Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Chapter 1 Act 6 Grand Warstorm Quest Guide

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┣ Materials: Blazing Bones, Golden Fleece
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┗ Phase 2 Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Grand Warstorm

Chapter 1 Act 6: Grand Warstorm is the sixth Act in Chapter 1 of the Main Quest in Wuthering Waves. See how to unlock Grand Warstorm, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here!

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Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops -

How to Unlock Grand Warstorm

Talk to Aalto After Defeating Mech Abomination in Rewinding Raindrops

Grand Warstorm immediately starts when you talk to Aalto for the second time after defeating the Mech Abomination boss during the main quest, Rewinding Raindrops.

Chapter 1 Act 5 Rewinding Raindrops Guide

Grand Warstorm Walkthrough

Grand Warstorm Walkthrough
1 Part 1
Investigate the Surroundings
Defeat the Enemies
Find Taoqi
Fend Off the TD Outbreak
Defeat the Incoming Tacet Discords
Go to the Tacet Field in Desorock Highland
Defeat the Thundering Mephis
2 Part 2
Go to the Military Base
Find the Soldier in Question
Take the Elevator to Reach the Disruptor
Defeat the TDs Around the Disruptor
Protect the Disruptor from Incoming TDs
Go Deeper Into the Norfall Valley
3 Part 3: Hovering Ruins
Use the Grapple to Pull Away the Blocked Wall
Explore the Depths of the Hovering Ruins
Reach the Highest Place in the Hovering Ruins
Defeat the Impermanence Heron: Death Incarnate
Use the Wind Field to Reach the Highest Place in the Hovering Ruins
Enter "Warblade from Above"
4 Part 4: Boss Fight at Warblade from Above
Defeat the Crownless
Defeat ???
Defeat the Monster in Front of You
Leave "Warblade from Above"

Investigate the Surroundings

Once you gain control of Jiyan, follow the yellow marker to exit the base for a cutscene to play.

Defeat the Enemies

Defeat the enemies that appear after the cutscene. A long cutscene will play after and you will gain control of a Level 50 Rover (Spectro) with preset weapon and Echoes.

Find Taoqi

As Rover, follow the yellow marker and climb the ladder or use the Grapple to reach Taoqi.

Fend Off the TD Outbreak

In the next sequence, you will have Chixia, Yangyang, and Lingyang all at Level 50 with preset weapon and Echoes.

Defeat the groups of enemies in the area. Follow the yellow marker up the ramp to help the soldiers defeat another group of Tacet Discords.

Defeat the Incoming Tacet Discords

As Jiyan, defeat the groups of Tacet Discords until a cutscene plays and you switch to Yangyang.

Go to the Tacet Field in Desorock Highland

Follow the yellow marker leading to a wounded soldier. Interact with him for a cutscene to play.

Defeat the Thundering Mephis

Use Jiyan as your main DPS to defeat the Thundering Mephis. Use his Resonance Liberation skill whenever you immobilize the boss to deal massive damage.

Go to the Military Base

Follow the yellow marker to head to the military base. There are three dialogue options in the cutscene but these do not change the outcome of the main quest.

Next Quest Objective Leads to a Point of No Return

After the cutscene ends, a notice pop-up window will appear indicating that proceeding with the next quest objective leads to a temporary point of no return.

You can stop at this point to complete any side quests before moving on to the next objective.

Find the Soldier in Question

Follow the yellow marker leading to the soldier near a Resonance Beacon. Approach the soldier for a cutscene to play.

Take the Elevator to Reach the Disruptor

Head to the elevator and interact with it to head down the lower ground.

Defeat the TDs Around the Disruptor

Once the elevator goes down, defeat the enemies in the next area. After clearing all the enemies, find and talk to the survivng soldier near the railings.

Protect the Disruptor from Incoming TDs

Defeat another group of enemies to protect the disruptor.

Go Deeper Into the Norfall Valley

Follow the yellow marker and defeat the groups of enemies. Slide down the steep slope and use the Grapple to launch yourself to the next area. Defeat another set of enemies.

Use the Grapple to Pull Away the Blocked Wall

Use the Grapple to pull the blocked wall revealing the entrance of the Hovering Ruins.

How to Use the Grappling Hook

Explore the Depths of the Hovering Ruins

Follow the yellow marker until you reach an open area where enemies will spawn. Defeat them to proceed with the next objective.

