Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Guild Currency Stash Tab Details and Price

The Guild Currency Stash Tab is purchasable microtransaction in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the price, details, and how to get the Guild Currency Stash Tab here.

Guild Currency Stash Tab Price

Costs 140 Guild Points

This Guild microtransaction costs 140 Guild Points to buy. You can convert regular Points into Guild Points when browsing through the different Guild microtransactions.

Any member of the Guild may also donate and convert their Points to the guild's Guild Point bank.

Guild Currency Stash Tab Overview

Guild Currency Stash Tab Details

Path of Exile 2 - Guild Currency Stash TabGuild Currency Stash Tab
Add a Currency Stash Tab to your Guild Stash. These premium tabs can hold 5000 of many currency types. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.

Purchasing the Guild Currency Stash Tab Guild microtransaction allows you to add a Currency Stash Tab to your Guild Stash. These premium tabs can hold 5000 of many currency types. Only Guild Leaders can buy this.

Guild stash tabs are owned by your Guild. Access permissions for Officers and Members can be set by the Guild Leader.

How to Get Guild Currency Stash Tab

Getting the Guild Currency Stash Tab

Acquire Points

First, acquire the necessary points by purchasing Supporter Packs or buying bundles of Points for a smaller price. Supporter Packs, however, give better value as they include a variety of cosmetic items in addition to an equal number of Points you would've been by purchasing the Points by themselves.

Points can then be converted to the same number of Guild Points in the shop to purchase Guild-related items.

Purchase It in the Microtransactions Shop

Next, access the Microtransactions Shop in-game or through the official Path of Exile websites. The Guild Currency Stash Tab will be under the Guild category of microtransactions.

Open the Guild Stash

The Guild Currency Stash Tab is is applied automatically to your Guild and can be accesseed by opening the Guild Stash in towns or in hideouts.

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