Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

List of All Healer Characters

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - All Healer Characters

Here are all the Resonators available in Wuthering Waves (WuWa) that can healing characters! Check out this guide to see how their kit works and their importance to the game!

All Healer Characters


Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper Rarity ★★★★★

Shorekeeper is currently the best healer and support in Wuthering Waves right now. She can provide healing while Resonators are inside her Stellarealm, while providing both Crit DMG and Crit Rate buffs!


Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Rarity ★★★★★

Verina is the second-best Resonator in the game that provides a heal to the team, thanks to her Outro Skill Blossom when being switched out.

She also has a unique Inherent Skill that protects her allies from fatal attacks for 10 seconds, and provides a shield at the same time.


Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin Rarity ★★★★★

Jianxin has healing included in her kit, alongside providing shields, crowd control, and damage.

Her Forte Circuit provides a shield to the active character, and will also heal them over time so long as the shield holds.


Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi Rarity ★★★★

Baizhi is one of the best healers in the game, as her entire kit revolves around healing and buffing the team.

Her Resonance Skill, Resonance Liberation, Inherent Skill, and even both her Intro and Outro Skills have some sort of healing effect that restores HP to one or all allies.


Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Rarity ★★★★

Youhu, thanks to one effect of her Forte, is a pretty great healer-DPS hybrid for those who wants a good balance between DPS and support.

Her kit is not straightforward though, so you will need to really learn her combos to maximize her potential.

Healer Characters Information

Keeps Team Alive in Battle

Having a character that can provide a heal or a shield can save your team from dire situations, keeping them alive in the middle of combat.

Should your Resonators be in danger of dying in battle, a quick heal can be quite the lifesaver.

Worth Having At Least One

At least one healer Resonator in your team should suffice to provide support for your other two Resonators in the team. Swap them out if their health gets too low, and let the healer get them healthy again.

Only a Few Healers Available

Because of how fast-paced and aggressive the gameplay of Wuthering Waves is, healing might be a rare ability for future Resonators to have.

Dodging and parrying attacks are rewarded far more, but healers do have their place as they can keep the party healthy without having to resort to items.

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1 Anonymous2 months

Why Shore Keeper is not on the list ?


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