Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Lumi Best Builds and Teams

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Lumi Character Info and Kit

Lumi is a playable 4-star Electro Broadblade character in Wuthering Waves (WuWa). Check out this guide for the best Lumi build, Lumi best teams, echoes, kit (skills), skill priority, and voice actor here!

Lumi Character Overview

Lumi Information

Resonator Information
Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi
Rarity ★★★★
How to Get Any Convene Banner
Voice Actor (EN) Emily Cass

Lumi Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Overall
- A Rank Icon - A Rank Icon

How Would You Rate Lumi?

SS 122
S 16
A 6
B 4
C 5

Character Tier List

Lumi Stats

Lv. 1 Lv. 90
HP 680 8500
ATK 27 337
DEF 72 879
Energy Regen 100% -
Crit. Rate 5% -
Crit. DMG 150% -

Stat calculations does not include the Attribute Bonuses from Lumi's Forte.

How Strong is Lumi?

• Very straightforward and easy to use.
• Her combo loop is simple and her Forte Circuit mechanic deals decent damage.
• Buffs Resonance Skill with her Outro Skill which benefits a lot of top teams like Changli's for example. A straight-up Taoqi replacement for the Resonance Skill Sub-DPS role.
• Offers great mobility with her Sprint while in Yellow Light Mode, enabling fast repositioning.
• Can take quite a while for Yellow Light Mode to charge, and can pose a little bit of DPS loss considering how little the damage from her Basic Attacks are.
• Has very low DEF and HP stats, so she can be quite squishy. Make sure to reposition properly with Yellow Light Mode or dodge properly while in Red.

Lumi is a new 4-star Electro character that can provide a decent amount of DPS while at the same time buffing Resonance Skill DMG via her Outro Skill. This can benefit some established teams with Changli and Carlotta benefiting the most!

Lumi Build Guide

Lumi Best Build: Resonance Skill Sub DPS

Best Weapon
Alt. Weapons
Sonata Effect 5-piece
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds
Cost Pattern ④ ③ ③ ① ①
Main Echo Wuthering Waves - Impermanence HeronImpermanence Heron

Lumi Best Echo Stats

Echo Main Stats Priority
④-Cost ③-Cost ①-Cost
CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG Electro DMG or Energy Regen ATK%
Echo Substats Tuning Priority
1. CRIT Rate ★★★
2. CRIT DMG ★★★
3. Basic Attack DMG Bonus ★★
4. Energy Regen ★★
5. ATK% ★
6. Flat ATK ★

Lumi is an Electro Sub-DPS unit capable of dealing damage with her skills and at the same time buff the incoming Resonator's Resonance Skill DMG. Most of the damage will come from her Forte Skills, so it is important to focus on that. Her Forte also scales off Basic Attack DMG, so it is important to build towards that stat. Finally, since she is a Sub-DPS try building her with a Moonlit Clouds set, and if not a Void Thunder set would be a good alternative.

Lumi Best Echo Sets

Optimal Main Echo

Main Echo Explanation
Wuthering Waves - Impermanence HeronImpermanence Heron
Wuthering Waves - Energy Regen
・The best Echo to use for a Sub-DPS Lumi. This ensures maximum buff for the next character taking the field.
Wuthering Waves - Bell-Borne GeocheloneBell-Borne Geochelone
Wuthering Waves - Energy Regen Wuthering Waves - Healing
・A more defensive option for a Sub-DPS Lumi. Provides shields for Lumi and the incoming character if the shield is still intact by then.
Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Tempest MephisNightmare: Tempest Mephis
Wuthering Waves - Electro Wuthering Waves -
・A more damage-centric Echo for Lumi. Buffs her own Electro DMG so she can deal as much damage as possible while on the field.
・If you do not have access to Nightmare echoes yet, you may use the normal Tempest Mephis found in Huanglong.

