Throne and Liberty (TL)

Dimensional Trial: Island of Terror

Throne and Liberty Island of Terror Dimensional Trial

Return to the Island of Terror and take down Kertaki again Throne and Liberty (TL). Find out how to beat this Dimensional Trial in this guide.

How to Beat Kertaki

Additional Mechanics

Dimensional Trial Mechanics

The Island of Terror: Dimensional Trial is pretty much identical to its normal dungeon version.

While most of the dungeon remains the same, the difficulty is increased by enemies with stronger attacks, additional mob placement, and the Dimensional Trial modifier for that week.

To top it off, starting in higher tiers, the final boss has some new deadly moves that can result in a wipe if not handled correctly.

It is recommended that players thoroughly familiarize themselves with the normal version before attempting to complete the Dimensional Trial dungeon.

Island of Terror Dungeon: How to Beat Kertaki

Enhanced Rat Phase

In Tier 5 above, the rat phase is enhanced. Other than the fear circle, players must also avoid the red aura that Kertaki will be charging. To counter this, the group must split into two groups of three.

The first group will immediately try to escape from the circle, before each heading to a corner of the arena. The remaining will stay inside the circle as per usual, going underground right before Kertaki can eat them. Kertaki will start charging his aura after this.

The players in the corners will then take turns going underground to kite Kertaki between them as he charges his aura. They must go underground before the fear circle hits them. If anyone gets eaten during this phase, it will lead to a party wipe.

Enhanced Meteor Phase

Enhanced Meteor Phase

Starting in Tier 3, during the Meteor phase, Kertaki will spawn additional enemies. Players must defeat these quickly to minimize the damage their party takes. He will also apply a Slow debuff on a random player.

Additionally, in Tier 5 onwards, everyone in the party will receive a stack of debuffs (this can be seen above a player's head), which can be cleared by removing the smoke as normal. It is important to note, however, that only at most two players should do this to ensure that all of their debuffs are cleared. High Dex builds are good for this.

Once one player in the party has cleared all of their debuffs, continue as usual until the Geyser Phase.

Enhanced Geyser Phase

Starting in Tier 5, the Geyser Phase will be enhanced. As usual, go to a bubbling geyser and get launched into the air to avoid Kertaki's AoE attack. Upon landing, however, every player who still has at least one stack of the debuff will be trapped in a bubble.

To escape from the bubble, the player who cleared all of their debuffs from the previous phase must jump into the bubbles to burst them. It is recommended that you stack together with your party to make it easier to pop the bubbles.

Once everyone is free, proceed with the fight as usual.

Fire Wave

Starting in Tier 3, after the first Geyser mechanic, Kertaki will angrily tell the player to die. He will then cast four fire waves. The first fire wave will always come from behind Kertaki, while the rest of the fire waves will come from other cardinal directions. Jump over the fire waves to avoid damage.

After the first wave, the second wave will either go toward Kertaki, or come from the side. If it goes toward Kertaki, the last two fire waves will come from side to side. If it instead comes from the side, it will go side to side before going toward Kertaki.

It's important to note that Kertaki will perform his fireball tankbuster while doing the fire waves. Be prepared to cleanse the stun on your tank and heal them once it happens. Players using a Longbow can use Nature's Blessing to cleanse the stun.

Dimensional Trial Modifier

Effect Description
Throne and Liberty - Damage Reflection Effect Damage Reflection Reflects all physical damage within range.
Throne and Liberty - Enhance Pattern Effect Enhance Pattern Has an enhanced attack pattern.
Throne and Liberty - Frenzy Effect Frenzy Increases surrounding monsters' damage dealt and damage taken after a certain period of time.
Throne and Liberty - Increase Attack Power Effect Increase Attack Power Increases Attack Power in stages.
Throne and Liberty - Increase Health Effect Increase Health Increases Health in stages.
Throne and Liberty - Time Bomb Effect Time Bomb Summons a ticking time bomb upon death.
Throne and Liberty - Totem of Retribution Effect Totem of Retribution Summons a totoem that delivers a Stun attack to an area after a set duration.

Each week, Dimensional Trials would have a modifier that would rotate with the dungeon available for that week. Players should be aware of the modifiers and make the necessary preparations in advance.

Dimensional Trial Rewards

Rune Chance Chests

Upon successful completion of the Dimensional Trial, players would be rewarded with Rune chests. The rewards vary by tier, with higher tiers offering better rewards.

Runes Guide

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