Throne and Liberty (TL)

How to Get Rare Enchanted Ink

Rare Enchanted Ink

Rare Enchanted Ink is a Crafting Material used to create Rare Blank Lithographs in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to get Rare Enchanted Ink in-game and find out if it is worth it to use.

How to Get Rare Enchanted Ink

Currently No Way to Obtain it In-Game

Contract Coin Merchant Does Not Sell Rare Enchanted Ink

At the time of writing, there is currently no way to get Rare Enchanted Ink in Throne and Liberty. The Contract Coin Merchant does not sell it and it cannot be found or bought at the Auction House.

Naturally, this means there is no way to craft Rare Blank Lithographs in the current build of Throne and Liberty. By extension, it will be impossible to craft any of the Rare Lithographs for weapons, armor, and accessories.

Only Enchanted Ink Can be Purchased

In lieu of Rare Enchanted Ink, the Contract Coin Merchant only sells the Epic rarity version called Enchanted Ink. These are used to craft Precious Blank Lithographs which you can imprint with Epic equipment to create a Lithograph of the chosen weapon, armor, or accessory.

Enchanted Ink Cannot Be Dissolved to Get Rare Enchanted Ink

In Throne and Liberty, it is possible to use the Dissolve option to break down items into their lower-rarity counterparts. However, even if Enchanted Ink is the Epic-tier of "Ink", it cannot be dissolved into Rare Enchanted Ink.

Do You Need Rare Enchanted Ink?

No, Since Blank Lithographs are Not Worth It

Rare Blank Lithograph Crafting

Well, the good news is that you don't really need Rare Enchanted Ink at all. For those familiar with the crafting system of TL, Rare Enchanted Ink will net you a Rare Blank Lithograph. These are used by imprinting them with existing equipment to create a Rare Lithograph of that item.

Naturally, this means that the only scenario where you'd need Rare Enchanted Ink at all is if you had an extra piece of Rare equipment that you wanted to turn into a Lithograph (for use in crafting later on).

Crafting Endgame Is Aimed Towards Auction House Selling

The only advantage of crafted equipment is that it allows you to sell equipment in the Auction House for Lucent (premium currency) when you manage a Great Success craft. With this in mind, there would be no point in crafting Rares when the requirements for Epic crafting are easier to meet. It'll be better to craft easy-to-sell Epics if you or your guild want to turn a profit.

Auction House Guide

Rare Equipment is Easy to Get Instead of Craft

On top of Rare crafting not paying off, the game readily showers you with Rares through the game's various PvE activities (e.g., Co-Op Dungeons) as well as easy Epics by simply finishing Codex Quests while leveling.

Going through all of the hullabaloo of getting Rare Enchanted Ink, crafting a Rare Blank Lithograph, and imprinting it with an extra weapon, armor, or accessory piece that you own is simply not worth it with how quickly you reach endgame and Epic-tier equipment.

Rare Enchanted Ink Overview

Basic Information

Item Overview
Rare Enchanted InkRare Enchanted Ink
Type Crafting Material
Sub-Type Lithograph
Rarity Rare
Can be Dissolved? No
Enchanted ink. Used to make Blank Lithographs.

Name in Other Languages


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3 Anonymous3 months

Holy ****, I have never seen anybody rage over an article and a game the way you are. Making bomb threats. Are you serious? Ya , i'm also upset that this article tells you to not craft it at all instead of telling you how to do it but damn, this comment is extremely unsettling. You gotta relax and count to ten or your gonna end up in prison. This world is already screwed up as it is. Don't be a part of it. Be better than that. Good luck and God Bless.


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