Elden Ring

Limgrave & Weeping Peninsula Walkthrough

Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula Walkthrough

Traverse Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula and uncover all dungeons and bosses and items with our complete Elden Ring walkthrough.

Limgrave Guides
Limgrave Interactive Map Limgrave Walkthrough

Limgrave Walkthrough

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Limgrave Weeping Peninsula

Limgrave Map

Track your progress through Limgrave with our interactive map of the region.

Limgrave Region Interactive Map

Limgrave Objectives

1 Elden Ring - Chapel of Anticipation Beginning.png
After the opening cutscene, your character will arrive at the Chapel of Anticipation. You will also receive The Ring gesture if you pre-ordered the game.
2 Elden Ring - Dead Finger Maiden.png
Head to the right side of the room and loot the corpse of the Finger Maiden to receive the Tarnished's Wizened Finger. This item allows you to leave messages that other players can see and appraise.
Note: This is a missable item, but you can still leave messages using the message tab on the menu.
3 Elden Ring - Chapel of Anticipation Rope Bridge.png
Exit the building and follow the path and then cross the rope bridge to the north and into the next area.
4 Elden Ring - Grafted Scion Chapel of Anticipation.png
Enter the next area and approach the Statue of Marika to start the boss battle against the Grafted Scion
The story will proceed even if you lose the fight and you'll arrive in the Stranded Graveyard after short cutscene.
Can you Beat the Tutorial Boss? | How to Beat Grafted Scion
4.5 If you manage to beat the Grafted Scion, exit to your right and follow the path until you reach the cliff where you will fall down and die. This will transport you to the Stranded Graveyard as well.
5 Elden Ring - Stranded Graveyard.png
You will receive the Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears after the cutscene.
Note: If you didn't pick the Golden Seed as your starting gift, grab the the Golden Seed at the base of the Golden Tree.
6 Elden Ring - The Cave of Knowledge.png
Approach the ghost sitting on a chair and drop down the cliff to start a short tutorial through the Cave of Knowledge.
6.5 Elden Ring - Cave of Knowledge Site of Grace.png
Rest at the Site of Grace and use the Golden Seed to increase the number of your flask uses.
7 Soldier of Godrick
Near the end of the tutorial, pass through the fog to the next area and defeat the Soldier of Godrick boss.
This boss is easier than the Grafted Scion boss so take your time to master the combat basics.
How to Beat Soldier of Godrick
8 Elden Ring - Exit the Stranded Graveyard.png
After defeating the boss, continue onward until you reach the area where you fell from earlier, then open the doors to proceed to the next area.
8.5 Elden Ring - Finger Severer Loot.png
Loot the corpse north east of the Site of Grace to receive the Finger Severer and the Tarnished's Furled Finger.
9 Elden Ring - Arriving in Limgrave.png
Ride the elevator and open the doors to exit the Stranded Graveyard and arrive in Limgrave.
Note: Make sure to touch the Site of Grace just a few steps ahead of the exit.
9.5 Elden Ring - Small Golden Effigy.png
Head a few steps west of the Site of Grace and down a few steps and take the Small Golden Effigy from the Martry Effigy.
Optional Elden Ring - White-Faced Varre.png
Talk to White-Faced Varre, who will direct you to Stormveil Castle.
10 Elden Ring - Church of Elleh.png
Head north, taking care to avoid the patrolling Tree Sentinel, and activate the Site of Grace inside the Church of Elleh.
11 Elden Ring - Merchant Kale Crafting Kit.png
Speak with Merchant Kale, who will recommend you purchase a Crafting Kit for 300 Runes.
11.5 Elden Ring - Church of Elleh Smithing Stone.png
Make sure to grab the Smithing Stone 1 from the anvil and upgrade your weapon before leaving the church.
12 Elden Ring - Forest.png
Head north from the Church of Elleh and into a small forest patrolled by a few Godrick Soldiers, though you can easily backstab these enemies by using the bushes as cover and sneaking up behind them.
13 Elden Ring - Gatefront Ruins Opening.png
Head north from the forest and into Gatefront Ruins. This area is populated by many Godrick Soldiers, a couple of wolves, and a spear-wielding Godrick Knight. You can lure each enemy out in the open one by one to avoid getting mobbed by several enemies.
13.5 Elden Ring - Gatefront Ruins Stairs.png
Look for some stairs heading underground in the south-eastern part of the area.
Elden Ring - Gatefront Ruins Chest.png
Open the doors and loot the chest to receive the Ash of War: Storm Stomp and a Whetstone Knife.
Elden Ring - Get Map Limgrave West.png
Head to the monument in the middle of the ruins and grab the Map: Limgrave, West
Elden Ring - Flail Gatefront Ruins.png
Open the chest on the parked carriage on the eastern side to get a Flail. The carriage on the western side close to the Gatefront Ruins Site of Grace has a chest that contains a Lordsworn's Greatsword.
14 Elden Ring - Malenia
Rest at the Gatefront Ruins Site of Grace to activate a cutscene. Melina will appear and offer you an accord, as well as unlock the ability to level up. She will then give you the Spectral Steed Whistle that lets you summon and ride Torrent for faster travel.
Rune Farming Guide
How to Find and Ride the Horse Mount
14.5 Elden Ring - Church of Elleh Map.png
Elden Ring - Renna Spirit Calling Bell.png
Fast travel to the Church of Elleh to encounter the Witch Renna. Respond with I can call the spectral steed and she will give you the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes.
Note: Renna will only appear at night and by fast travelling to the Church of Elleh.
15 Elden Ring - Gatefront Entrance.png
Elden Ring - Golden Seed Near Stormhill Shack.png
Make your way back to Gatefront Ruins and head to the path towards Stormveil Castle, making sure to grab the Golden Seed past the group of enemies.
15.5 Elden Ring - Stormhill Shack Map Location.png
Head to the nearby Stormhill Shack and activate the Sign of Grace, making sure to loot the nearby corpse for a Stonesword Key.
Elden Ring - Spirit Jelly Ashes.png
Speak with the woman sitting on the shack and exhaust her dialogue to receive the Sitting Sideways gesture and the Spirit Jelly Ashes.
16 Elden Ring - Castleward Tunnel Map Location.png
Follow the road north and then west towards the Casteward Tunnel, making sure to activate the SIte of Grace there.
Elden Ring -  Margit the Fell Omen
Exit the tunnel on the other side where Margit the Fell Omen will appear and engage you in a fight!