Echo Tier List

Lumi Best Sonata Effects

Echo Set Rating
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds
★★★ - Best
Lumi is a Sub-DPS unit through and through, aiming to buff the Resonance Skill DMG of the next character taking the field. Moonlit Clouds ensures that the buffs the incoming character gets is maximized.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Void Thunder Void Thunder
★★☆ - 2nd Best
The second option for Lumi since you can also count on Lumi to deal damage when she's on the field. This is especially helpful in the early game when you don't have a defacto DPS in your team and you still need to run Lumi, or if you're running a double DPS team. Once you get a DPS though, switch to them and run Lumi as a Sub-DPS.

Recommended Main Echo:
Wuthering Waves - Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds
Wuthering Waves - Void Thunder Void Thunder
★☆☆ - 3rd Best
This set offers a great mix of Energy Regen and Electro DMG bonus, enabling Lumi to deal damage on her own and buff the incoming resonator with Impermanence Heron. Nothing beats the buff provided by the 5-pc Moonlit though, so always aim for that.

Recommended Main Echo:

List of All Echoes and Sonata Effects

Lumi Best Weapons

Best Weapons for Lumi Ranked

Weapon Skill
1 Wuthering Waves - Lustrous Razor Lustrous Razor Incision
Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When Resonance Skill is released, increases Resonance Liberation DMG by 7%, stacking up to 3 times. This effect lasts for 12s.
2 Wuthering Waves - Discord Discord Ceaseless Aria
When Resonance Skill is cast, restore 8 Concerto Energy. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 20s.
3 Wuthering Waves - Waning Redshift Waning Redshift Intergalactic Gaze
Casting the Resonance Skill grants 6 Resonance Energy and increases ATK by 10% lasting for 16s. This effect can be triggered once every 20s.
4 Wuthering Waves - Broadblade of Voyager Broadblade of Voyager Long Journey
When Resonance Skill is cast, restores 8 Resonance Energy. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 20s.

List of All Weapons

Lumi Best Weapon Explained

Lustrous Razor is by far the best weapon to use for Lumi. It provides a good increase in ATK while providing Energy Regen to make it easier for her to charge her Liberation. If you do not have this standard 5-star broadblade, a good replacement would be Discord as it charges her Concerto Energy quickly enabling her to proc the buffs Lumi provides with her Outro Skill.

Lumi Best Teams

Resonance Skill Sub-DPS Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper

The best team for Lumi revolves around maximizing the damage of a Resonance Skill DMG-scaling main DPS like Changli. The bonus 38% Resonance Skill DMG is no joke and can elevate the main DPS by a ton.

Do note though that even if Jinhsi is a Resonance Skill DMG-scaling Main DPS, Lumi is not a great Sub-DPS for her. Jinhsi needs coordinated attacks to charge her Incandescence and Lumi's kit do not support that. You are better off using someone like Yinlin or Mortefi if you do not have her best Sub-DPS Zhezhi on your team.

The best support for this team is going to be Shorekeeper, but if you do not have her use Verina or Baizhi instead.

Character Explanation
Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta Main DPS Replacement
A great DPS replacement for Changli, but considering Lumi only buffs Resonance Skill for 10s, the rotation may be a bit tight.

General Rotation

1 Open the fight with Shorekeeper to start charging her Resonance Liberation and Concerto Energy. Use her Resonance Liberation as soon as it is available.
2 Once the Concerto Energy is fully charged, switch into Lumi to cast her Intro Skill, upgrading the Stellarealm to its second stage and enhancing its buffs.
3 Use Lumi's optimal combo by switching between the two light modes, then continue the combo to charge her own Resonance Liberation or fill up Concerto Energy again.
4 If available use Lumi's Resonance Liberation. If the Concerty Energy becomes full first, swap to Changli with full Concerto Energy to get the Resonance Skill DMG buff and one stack for her Forte Gauge from Changli's Intro Skill. This will also upgrade Shorekeeper's Stellarealm even more.
5 Rotate through Changli's combos on-field, maxing out her Forte Gauge and using her Enhanced Heavy Attacks and Resonance Liberation whenever posssible.
6 Charge Concerto Energy to max while doing damage with Changli, then swap to the Shorekeeper when it is full to detonate the Stellarealm for a burst of damage. Repeat the steps until the enemy is felled.

