Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Mail Belt Stats and How to Get

Mail Belt is a Base Belt in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Continue reading to learn how to get Mail Belt, its level requirements, and a complete list of its modifiers.

Mail Belt Overview

Stats and Accessory Information

Mail Belt ImageMail Belt Type Belt
Rarity Base
Size 2x1
Charm Slots 1
Level 40

List of All Modifiers

All Modifiers
Implicit Stats:
・X% reduced Flask Charges used
All Possible Modifiers:
・X Life Regeneration per Second
・X to Strength
・X% to Cold Resistance
・X to Maximum Life
・X% to Fire Resistance
・X Physical Thorns damage
・X to maximum Mana
・X% to Lightning Resistance
・X to Armour
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・X% increased Charm Effect Duration
・X% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
・X% increased Flask Charges gained
・X% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
・X% reduced Flask Charges used
・X% increased Charm Charges gained
・X% reduced Charm Charges used
・X Charm Slot
・X to Stun Threshold

How to Get Mail Belt

Random Enemy Drop in Act 3

Path of Exile 2 - Act 3 Drop
This item has a chance to be obtained randomly as a drop while defeating enemies you encounter. Do note that, since the level requirement for this equipment is 33 or higher, it will only start dropping in Act 3. Do note that you have a higher chance of looting this by farming areas with the same or higher monster level than the item's level requirement

Walkthrough and List of Acts

Purchase from Town NPCs

Path of Exile 2 - Purchase from Town NPC
This item can be purchased from NPC shops. If you are planning to get this item using this method, make sure to regularly check the available stock.

You can also try the Gambling NPC and spend gold to receive a random equipment based on the item type you select. Note that this method can be costly, as it requires a significant amount of gold.

List of Characters

Purchase from the Trade Market

Path of Exile 2 How to Farm Uniques 3
In the Official Path of Exile 2 Website, you can use the Trading Page to easily search for items that are being sold. You can use this to purchase items in exchange for different currencies.

How to Trade Guide

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Path of Exile 2 - Accessories Partial Banner

List of Accessories

All Accessories

Equipment by Type
Amulet Belt Ring

List of All Belts

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