Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 2 Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 2 Guide

Phantasm Amass Difficulty II is the second stage of the Depths of Illusive Realm in Wuthering Waves. Check out how to beat it, the best Echoes, the characters you can use, and all the rewards here!

How to Beat Depths of Illusive Realm 2

Best Character Build

Character and Echo Combination

Best Character Best Echo
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - Bell-Borne GeocheloneBell-Borne Geochelone

Since Calcharo does not have any utilities for healing and survivability, it is best to opt for the Bell-Borne Geochelone to keep him alive throughout your runs.

Character Upgrades

Upgrade Description
Pack Assault
Resonance Skill

Upon casting Resonance Skill, Calcharo additionally summons a phantom of himself that deals Electro DMG equal to 720% of his ATK. The DMG dealt is considered Resonance Liberation DMG and he gains 3 stacks of Cruelty.
Hunter's Instinct
Resonance Liberation

While in the state triggered by Resonance Liberation, Calcharo gains the following effects: Increase resistance to interruption. Increase Basic Attack speed by 50%. Casting Resonance Skills extends the state's duration by 2s.

You will always have 1 Character Upgrade every run, and you can get more through Memory of Training.

We recommend taking Pack Assault as much as you can due to the insane amount of damage it brings, while also turning your Resonance Skills to count as Resonance Liberation DMG. This means all the upgrades and Metaphors you pick up that affects Liberation DMG, will also affect your Resonance Skill.

List of Character Upgrades

Best Metaphors

Concerto Characters

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Baizhi will be your main healer whenever you get low so Calcharo can trade hits while dealing huge damage.
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Verina can keep you alive during mobs and boss fights but requires a good amount of Concerto Energy which Calcharo does not do well in.
Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Optional: If you cannot roll for a Baizhi, you can opt to just get a Sanhua for a more offensive approach.

Regular Metaphors

Metaphor Explanation
Wuthering Waves - GlacioAny Glacio Metaphors Glacio Metaphors are one of the metaphor sets that you need to maximize Bell-borne's buffs. It also makes sure your damage is increased as long as you have a shield, which you will always have if you run Bell-Borne.
Wuthering Waves - ElectroAny Electro Metaphors The other required metaphor set for Bell-borne is the Electro metaphor set. This will increase both Resonance Skill and Liberation DMG which Calcharo will appreciate in this game mode.
Elastic Spring
Wuthering Waves - Electro Wuthering Waves - Electro Wuthering Waves - Electro
Elastic Spring increases your Resonance Skill DMG by 72% and adds 3 Electro which greatly benefits Calcharo's damage.

List of Metaphors

Best Tokens

Token Description
Serenity of Xiehua Village Gain the following effect after defeating 3 enemies with Resonance Skill:

Casting Resonance Skill summons Ivory Herald to attack the target, dealing 500% DMG in total. This effect can be triggered once every 6s.
Sacrifice Increase Resonance Skills DMG Bonus by 200%. Casting Resonance Skill consumes 80 additional STA.
A Seed in a Wasteland Additionally unlock 2 nodes of the Resonator's Resonance Chain. Can unlock up to 6 nodes.
Spark Trigger Increase DMG dealt by 70% upon entering a new Memory Zone, which will be removed upon taking DMG.

Break Shining Pool Floaters

In the new stage maps introduced in Version 1.2, there are shining pool floaters that looks suspiciously different than the other items in the stage. When you see one, always break these shiny floaters because they would reward you with Dream Fragments!

Spam Calcharo's Resonance Skill

With Pack Assault as your first upgrade, most of your damage will come from your Resonance Skill so use this as often as you can, especially since you can recast it up to 3 times.

If you are not fully built yet, you can use your charged Basic Attack for iframes and a good amount of damage while your Resonance Skill is still on cooldown.

Experiment With Your Own Playstyle

This is just a general guide that can help most players beat Difficulty 2 of the Depths of Illusive Realm. Since this is a rogue-lite game mode, there may be other builds that are stronger or better suited to your playstyle.

If you completed Difficulty 2 with a different or stronger build, let us know in the comments down below!

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Best Echoes to Use for Depths of Illusive Realm 2

Best Echo for the Recommended Character

Characters Recommended Echo
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo
・Provides a good amounf of survivability since Calcharo purely has damage capabilities.
・Make sure to get a Support as your concerto character for a more balanced gameplay.

Best Echoes for Trial Characters

Characters Recommended Echo
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina
・The Inferno Rider can work in tandem with Verina since most of her Basic Attacks can heal herself, turning her into an offensive DPS with great survivability.
Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang
・If you want to run Lingyang with a fully offensive set-up, we suggest going with the Inferno Rider.

・If you're having trouble surviving your runs, a safer bet for Lingyang would be the Bell-Borne Geochelone.

If the recommended Echoes above did not show up in your run, simply quit the challenge and start another run of Difficulty 2. Repeat this process until the suggested Echo appears.

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 2 Characters

Trial Characters

Depths of Illusive Realm 2 Trial Characters
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina

For Difficulty II, the trial resonators are Calcharo, Lingyang, and Verina. They will remain available for the duration of this round of Depths Of Illusive Realm.

If you have these characters and their level is higher than Level 70, and have upgraded skills, and weapons, we recommend using them instead of the Trial versions.

Other Playable Characters

Other Playable Characters
Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore
Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao
Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin
Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi
Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi
Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia
Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang

If you own any of the characters shown above, you can use them for the Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 2.

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 2 Memetic Tuning

No Memetic Tuning for Difficulty 2

There is no memetic tuning for Difficulty 2 of Carnival in Slumberland. It will only start to show up in Difficulty 5.

Depths of Illusive Realm Difficulty 2 Rewards

All Difficulty 2 Rewards

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x150

Illusive Specimen Illusive Specimen x150
Memory Points Memory Points x60

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List of Depths of Illusive Realm Upgrades

List of Upgrades
Metaphors Character Upgrades


2 Anonymous4 months

Still not fixed

1 Anonymous4 months

The characters listed are Calcharo, Lingyang, and Verina. You have Zhezhi, Yuanwu, and Danjin in the guide. It would be beneficial for you to fix this... Just need to know Calcharo's best set up..


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