How to Beat Margit the Fell Omen

Limgrave Optional Areas

Stormveil Castle Guide

You can head straight to Margit to get access to Stormveil Castle.
Stormveil Castle Walkthrough

After you picked up all of the loot at Stormveil Castle you can check out a few other optional areas worth visiting that will give you new weapons and talismans, spirit ashes, and more experience to level up your character.

Other Optional Locations

Map Location What You Can Find

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Third Church of Marika
Sacred Tear x 1
Flask of Wondrous Physick
Crimson Crystal Tear x 1
Note: Melina will share spoken echoes of Queen Marika when resting at the Site of Grace.

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Mistwood Ruins
Axe Talisman
Smithing Stone 2 x 1
Note: You can find Blaidd the Half-Wolf in this location whose personal quest is an optional part of Ranni's Questline.

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Murkwater Cave
Note: You can start Patches' questline by sparing him during his boss fight, and will unlock his shop that sells important items such as Margit's Shackle and Missionary's Cookbook 2

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Southwest of Saintsbridge
Note: You can start Iron Fist Alexander's questline by heading to the small cliff southwest of the Saintsbridge Site of Grace.

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Southeast of Gatefront Ruins
Note: You can start Boc the Seamster's questline by heading to the small area filled with trees southeast of the Agheel Lake North Site of Grace

Weeping Peninsula Walkthrough

Note: The Weeping Peninsula is an optional area, but it's recommended that you go through it before heading to Stormveil Castle. This area contains useful weapons, spirit ashes, and talismans on top of letting you earn more experience to level up your character.

Head to the Agheel South Lake Site of Grace, which is the closest location in Limgrave to the Weeping Peninsula.
Note: Make sure to follow the road towards the Site of Grace and avoid the lake itself as getting too close to the center will trigger Flying Dragon Agheel's boss fight.
Head south from the Site of Grace and cross the Bridge of Sacrifice. You can simply ignore the enemies or pick them off one by one, being careful to avoid getting shot by the ballista.

Once past the bridge, activate the nearby Bridge of Sacrifice Site of Grace.
Speak with Irina sitting slightly northwest of the Site of Grace to start her questline which will take you to Castle Morne.
Irina Questline Walkthrough
4 Elden Ring - Oridys
Use the Spiritspring Vortex near the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace to head up the cliff to get access to Oridys's Rise. Solve the riddle of the tower to retreive the Memory Stone from the chest.
Oridys's Rise Walkthrough
Head north from the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace and grab the Weeping Peninsula Map from the monument.
From the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace, head northwest and up the rocky outcropping and grab the Golden Seed from the edge of the small cliff.
Head to the the Ailing Village west of the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace. You can get a Sacred Tear and The Flame of Frenzy incantation from the Callu Baptismal Church.
Travel northwest to the Church of Pilgrimage where you can find a Sacred Tear.
Note: Melina will share spoken echoes of Queen Marika when resting at the Site of Grace.
Travel south from the Church of Pilgrimage and to the Minor Erdtree. Defeat the Erdtree Avatar to get the Opaline Bubbletear, Crimsonburst Crystal Tear, and some runes.
How to Beat the Erdtree Avatar
Head southwest from the Church of Pilgrimage to the Fourth Church of Marika where you can find another Sacred Tear.
Slightly southeast of the Fourth Church of Marika is the Tower of Return. Climb the tower and activate the transporter chest, which will teleport you to a section of Leyndell where you can get the Blessed Dew Talisman from a chest guarded by a Guardian Golem.
Head south of the Church of Pilgrimage and head inside Tombsward Catacombs. Defeat the relatively weak Cemetery Shade to receive Lhutel the Headless' Spirit Ashes.
Tombsward Catacombs Walkthrough

Weeping Peninsula Optional Areas

The Weeping Peninsula has some other locations worth visiting before taking on Margit and Stormveil Castle.

Map Location What You Can Find

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Tombsward Cave
Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 8
Viridian Amber Medallion
Note: The cave has several Cave Moss that you can use to craft Neutralizing Boluses and Stanching Boluses.

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Demi-Human Forest Ruins
Faith-knot Crystal Tear
Shield of the Guilty
Demi-Human Queen's Staff
Crystal Burst

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Impaler's Catacombs
Demi-Human Ashes
Prattling Pate "Please Help"
Note: You can find a Grave Glovewort 1 and two Ghost Glovewort 2 that you can use to upgrade your Spirit Ashes.

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Morne Tunnel
Rusted Anchor
Note: The tunnel has a total of nine Smithing Stone 1 and three Somber Smithing Stone 1 that can help you upgrade your weapons.

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