Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Chapter 1 Act 4 Clashing Blades Quest Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Clashing Blades

Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades is the fourth Act in Chapter 1 of the Main Quest in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock Clashing Blades, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

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Chapter 1 Act 3: Ominous Star Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops

Clashing Blades Compass Puzzle Solution

Choose "The Shichen of Wei" for the First Dialogue Option

After meeting up with Chixia, you are presented with two dialogue options to solve the first part of the compass puzzle.

Choose The Shichen of Wei as it is the symbol on the larger disk that represents time.

Choose "Vermillion Bird of the South" for the Second Dialogue Option

For the next dialogue option, choose Vermillion Bird of the South as it is the symbol on the smaller disk that represents direction.

Clashing Blades Move the Vases to Correct Positions

Shift the Top-Left Vase

Vase Location

Upon entering Jinzhou's city hall, you need to find the correct vase and move it to uncover the hidden door to the Grand Library.

From the starting point, shift the vase on the top-left corner. A cutscene will play, showing the hidden door opening and revealing a yellow symbol.

How to Unlock Clashing Blades

Reach Union Level 14

You need to reach Union Level 14 to unlock the Clashing Blades main quest. You can complete other quests in the Quest Log and side quests in the open world to raise your Union Level.

How to Increase Union Level

Complete Ominous Star Main Quest

Clashing Blades automatically unlocks once you complete the Ominous Star main quest. However, you need to reach Union Level 14 before you can start the quest.

Clashing Blades Walkthrough

Go Back to Jinzhou and Meet with Chixia

Go to Jinzhou and follow the yellow marker to reach Chixia's location. Approach her to trigger a cutscene.

Solve the Compass Puzzle

First Dialogue Option Solution
Second Dialogue Option Solution

In the next sequence, you need to choose the correct dialogue options to solve the compass puzzle.

The correct dialogue option for the first puzzle is The Shichen of Wei. This is the symbol on the larger disk that represents time.

For the second dialogue option, choose Vermillion Bird of the South as it is the symbol on the smaller disk that represents direction.

Enter the City Hall and Find the Grand Library

Head to Jinzhou's city hall and use the elevator to reach the upper area. Follow the yellow marker to enter the city hall.

Move the Vases to Correct Positions

Vase Location

To find the location of the Grand Library, interact with the vase on the top left corner from your starting point. Interact with the vase to open a secret door leading to the Grand Library.

Interact with the Grand Library's entrance and select Single Challenge. It is recommended to level up your characters and weapons to Level 40 as you will face two back-to-back bosses at the end of this dungeon.

Complete the Grand Library Dungeon

Grand Library Dungeon Walkthrough
1 Inspect the Symphodai
2 Collect Sonodisk: Yu
3 Collect Sonodisk: Shang
Activate the Loong Drum
Strike the Bell and Adjust It to the Correct Orientation
Defeat the Enemies and Check the Clue on the Floor
Pick Up Sonodisk: Shang
4 Collect Sonodisk: Jue
Inspect the Drum Below
Strike the Bell and Adjust It to the Correct Orientation
Take the Elevator to Reach Upper Levels
Head to Where the Sound Comes From
Pick Up Sonodisk: Jue and Connect It to the Symphodai
5 Collect Sonodisk: Zhi
Strike the Bell and Adjust It to the Correct Orientation
Investigate the Room
Reconnect Sonodisk: Zhi
6 Collect Sonodisk: Gong
Investigate the Lower Platform
Pick Up Sonodisk: Gong and Connect It to the Symphodai
7 Head to the Database

The next sequence is a dungeon consisting of platforming puzzles. You need to collect 5 Sonodisks scattered in the area to unlock the main door leading to the actual Grand Library.

Inspect the Symphodai

As soon as you enter the dungeon, interact with the Symphodai in the middle to activate the dungeon's puzzle.

Collect Sonodisk: Yu

Follow the yellow marker to find the Sonodisk: Yu behind the Symphodai. Pick it up and place it on the Symphodai.

Activate the Loong Drum

After playing the Sonodisk: Yu on the Symphodai, interact with the Loong Drum on the right side. This causes a platform to surface from the water.

Strike the Bell and Adjust It to the Correct Orientation

Jump on the platform and attack the bell in the middle until a blue transluscent walkway forms leading to the newly opened door facing north.

Defeat the Tacet Discords and Check the Clue on the Floor

Enter the room and defeat the enemies inside. Interact with the note on the floor to gather clues for the next Sonodisk.

Pick Up Sonodisk: Shang

Follow the yellow marker leading to the next room to find the Sonodisk: Shang on the other end.

Pick up the Sonodisk and head back to the Symphodai. Connect the Sonodisk to the Symphodai to lower the water level.

