Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Walkthrough Comments

Ekbab, Ancient Steed Boss GuideComment

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    3 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    I recommend burning them both down at the same time while both are active. Once one dies the other enters into a second phase that includes multiple AoEs. To negate this and make the fight much easier: burn them both down to 1/10th, finish off Iktab first then Ekbab last.

    2 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    don't underestimate the importance of getting resistance and life on your gear. its a really boring stat to get if didn't play poe 1, but it makes a lot of difference in surviving one-shots. I think this boss deals lightning and fire damage, so a lightning/fire resistant charm would save you a couple lethal hits.

    1 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    this fight feels impossible, even with two people. some times we get the mage down and we can dps the mammoth to a third of its health - but then suddenly die, most other times it doesn't matter what permutation or combination of whatever build we try we get our asses whooped.

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