

Stage Information

Stage 12:
Infinite Torrents
Environment Report Damage taken by enemies is increased by 50%.

All tokens have unlimited uses while inside the Infinite Torrent.
Total Score SSS Tier: 5500 pts
SS Tier: 5000 pts
S Tier: 4500 pts
A Tier: 4000 pts
B Tier: 3500 pts
1st Half Stage Info When entering a Challenge, Concerto Energy is restored to 100%.
2nd Half Stage Info When entering a Challenge, Resonance Energy is restored to 100%.

Enemy Information

First Half Second Half
Level 100 Level 100

Best Team Composition

Best Team Compositions
Camellya Havoc Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya Wuthering Waves - RocciaRoccia Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise Icon The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise
Jiyan Aero Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise Icon The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise
Xiangli Yao Electro Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise Icon The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise
Carlotta Glacio Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Sails that Display Endeavor Icon The Sails that Display Endeavor
Jinhsi Spectro Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Sails that Display Endeavor Icon The Sails that Display Endeavor
Phoebe Spectro Wuthering Waves - PhoebePhoebe Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Ambition that Lies Hidden Icon The Ambition that Lies Hidden
Changli Fusion Quickswap Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise Icon The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise
Calcharo Electro Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise Icon The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise

The best team comps to use for this stage is the best team you have. The Environment Report increases the damage taken of enemies by 50% which makes this final stage very flexible in terms of team composition. You can use any two teams in both halves as there are no restrictions in terms of additional enemy resistances either.

Also note that token usage is limitless in this stage, so use whichever token will benefit your team the most! We find The Gospel that Receives Harmonized Praise to be the most flexible since it provides both Crit Rate and Crit DMG boosts, which is usually enough to push your Crit Rate to 100%.

Use Teams with Crowd Control and Grouping

We suggest using teams that has a lot of groupings though since you are going to fight waves of multiple enemies. Teams which feature Jiyan, Roccia, and Shorekeeper will shine in this stage because these characters have crowd control capabilities!

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Whimpering Wastes Guide

Whimpering Wastes Guide and Rewards

Whimpering Wastes Stages

Permanent Stages

Stage 1- 6
Forbidden Waters Guide

Monthly Rotating Stages

Stage 7 - 11 Infinite Torrents
Respawning Waters:
Respawning Waters:
Monthly Reset Timer
March 17, 2025


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