Throne and Liberty (TL)

All Sword and Shield Skill Specializations

Throne and Liberty (Tl) - Sword and Shield Skill Specializations

This guide lists all the Sword and Shield's skill specializations in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on for the upgrade cost and effects for each skill specialization!

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Sword and Shield Tier List Sword and Shield Skill Specializations

Sword and Shield Skill Specializations

Jump to a Specific Skill
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Shield StrikeShield Strike Throne and Liberty (TL) - Strategic RushStrategic Rush Throne and Liberty (TL) - Provoking RoarProvoking Roar Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stalwart BastionStalwart Bastion
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Fierce ClashFierce Clash Throne and Liberty (TL) - Immortal PrideImmortal Pride Throne and Liberty (TL) - Counter BarrierCounter Barrier Throne and Liberty (TL) - Chain HookChain Hook
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Shield ThrowShield Throw Throne and Liberty (TL) - Annihilating SlashAnnihilating Slash Throne and Liberty (TL) - Witty StrikeWitty Strike Throne and Liberty (TL) - A Shot at VictoryA Shot at Victory

Shield Strike

Shield Strike
Shield Strike
Deals 360% of Base Damage + 16. Weakens the target with a 70% chance to decrease Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit by 250 for 6s. Shield Strike’s Melee Heavy Attack Chance increases by 20 per 1% of Shield Block Chance. On Counterattacking with Counter Barrier, Shield Strike cooldown decreases by 1.3s. The target’s aggression greatly increases.
Piercing Attack
Piercing Attack
(Piercing Strike Specialization)
Deals 360% of Base Damage + 16. to the target and other enemies within a 60-degrees cone. Weakens the target with a 70% chance to decrease Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit by 250 for 6s. Shield Strike's Melee Heavy Attack Chance increases by 20 per 1% of Shield Block Chance. On counterattacking with Counter Barrier, Shield Strike cooldown decrease by 1.3s. The target's Aggression greatly increases.

Shield Strike Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Critical Hit ▼Critical Hit ▼ 5 When weaken is applied to a target, has a 70% chance to apply Critical Hit 250 ▼ for 6sec./c
Aggression ▲Aggression ▲ 3 The damaged target’s aggression greatly increases.
Piercing AttackPiercing Attack 5 Deals 360% of Base Damage + 16 to the target and other enemies within a 60-degrees cone. Weakens the target with a 70% chance to decrease Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit by 250 for 6s. Shield Strike’s Melee Heavy Attack Chance increases by 20 per 1% of Shield Block Chance. On counterattacking with Counter Barrier, Shield Strike cooldown decrease by 1.3s. The target’s Aggression greatly increases.

Strategic Rush

Strategic Rush
Strategic Rush
Fury Attack: Charges 4.5 times the distance of Attack Range in the selected direction and deal 200% of Base Damage + 19 damage up to 5 targets with a 70% chance to apply Collision: Push. The target is Stunned for 2s if colliding into a wall. Targets immune to Collision increase Base Damage by 40 for 6s.
Strategic Rush
Strategic Rush
(Range Widened Specialization)
Fury Attack: Charges 4.5 times the distance of Attack Range in the selected direction and deal 200% of Base Damage + 19 damage up to 5 targets with a 70% chance to apply Collision: Push. The target is Stunned for 2s if colliding into a wall. Targets immune to Collision increase Base Damage by 40 for 6s.

Strategic Rush Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Move Speed ReductionMove Speed Reduction 5 On hit, has a 70% chance to decrease Move Speed by 50% for 2s.
Effects Target ▲Effects Target ▲ 3 Strategic Rush can now target up to 8 targets.
Range ▲Range ▲ 5 Width of Strategic Rush 150% ▲.

Provoking Roar

Provoking Roar
Provoking Roar
Has a 70% chance to apply Weaken: Provoke on 6 enemies within 3m for 2s (3s against Monsters, always hits) Provoked targets direct their attacks and skills towards you.
Cleaving Roar
Cleaving Roar
(Cleaving Roar Specialization)
Has a(n) 70% chance to decrease Melee, Ranged, Magic Endurance 200 of 6 enemies within 3m range for 2s (3s against Monsters, always hits).

Provoking Roar Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Bonus DamageBonus Damage 5 Deals additional damage equal to 220% of Base Damage.
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼ 5 Cooldown decreases by 6 sec.
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲ 3 Duration increases by 1.2s (1.8s against monsters). Cannot be stacked with Cleaving Roar Specialization.
Cleaving RoarCleaving Roar 5 Has a 70% chance to decrease Melee, Ranged, Magic Endurance 200 of 6 enemies within 3m range for 2s (3s against Monsters, always hits). Cannot be stacked with Effect Duration ▲ Specialization.

