Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Walkthrough Comments

Best Class Tier ListComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Anonymous@Game82 monthsReport

    Hello, thank you for using our page as a reference! Yes, although all classes have the option to use all weapons and skills, there are still clear and remarkable differences such as early passives, stat allocations, and easy access to their pre-determined weapons. Furthermore, what really sets these classes from each other is their Ascendancy skills and passives that are unique only to them.

    6 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I'm sorry but this is complete BS. I'm playing a monk, my friend is playing a warrior, we are both in endgame, me being lvl 92 and he is 88 or so, and let me tell you, warrior neither has better damage or defensive capabilities compared to an high ES monk using Chaos Inoculation. Whoever wrote this obviously didn't play the game further than lvl 40 or so. Early game, like first 14 levels or so, monk does struggle, but that completely disappears after the 20s.

    5 Eddiero3 monthsReport

    How is there a Class Tier list ... And how is every class just connected to one Skillset? any class can wear and use any Weapon /Skill.

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Who tf even wrote this? xD

    3 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Warrior is A tier class for it's "tankiness" lol... yeah right. Clearly whoever wrote this article hasn't played a warrior. He can't even get past the first boss.

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