Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Walkthrough Comments

Server Status: Is Path of Exile 2 Down?Comment

Showing 1-20 of 22 entries


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    22 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    sunucular gg

    21 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    cant login

    20 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    currently down as of 1-23-25 11:46am EST

    19 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    servers are down for some reason

    18 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    rubber banding hard right now

    17 Jo3 monthsReport

    lagging ever since latest patch

    16 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Servers are still down on xbox.

    15 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Unexpected disconnection error occurred.

    14 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Just completed the update and still getting an unexpected error

    13 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Having an unexpected error when trying to log in

    12 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    PS5 stating ps network cannot be reached.

    11 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Had the steam update issue. Now it's working.

    10 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I had the same validating issues but I'm in now

    9 Xelinor3 monthsReport

    Aight, wokring now

    8 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Steam update isn't applying. It's downloaded 4 times

    7 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Same issue, says I need to download a patch and then when I close the game it validates in steam again

    6 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Unable to connect to game as of latest patch this evening.

    5 Xelinor3 monthsReport

    Yeah, each time i try and launch it, it tells me theres another patch to download, steam then spends 5 minuites 'validating' the install, re-launches the game, and the loop continues. It's not live.

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Steam has downloaded the patch about 6 times already and when I try to play it kicks me out and downloads a validating patch.

    3 Tacheve3 monthsReport

    is it working ?

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