How to Play Lumi

Lumi Gameplay Guide

Lumi Gameplay Loop Summary

In Lumi's Ranged Attack Mode, sprint to shoot at nearby enemies and quickly charge the Yellow Half of the Forte Gauge.
Use Lumi's Resonance Skill once the Yellow Half of her Forte Gauge is full, empowering the Skill and her next few Basic Attacks in Melee Mode.
In Lumi's Melee Attack Mode, land hits on enemies using Basic Attacks to charge the Red Half of the Forte Gauge.
Once the Red Half of her gauge is full, use her Resonance Skill again, this time strengthening the Skill and her next few shots while sprinting.
Use Lumi's Resonance Liberation whenever it is available, for a big burst of Electro DMG to enemies that get hit.

Lumi's core gameplay loop is to charge her Forte Gauge halves, then use her Resonance Skill when either half is full. This empowers the Resonance Skill, as well as her next few attacks in the form she swapped to.

Use Resonance Skill To Change Attacks

Wuthering Waves Lumi Ranged and Melee

Lumi's main mechanic is her ability to swap between ranged attacks and melee attacks by using her Resonance Skill. The former has her pet shoot, while the latter attacks make use of her Broadblade.

Her Forte Gauge is also split down the middle, and charges the Yellow and Red halves based on what kind of attack Lumi is currently using.

Sprint to Fill Yellow Forte Gauge

In her ranged mode, Lumi attacks with her floating pet, and can Sprint to fire at enemies. For as long as she is sprinting, she continuously shoots at a nearby target. These shots charge her Yellow Forte Gauge.

Melee to Fill Red Forte Gauge

In her melee mode, Lumi instead attacks with her Broadblade, and fills her Red Forte Gauge when she lands hits.

Fill the Forte Gauge to Enhance Skill

Wuthering Waves Lumi Enhanced Skill

Filling Lumi's Forte Gauge to full will enhance the next Resonance Skill she uses, causing its icon to glow. Using the enhanced Resonance Skill will grant her a limited amount of stronger attacks after swapping forms.

Use Resonance Liberation When Ready

Lumi's Resonance Liberation will deal a significant amount of Electro DMG to targets in range. Use it whenever it is available for a burst of damage.

Lumi Recommended Combos

Fast Yellow Spark Gain Combo

Intro Skill (Yellow Light Mode) → Sprint (Zoom Mode) → Continue Until Forte Gauge is Full → Enhanced Skill

As Lumi's Intro Skill also grants her Yellow Sparks, it helps to incorporate it into her Yellow Light Mode combos to charge up and swap to Red Spotlight Mode faster. Keep shooting Glitters at enemies to charge her Forte Gauge.

Red Spotlight Mode Combo

Enhanced Skill (Enter Red Spotlight Mode) → BA1 → BA2 → BA3 → Repeat Until Forte Gauge and Concerto Energy are Maxed → Outro Skill

Once available, use Lumi's enhanced Resonance Skill to swap to Red Spotlight Mode, and use her enhanced Basic Attacks to deal damage. Aim to charge the Forte Gauge and Concerto Energy while DPS-ing as well.

From here, Lumi can opt to swap to Yellow Spotlight Mode to recharge for Red Spotlight Mode again, or swap out with Max Concerto Energy to activate her Outro Skill and fire Lasers using her Forte Gauge as a last bit of damage.