Reach the Highest Place in the Hovering Ruins

After defeating the enemies head up to the upper level. Use the Grapple to grab the floating rock towards your direction to use it as a platform to reach the other hovering building.

Once you reach the floating building, defeat the enemies inside and use the Grapple to pull the floating platform to move to the next hovering building. Do this for the next floating platform to reach another hovering building.

Defeat the Impermanence Heron: Death Incarnate

Once you reach the upper level of the floating building, an Impermanence Heron: Death Incarnate will appear. Defeat it to reach the last hovering building.

Use the Wind Field to Reach the Highest Place in the Hovering Ruins

The last hovering building requires you to use the Grapple to remove the debris to uncover the wind field.

After removing all the debris, ride the wind field to reach the highest point of the Hovering Ruins.

Enter "Warblade from Above"

After the cutscene interact with the purple portal in front of you to activate a cutscene leading to a boss fight that has three phases.

Defeat the Crownless

The first phase of the boss is a boss fight with the Crownless: Plenilune Sacrifice. This is the same boss you fought at very first main quest, Utterance of Marvels: I and has the same attack patterns.

Defeat ???

Once the Crownless' health reaches zero, it will enter its second phase. When you cut down its health to half, a cutscene will play showing it about to launch an attack.

Use Character Attacks to Deflect Its Projectiles

Once the multiple circles appear to surround the boss, use your normal attacks to deflect the projectiles back at it.

At some point in the fight you will be thrown towards the large orb in the middle as part of a scripted sequence. Wait for the sequence and the cutscene to play out to enter the last boss phase.

Defeat the Monster in Front of You

The last boss phase has you battle against it with just Rover on the team. Eventually, Jiyan will rejoin the party to help out once you deal enough damage to the boss.

Click the Button During the Quick Time Events

When fighting the boss, several short cutscenes may play out with a button prompt that you will have to press within a short amount of time.

Successfully pressing the button prompt knocks out the boss temporarily giving you free hits before it recovers. When its health is low, pressing the button prompt deals damage to white bar below its health.

Leave "Warblade from Above"

After defeating the boss, interact with the blue portal to exit the arena and complete the main quest.

Grand Warstorm Information

Grand Warstorm Quest Information
Questline Chapter 1
Required Union Lvl None
Quest Location Jinzhou
Version Release 1.0

Grand Warstorm Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Grand Warstorm Quest Rewards
Wuthering Waves- Astrite Icon Astrite x100

Unlocks Jiyan's Companion Quest

Completing Grand Warstorm will unlock Jiyan's Companion Quest Boat Race in River, allowing you to explore his lore and character story.

Jiyan Character Story Guide

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Quests

List of Quests

List of Quest Types

All Quests Types
Main Quests Companion Stories
Exploration Quests Side Quests
Tutorial Quests Daily Quests

Main Quest Walkthrough

Prologue Chapter
1 Prologue Act 1: Utterance of Marvels: I 2 Prologue Act 2: Utterance of Marvels: II
Chapter 1 Acts 1-6
1 Chapter 1 Act 1: First Resonance 2 Chapter 1 Act 2: Echoing Marche
3 Chapter 1 Act 3: Ominous Star 4 Chapter 1 Act 4: Clashing Blades
5 Chapter 1 Act 5: Rewinding Raindrops 6 Chapter 1 Act 6: Grand Warstorm
Chapter 1 Act 7: Thaw of Eons
1 A New Companion 2 Dreamy Scents
3 To Mt. Firmament 4 Truthseeker's Pass
5 Road of Pilgrimage 6 Mianloong Chamber
7 The Commander of Time 8 Dawn of Snowstorm
Chapter 1 Act 8: To the Shore's End
1 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 1) 2 Hidden Between the Waves
3 Legacy of the Lasting Night 4 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 2)
5 Reclaim Tomorrow From the Past 6 From the Echoes of Destruction (Part 3)
7 Beyond the Shore's End - -
Chapter 2 Prologue to Act 3
1 Through the Sea Thou Break 2 The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes
3 Veils Off in Sun or Shadow 4 What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing


3 Anonymous6 months

I had the same problem too. Best way to fix that glitch is to close the game and reopen it.

2 Anonymous7 months

same for me. Any idea why? I thought maybe I haven't unlocked the area or something.. so I tried quiting the quest but it won't let me. T^T


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