Inspect the Drum Below

Pick the Drum on the east side and interact with it. This causes a platform to emerge from the water. A blue transluscent walkway will appear from the platform allowing you to reach the bell in the middle of the platform.

Strike the Bell and Adjust It to the Correct Orientation

Strike the bell in the middle of the platform to rotate blue transluscent walkway on the east side.

Take the Elevator to Reach Upper Levels

Enter the newly opened door and take the elevator inside.

Head to Where the Sound Comes From

Follow the yellow marker to find the Sonodisk at the end of the room. Defeat the enemies that spawn before picking up the Sonodisk.

Pick Up Sonodisk: Jue and Connect It to the Symphodai

After defeating the enemies, pick up the Sonodisk: Jue and head back to the Symphodai. Connect the Sonodisk to the Symphodai.

This causes a new platform to appear, allowing you to connect it to a eastmost platform from the Symphodai.

Strike the Bell and Adjust It to the Correct Orientation

Jump on the eastmost platform from the Symphodai and strike its bell until the blue transluscent walkway connects to the platform that appeared.

Investigate the Room

Once you strike the bell to the correct orientation, the quest objective will change to "Investigate the Room".

Follow the yellow marker leading to a room with that contains an empty elevator shaft in the middle. Drop down into the elevator shaft to find the Sonodisk: Zhi.

Reconnect Sonodisk: Zhi

Pick up the Sonodisk: Zhi and open the blue door. Interact with the drum on the right side for it to form a blue transluscent walkway leading to the Symphodia.

Connect the Sonodisk: Zhi to the Symphodia to lower the water level even further, revealing a lower platform.

Investigate the Lower Platform

Drop down on the lower platform to find the last Sonodisk in the middle of the area. Defeat the enemies that spawn.

Pick Up Sonodisk: Gong and Connect It to the Symphodai

After defeating the enemies, pick up the Sonodisk: Gong in the middle of the area. Find the drum and activate it to open the door that contains an elevator that takes you back to the Symphodai.

Take the elevator and connect the Sonodisk: Gong to the Symphodai to open the door to the Grand Library.

Head to the Database

Head north towards the golden transluscent walkway leading to the database of the Grand LIbrary. Open the door and head to the middle that leads to a giant golden column.

Defeat Scar: Lightbane Reversal

Defeat a Level 40 Scar in a boss fight. He has same attack patterns from the previous boss fight during the Ominous Star main quest.

Defeat Scar: Aberrant Nightmare

Once Scar's health reaches zero, he will transform into Scar: Aberrant Nightmare as the last phase of the boss fight. Stick close to Scar's legs when attacking as he can perform a multi-hit grab attack if you battle him from a distance.

Defeating the boss triggers a cutscene which completes this main quest.

Press the F Key After Immobilizing the Boss

When you immobilize Scar, a new button prompt appears allowing you to deal massive damage to his health. This also causes the Scar to immediately recover from his immobilized state, so make sure to get ready and dodge his attacks afterward.

Clashing Blades Information

Clashing Blades Quest Information
Questline Chapter 1
Required Union Lvl Union Level 14
Quest Location Jinzhou
Version Release 1.0

Clashing Blades Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Clashing Blades Quest Rewards
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100

A Whispering Melody

Completing Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades main quest rewards you with the A Whispering Melody Trophy, allowing you to claim 10 Astrites.

Trophy List and Rewards

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Quests

List of Quests

List of Quest Types

All Quests Types
Main Quests Companion Stories
Exploration Quests Side Quests
Tutorial Quests Daily Quests

Main Quest Walkthrough

Prologue Chapter
1 Prologue Act 1: Utterance of Marvels: I 2 Prologue Act 2: Utterance of Marvels: II
Chapter 1 Acts 1-6
1 Chapter 1 Act 1: First Resonance 2 Chapter 1 Act 2: Echoing Marche
3 Chapter 1 Act 3: Ominous Star 4 Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades
5 Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops 6 Chapter 1 Act 6: Grand Warstorm
Chapter 1 Act 7: Thaw of Eons
1 A New Companion 2 Dreamy Scents
3 To Mt. Firmament 4 Truthseeker's Pass
5 Road of Pilgrimage 6 Mianloong Chamber
7 The Commander of Time 8 Dawn of Snowstorm
Chapter 1 Act 8: To the Shore's End
1 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 1) 2 Hidden Between the Waves
3 Legacy of the Lasting Night 4 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 2)
5 Reclaim Tomorrow From the Past 6 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 3)
7 Beyond the Shore's End - -
Chapter 2 Prologue to Act 3
1 Through the Sea Thou Break 2 The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes
3 Veils Off in Sun or Shadow 4 What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing


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