Lumi Materials: Ascension and Forte

Lumi Ascension Materials

Character Ascension Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
World Boss
Overworld Material
Shell Credit Shell Credit x170,000

Forte Materials

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
Forgery Challenge
Weekly Boss
Shell Credit Shell Credit x2,030,000

Ascension Materials Per Rank

Character Ascension Materials
Rank 1
20 ➔ 40
Rank 2
40 ➔ 50
Rank 3
50 ➔ 60
Rank 4
60 ➔ 70
Rank 5
70 ➔ 80
Rank 6
80 ➔ 90

Total Forte Materials

Total Forte Materials
Main Nodes
Lv. 1 ➔ 10
Shell Credit Shell Credit x1,400,000
Bonus 1
Shell Credit Shell Credit x200,000
Bonus 2
Shell Credit Shell Credit x400,000
Inherent Skill 1
Inherent Skill 2

Lumi Skill Priority and Forte List

Forte Tree Priority

Skill Priority Explanation
Normal Attack ★★★☆☆ Lumi will only use basic attacks to fill her Forte Gauge, so the damage is not a huge priority. Nevertheless, try to level this one up after Forte Circuit and Liberation for some extra damage.
Resonance Skill ★★★☆☆ Lumi does not usually use her Resonance Skill outside of her Forte Circuit, so this should be prioritized less.
Forte Circuit ★★★★★ Forte Circuit where most of Lumi's damage will come from, level this up first.
Resonance Liberation ★★★★ Has the capability to deal huge burst damage to bolster Lumi's damage even more. We suggest leveling this one after Forte Circuit.
Intro Skill ☆☆☆☆ This skill will have the least priority for Lumi. Upgrade this skill only if you have extra forte materials.

Normal Attack

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Navigation Support
Yellow Light: Basic Attack:
Summon Squeakie to shoot three shots in a row, dealing Electro DMG.

Yellow Light: Sprint:
Dodge to perform Sprint and enter Zoom Mode. Lumi is unable to Dodge when performing Sprint.

Yellow Light: Zoom:
When in this state, automatically shoot Glitters at a locked-on target and deal Electro DMG, considered Basic Attack DMG.

Yellow Light: Plunging Attack:
Consume STA to perform a Plunging Attack, dealing Electro DMG.

Red Light: Basic Attack:
Perform up to 3 consecutive attacks, dealing Electro DMG.

Red Light: Heavy Attack:
Consume STA to strike the ground with Squeakie, causing an impact dealing Electro DMG, considered Basic Attack DMG.

Red Light: Mid-air Attack:
Consume STA to perform a Plunging Attack, dealing Electro DMG.

Red Light: Dodge Counter:
Use Basic Attack right after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Electro DMG.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. Crit. Rate +1.20%
2. Crit. Rate +2.80%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Yellow Light: Basic Attack DMG 31.81%*3
Glitter DMG 63.62%
Yellow Light: Plunging Attack DMG 95.43%
Red Light: Basic Attack Stage 1 DMG 90.66%
Red Light: Basic Attack Stage 2 DMG 107.66%+21.54%*5
Red Light: Basic Attack Stage 3 DMG 64.60%+150.72%
Red Light: Heavy Attack DMG 66.11%*2
Red Light: Mid-air Attack DMG 113.33%
Red Light: Dodge Counter DMG 167.30%+33.46%*5
Yellow Light: Mid-air Attack STA Cost 30
Red Light: Heavy Attack STA Cost 25
Red Light: Mid-air Attack STA Cost 30

Resonance Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Searchlight Service
When in Yellow Light Mode, use Resonance Skill to perform Pounce, which consumes STA to pounce on the target before switching to Red Light Mode.
Lumi will perform a Pounce without STA cost when switched onto the field

When in Red Light Mode, use Resonance Skill to perform Rebound, which consumes STA to leap backward and attack the target before switching to Yellow Light Mode.

Yellow Light Mode:
Perform ranged attacks when in Yellow Light Mode.

Red Light Mode:
Perform melee attacks when in Red Light Mode.

