Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Walkthrough Comments

PoE 2 Fire Sorceress BuildComment

Showing 1-11 of 11 entries


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    11 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Ignite is nerfed late game, you will want to spec into added projectiles and more % to damage after ignite if possible. Atm i shoot 7-8 fireballs constantly the screen is just fire for 2-5 seconds. Also if you can find a wand or stand that ats extra cold as % damage, you can spec into damage after chlling an opponent and shit really breaks

    10 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Why spell echo on flame wall? As far as I understand the damage doesn't stack from it and it doesn't summon more than 5 raging spirits per cast anyway, seems like it's just 50% increased spell cost at no benefits; am I wrong?

    9 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Any plans on addin ascendency and gem / link updates?

    8 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Would love to see more on ascendancy and late game.

    6 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    is this updated, its dope as.

    5 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Needs Auto Ember Fusillade Support.

    4 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Thx, for this good guide. Act 1 was a breeze and i defeatet mad dog on the first try

    3 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Please continue this build :)

    2 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I hope they do continue it, I like it so far

    1 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    continue this please

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