Throne and Liberty (TL)

Specter's Abyss (First Dungeon): How to Beat Heliber

Specter's Abyss is the first Dimensional Circle dungeon and where you fight Heliber in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to see an overview of Specter's Abyss, a complete walkthrough of Specter's Abyss, how to beat Heliber, as well as the possible rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Heliber

Heliber Boss Showcase

Disclaimer: This clear was done in the KR server and cleared slowly to showcase their mechanics.

Check out our 1-minute clear of Heliber!

Heliber Overview

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Heliber
Type Undead
Passive Freedom Stance: Bind Resistance ▲

How to Avoid Death Sentence

Heliber Mechanics

Reduce the Damage by Stacking

You can reduce the incoming damage of the Death Sentence by grouping together within its radius, sharing the damage among all the players inside.

Use Salvation Chain to Pull Allies

Players using the staff can activate the Salvation Chain to pull teammates out of the Heliber's range, helping them dodge its attacks. Since this attack can deal massive damage, be mindful of your teammates' positioning at all times to save them when the Heliber is about to swing its scythe.

Heliber Attack Patterns

AoE Cone Attack

Heliber raises its scythe and slams it into the ground, releasing projectiles that fan out in a cone. You can immediately morph and strafe sideways to move out of the cone's range.

AOE Fury Attack

Heliber releases a fury attack that damages players over a wide area. You can mitigate the damage from this attack by successfully parrying with your defensive skills.

Specter's Abyss Best Team and Roles

Role Explanation
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo makes a great tank build to help the party take on the mobs of enemies encountered in the dungeon.
Specter's Abyss Role:
Responsible for taking all of the mob's aggro and grouping them up for the DPS to clean up.
Heliber Role:
Responsible for tanking damage from Heliber and directing its attacks away from the party, as well as helping soak damage from Death Sentence.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo is the most ideal for DPS players, having high damage output.
Specter's Abyss Role:
Responsible for clearing mobs in the dungeon, through AOE and single target damage.
Heliber Role:
Responsible for dealing damage to Heliber, and stacking Thunderclouds debuffs on the boss.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo can act as a flexible position within the team composition providing damage while aiding the team with utility.
Specter's Abyss Role:
Responsible for clearing mobs, marking high priority targets, and providing supplementary healing.
Heliber Role:
Responsible for marking and debuffing Heliber, while also providing supplementary healing.
Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Staff / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo is a great Magic damage build that clears mobs and bosses efficiently.
Specter's Abyss Role:
Inflicts burn on groups in order to maximize damage from lightning spells.
Heliber Role:
Responsible for marking, debuffing, and dealing damage to Heliber.
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo is a DPS build that allows the player to effectively clear mobs and bosses with the interactions between Lightning based skills and Burning and Frost debuffs.
Specter's Abyss Role:
Inflicts Frost on mobs to increase the range of Chain Lightning.
Heliber Role:
Inflict Thunderclouds and Burning on Heliber through skill rotations to deal damage and lower defenses.
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo is the quintessential Healer build. Use these weapons to provide healing to your teammates.
Specter's Abyss Role:
Responsible for sustaining the team's Health throughout the dungeon.
Heliber Role:
Heliber deals large AOE damage, especially with its Death Sentence Mechanic. Use the team-wide healing and shielding of the Wand and Staff build to keep teammates alive.

Specter's Abyss Walkthrough

Specter's Abyss Sequences
1 Shadowmancer
Defeat Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer
After clearing the first room of enemies, proceed into the hallway. There, players will find a smaller group of enemies. Defeating them will spawn the Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer. Defeat the miniboss to progress further into the dungeon.
How to Defeat Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer
2 Lever
Pull the Levers
Entering the hall past the corridor, the path forks in two. Clear the enemies in both areas and pull the levers in the middle of the rooms. This will make the area in the middle accessible.
3 Riot Squad Captain
Defeat Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain
Before proceeding to Heliber, clear out the room of any enemies, including the Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain standing guard at the entrance to the boss room.
How to Defeat Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain

How to Defeat Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer

When fighting the Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer, the only attack of note is the one that inflicts Silence on a player in the party, causing them to become immobile and unable to perform actions. Inflicting CC on the Shadowmancer will dispell the silence.

How to Defeat Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain

The Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain has a tendency to perform an attack that could potentially wipe teams. To counter this, when it begins charging, burst the shield with skills. When it breaks, inflict CC on the Riot Squad Captain to interupt the attack.

Alternatively, if the team cannot break the shield in time, gathering around the Healer or Tank for them to cast a team-wide shield can help the team survive..

Specter's Abyss Overview

Required Level Lv. 20
Type Dimensional Circle
Contract Token
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Dimension Contract Token 1 120
Min. Combat Power
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Minimum Combat Power 600
Syleus turned the ancient underground tomb into his own lab, now known as Syleus's Abyss. The labyrinthian halls teemed with immortals and monsters, so Syleus created a follower, Heliber, to guard the lab. Ever the loyal servant, Heliber faithfully guides his master through the lab - and leads unwelcome visitors to their deaths.

Specter's Abyss Best Rewards and All Drops

Steel Flurry Crossbows

Weapon Stats
Steel Flurry CrossbowsSteel Flurry Crossbows
Type: Crossbow IconCrossbow
Damage: 14~53
Atk Spd: 0.475s
Range: 12m
・Dexterity 2
・Critical Hit Chance 40
・Max Mana 300

Steel Flurry Crossbows are a great set of Crossbows to farm for as they provide good stats. Aside from a boost to Dexterity, the increase in Critical Hit Chance and Max Mana offer more uptime and damage to players.

How to Get Steel Flurry Crossbows

Nature's End Shoes

Armor Stats
NatureNature's End Shoes Type: Feet Armor

Melee Def: 86
Ranged Def: 76
・Movement Speed +2.6%
・Perception 3

Nature's End Shoes is a valuable piece of footwear for any build. It provides Move Speed and a boost to the Perception stat, allowing you to hit breakpoints.

How to Get Nature's End Shoes

All Drops


All Weapon Drops
Dark Ritualist StaffDark Ritualist Staff Steel Flurry CrossbowsSteel Flurry Crossbows Sword of StrikingSword of Striking


All Armor Drops
Feathered Drakeskin BootsFeathered Drakeskin Boots Glade Stalker BootsGlade Stalker Boots Gloom Guard Winged HelmetGloom Guard Winged Helmet NatureNature's End Shoes
Permafrost ShoesPermafrost Shoes Ruthless Enforcer GauntletsRuthless Enforcer Gauntlets Ruthless Enforcer SabatonsRuthless Enforcer Sabatons


There are no Accessory Drops for this Dungeon.


All Item Drops
Rare Polished Crystal Icon Rare Polished Crystal Quality Polished Crystal Icon Quality Polished Crystal Fermented Rotein Icon Fermented Rotein Mana Blood Icon Mana Blood


All Other Rewards
Abyssal Contract Token Points (x500) Training Dew: 10,000 Points

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