Stalwart Bastion

Stalwart Bastion
Stalwart Bastion
Damage Reduction 47 ▲ for 9s for you and party members within a 10m radius. The area lasts for 2s.
Great Fury
Great Fury
(Great Fury Specialization)
Skill Damage Boost 47 ▲ for 9s for you and party members within a 10m radius. The area lasts for 2s.

Stalwart Bastion Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Stalwart EgoStalwart Ego 7 Modifies the skill to only affect you and improves the effectiveness of the skill.
Move Speed ▲Move Speed ▲ 3 Move Speed increases by an additional 10%.
Great FuryGreat Fury 7 Skill Damage Boost 47 ▲ for 9s for you and your part members within a 10m radius. The area lasts for 2s.
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼ 5 Cooldown decreases by 15s.

Fierce Clash

Fierce Clash
Fierce Clash
Fury Attack: Deals 220% of Base Damage with an 80% chance to apply Collision: Push. Has the same chance to Push enemies that collide with the target and decrease the damage they deal. The target is Stunned for 3s on colliding with a wall.
Desperate Clash
Desperate Clash
(Desperate Clash Specialization)
Fury Attack: Deals 220% of Base Damage with an 80% chance to apply Collision: Prone. To other enemies within 3m radius, has a chance to apply Collision: Push. Has the same chance to Push enemies that collide with the target and decrease the damage they deal. The target is Stunned for 3s on colliding with a wall.

Fierce Clash Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Effects Chance ▲Effects Chance ▲ 3 The Collision chance increases by 10%.
Damage ▲Damage ▲ 5 Damage increases by 200%.
Desperate ClashDesperate Clash 7 Deals 220% of Base Damage with an 80% chance to apply Collision: Prone. To other enemies within 3m radius, has a /c% chance to apply Collision: Push. Has the same chance to Push enemies that collide with the target and decrease the damage they deal. The target is Stunned for 3s on colliding with a wall.

Immortal Pride

Immortal Pride
Immortal Pride
A special skill that can only be grown with Precious Skill Growth Book: Omnipotence. Max Health and Current Health increases by 20% for 6s.
Blessing of Immortality
Blessing of Immortality
(Blessing of Immortality Specialization)
A special skill that can only be grown with Precious Skill Growth Book: Omnipotence. Creates a barrier equal to 12% of Max Health for 6s.

Immortal Pride Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
All Defense ▲All Defense ▲ 5 Additional Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense ▲ 5% of Max Health during Immortal Pride (up to 1,500 ▲). Cannot be stacked with Blessing of Immortality Specialization.
Health RegenHealth Regen 3 Health Regen 200% ▲ for the skill’s duration.
Resource Cost ▼Resource Cost ▼ 3 Skill Mana Cost decreases by 80%.
Blessing of ImmortalityBlessing of Immortality 7 Creates a barrier equal to 12% of Max Health to yourself and friendly target for 6s. Cannot be stacked with All Defense ▲ Specialization.

Counter Barrier

Counter Barrier
Counter Barrier
Shield Block Chance increases by 13% for 6s. On evading an attack, using Shield Block, or blocking with a Defense skill within 1.35 times the Attack Range (4.5 times for Magic and Ranged), performs a counterattack that deals damage equal to 250% of Damage Reduction to the attacker. The counterattack damage is not affected by Critical Hit and Heavy Attack Chance.
Concentrated Barrier
Concentrated Barrier
(Concentrated Barrier Specialization)
For 6s, on evading an attack, using Shield Block, or blocking with a Defense Skill within 1.35 times the Attack Range (4.5 times for Magic and Ranged) performs a counterattack that deals damage equal to 250% of Damage Reduction to the attacker. The counterattack damage is not affected by Critical Hit and Heavy Attack Chance. When hit, store received damage up to 100% of Max Health, and then reused within 6s, inflict 15% of stored damage + 200% of base damage to all enemies within Attack Range, and the effect is removed. For 3s after the effect is removed, Shield Block Chance increases by 13%.