Attribute Bonuses:
1. ATK +1.80%
2. ATK +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Pounce DMG 181.32%
Rebound DMG 173.76%
Pounce STA Cost 30
Rebound STA Cost 30

Forte Circuit

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Signal Light
Energized Pounce:
When Yellow Light Spark is fully recovered, replace Resonance Skill with Resonance Skill Energized Pounce that deals Electro DMG and enter Red Spotlight Mode. The DMG dealt is considered Basic Attack DMG.
When in Red Spotlight Mode, the DMG Multiplier of Red Light: Basic Attack and Red Light: Heavy Attack is increased, with an extra amount of Sparks recovered.
Red Spotlight Mode ends after performing altogether 4 Basic Attacks and/or Heavy Attacks.

Energized Rebound:
When Red Light Spark is fully recovered, replace Resonance Skill with Resonance Skill Energized Rebound that deals Electro DMG and enter Yellow Spotlight Mode. The DMG dealt is considered Basic Attack DMG.
When in Yellow Spotlight Mode, Glitter is replaced by Glare, with an increased DMG Multiplier and an extra amount of Sparks recovered.
Yellow Spotlight Mode ends after shooting 6 Glares.

Casting Outro Skill consumes all Sparks obtained in the current mode.
Laser can be cast when the amount of consumed Sparks is greater than or equal to 25, dealing Electro DMG. The DMG dealt is considered Basic Attack DMG.
Every 25 Sparks consumed generates 1 extra Laser beam, up to 4 Laser beams.

Yellow Light Spark:
Lumi can hold up to 100 Yellow Light Sparks.
Lumi obtains Yellow Light Spark under the following conditions:
- When Yellow Light: Basic Attack hits the target;
- When Glitter hits the target;
- When Glare hits the target;
- When Resonance Skill Energized Rebound hits the target;
- When casting Intro Skill Special Delivery.

Red Light Spark:
Lumi can hold up to 100 Red Light Sparks.
Lumi obtains Red Light Spark under the following conditions:
- When Normal Attack Navigation Support hits the target in Red Light Mode or Red Spotlight Mode.

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Glare DMG 41.00%
Red Spotlight: Basic Attack 1 DMG 60.48%
Red Spotlight: Basic Attack 2 DMG 69.57%+13.92%*5
Red Spotlight: Basic Attack 3 DMG 47.15%+110.00%
Red Spotlight: Heavy Attack DMG 44.35%*2
Energized Pounce DMG 92.20%*2
Energized Rebound DMG 126.60%
Single Laser Beam DMG 37.50%
Energized Pounce Concerto Regen 12
Energized Rebound Concerto Regen 12

Inherent Skills

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Inherent Skill 1:
Gain 10% Electro DMG Bonus when in Red Light Mode.
Inherent Skill 2:
Casting Energized Pounce or Energized Rebound increases ATK by 10% for 5s.

Resonance Liberation

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Squeakie Express
Throw the giant Squeakie at the target, dealing Electro DMG.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. ATK +1.80%
2. ATK +4.20%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill DMG 480.00%
Cooldown 20s
Resonance Cost 125
Concerto Regen 20

Intro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
Special Delivery
Enter Yellow Light Mode and attack the target, dealing Electro DMG.
Attribute Bonuses:
1. Crit. Rate +1.20%
2. Crit. Rate +2.80%

Skill Detail Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill DMG 28.34%*3
Concerto Regen 10

Outro Skill

Normal Attack IconNATK Resonance Skill IconSKIL Forte Circuit IconFORT Inherent Skill IconINHE Resonance Liberation IconLIBE Intro Skill IconINTR Outro Skill IconOUTR
The incoming Resonator has their Resonance Skill DMG Amplified for 10s or until they are switched out.