Counter Barrier Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Additional Damage BoostAdditional Damage Boost 5 While Counter Barrier lasts, the Base Damage increases by 5%.
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼ 5 Upon a successful counterattack, Shield Strike cooldown decreases by 0.5 sec.
Concentrated BarrierConcentrated Barrier 7 For 6s, on evading an attack, using Shield Block, or blocking with a Defense Skill within 1.35 times the Attack Range (4.5 times for Magic and Ranged) performs a counterattack that deals damage equal to 250% of Damage Reduction to the attacker. The counterattack damage is not affected by Critical Hit and Heavy Attack Chance. When hit, store received damage up to 100% of Max Health, and when reused within 6s, inflict 15% of stoned damage + 20%0 of base damage to all enemies within Attack Range, and the effect is removed. For 3s after the effect is removed, Shield Block Chance increases by 13%.

Chain Hook

Chain Hook
Chain Hook
Fury Attack: Has an 80% chance to apply Collision: Pull to the target and bind them for 3s. When used on boss monsters, pulls you to them. Increases the target monster’s Hostility to max on hit.
Controlling Rake
Controlling Rake
(Controlling Rake Specialization)
Fury Attack: Has an 80% chance to apply Collision: Pull to the target and bind them for 3s. When used on boss monsters, pulls you to them. Increases the target monster’s Hostility to max on hit.

Chain Hook Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Rear Chain HookRear Chain Hook 3 Has an 80% chance to apply Collision: Pull, Pulling the target behind the location where skill is used and Binding them for 3s. When used on boss monsters, pulls you to them. Increases the target monster’s Hostility to max on hit. Cannot be stacked with Controlling Rake Specialization.
Wrath AttackWrath Attack 5 Changes to Wrath Attack skill.
Range ▲Range ▲ 5 The attack range increases by 3.75m.
Controlling RakeControlling Rake 7 Has an 80% chance to apply Collision: Pull up to 10 enemies within 6 times the attack range in the designated direction, Binding them for 3s. Cannot be stacked with Rear Chain Hook Specialization.

Shield Throw

Shield Throw
Shield Throw
Hurls a shield 4.5 times the Attack Range in the selected direction. The shield deals damage equal to 260% of Base Damage to all targets in its path before returning to you. Magic, Melee, and Ranged Heavy Attack Chance increase by 30 for 2s. The targets’ aggression greatly increases.

Shield Throw Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use 7 Can be used twice with a chance of 35%.
Aggresion ▲Aggresion ▲ 3 The damaged target’s aggression greatly increases.
Whirling ShieldWhirling Shield 7 Hurls a shield at the target, dealing 270% of Base Damage. The shield ricochets up to 4 times to other enemies within a 5m radius of the target, dealing the same damage. Magic, Melee, and Ranged Heavy Attack Chance increase by 30 for 2s. The targets’ aggression greatly increases.

Annihilating Slash

Annihilating Slash
Annihilating Slash
Deals damage equal to 240% of Base Damage + 14 to enemies within Attack Range. If used on a target you have Weakened, deals damage to 360% of Base Damage + 21. Annihilating Slash’s remaining cooldown decreases by 8% per damaged target.

Annihilating Slash Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Range ▲Range ▲ 5 Range 1.5m ▲.
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use 7 You can use Annihilating Slash 2 times.
Move Speed ReductionMove Speed Reduction 3 Damaged target’s Move Speed decreases by 60%.

Witty Strike

Witty Strike
Witty Strike
Deals damage equal to 180% of Base Damage + 8 to up to 3 targets within 120 angle range. Recovers mana equal to 100 per target.

Witty Strike Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use 7 You can use Witty Strike 2 times.
Stamina RecoveryStamina Recovery 5 Also recovers Stamina by 12 per target.

A Shot at Victory

A Shot at Victory
A Shot at Victory
A special growth skill that can only be grown with Precious Skill Growth Book: Omnipotence. Deals 730% of Base Damage + 51 to the target. Damage of Sword skills increases by 20% for 6s.
Annihilation Blade
Annihilation Blade
(Annihilation Blade Specialization)
A special growth skill that can only be grown with Precious Skill Growth Book: Omnipotence. Uses Annihilation Blade in the designated direction, dealing 730% + 51 of Base Damage to all targets within 6 times the Attack Range, and increases Sword skill damage by 20% for 6s.

A Shot at Victory Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲ 5 The Sword skill Bonus Damage duration increases to 2s.
Boost EffectsBoost Effects 5 The sword skill Bonus Damage increases to 30%.
Annihilation BladeAnnihilation Blade 10 Uses Annihilation Blade in the designated direction, dealing 730% of Base Damage to all enemies within 6 times the attack range, and increases Sword skill damage by 20% for 6s.

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