Lumi Resonance Chain

Recommended Sequence Nodes

Why We Recommend It
S1 ★★★☆☆ - Good
Adds a little comfort to playing as Lumi considering most of her skills consume stamina.
S2 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Straight up DEF ignore for Lumi. Considering she uses Energized Pounce and Rebound a lot, this adds a much needed damage upgrade.
S3 ★★★☆☆ - Good
A great resonance chain to have mostly to improve on Lumi's burst DMG capabilties with her Resonance Liberation.
S4 ★★★★★ - Amazing
The best one to get for Lumi since most of her damage dealing capabilities scale off of Basic Attack DMG.
S5 ★★★★☆ - Great
Increases the damage dealt after casting Outro Skills, which can help with the overall DPS of the team.
S6 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Lumi's capstone resonance chain increases both her and her team's ATK by 20%. This chain solidifies her role as a Sub-DPS!

All Sequence Node Effects

S1 Parcel To Be Delivered
After casting Energized Rebound, additionally recovers 60 STA within 3s.
S2 Lollo Logistics, Ready to Help
Energized Pounce and Energized Rebound ignore 20% of the target's DEF.
S3 Priority Parcel In Transit
The DMG of Resonance Liberation Squeakie Express is increased by 30%.
S4 Captain Lumi, At Your Service
Gain 30% Basic Attack DMG Bonus.
S5 Parcel Collected On Time
When Spark is fully recovered, Laser DMG Multiplier is increased by 100%.
S6 Give Me A Five-star Rating
Casting Resonance Liberation Squeakie Express increases all team members' ATK by 20% for 20s.

How to Get Lumi

Available in All Convene Banners

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Wuthering Waves - Blaze Across the Deep
Blaze Across the Deep
Wuthering Waves - Absolute Pulsation (Unflickering Valor)
Absolute Pulsation (Unflickering Valor)
Wuthering Waves - Vermillion
Vermillion's Ploy
Wuthering Waves - Absolute Pulsation (Changli)
Absolute Pulsation (Changli)
Wuthering Waves - Tidal Chorus
Tidal Chorus
Wuthering Waves - Weapon Permanent Convene
Weapon Permanent Convene
Wuthering Waves - Utterance of Marvels
Utterance of Marvels
Wuthering Waves - Beginner
Beginner's Choice Convene Banner

Lumi can be summoned from all Convenes available in Wuthering Waves! Players can get Lumi every 10 pulls.

Lumi Voice Actor and Lore

Lumi Voice Actors

Lumi Voice Actor List
EN Emily Cass
JP Suzuki Minori
CN Jing Chen
KR Jeong Hae Eun

List of All Voice Actors

Lumi In-Game Lore

Gender Female
Birthplace Huanglong
Affiliation Lollo Logistics
Basic Info Navigator at Lollo Logistics and leader of a transport squad team. Born in a mountain village in Yuezhou, Lumi's sincere and caring nature brings warmth to everyone around her.

List of All Factions

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Characters

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Characters by Rarity

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Characters by Element

Resonator Elements
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Other Lists of Characters

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Female Characters Male Characters
Voice Actors Free Characters
Healers Factions
Upcoming Characters

All Playable Characters

Playable Characters
Wuthering Waves - BrantBrant Wuthering Waves - CalcharoCalcharo Wuthering Waves - CamellyaCamellya
Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta Wuthering Waves - ChangliChangli Wuthering Waves - EncoreEncore
Wuthering Waves - JianxinJianxin Wuthering Waves - JinhsiJinhsi Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan
Wuthering Waves - LingyangLingyang Wuthering Waves - PhoebePhoebe Wuthering Waves - RocciaRoccia
Wuthering Waves - Rover (Havoc)Rover (Havoc) Wuthering Waves - Rover (Spectro)Rover (Spectro) Wuthering Waves - ShorekeeperShorekeeper
Wuthering Waves - VerinaVerina Wuthering Waves - Xiangli YaoXiangli Yao Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin
Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi Wuthering Waves - AaltoAalto Wuthering Waves - BaizhiBaizhi
Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - LumiLumi
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi
Wuthering Waves - YangyangYangyang Wuthering Waves - YouhuYouhu Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu

Upcoming Characters

Upcoming Characters
Wuthering Waves - ZaniZani Wuthering Waves - CantarellaCantarella


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