Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Weapon Combo Tier List

Weapon Combination
The Best Weapon Combo Tier List to use for PvE and PvP in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn more about all the weapon combinations, our criteria for the tier list, and the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon combo.

Tier Lists
Weapon Combo Tier List Weapon Tier List

Best Weapon Combo Tier List

PvP Weapon Combo Tier List

Tier Weapon Combo
S Sword and Shield / Wand (Tank and Healer)
Greatsword / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)
Dagger / Staff (DPS)
Longbow / Dagger (DPS)
Sword and Shield / Dagger (Tank and DPS)
Spear / Sword and Shield (Tank)
Spear / Greatsword (Tank and DPS)
A Longbow / Wand (Healer and DPS)
Greatsword / Dagger (DPS)
Dagger / Crossbow (DPS)
Wand / Staff (Healer and DPS)
Longbow / Staff (DPS)
Spear / Staff (DPS)
B Wand / Dagger (DPS)
Greatsword / Crossbow (DPS)
Spear / Dagger (DPS)
Spear / Crossbow
C Crossbow / Staff (DPS)
・Sword and Shield / Crossbow (Tank and DPS)
Longbow / Crossbow (DPS)
・Wand / Crossbow (Healer and DPS)
Spear / Wand (Healer and DPS)
・Spear / Longbow (DPS)
D ・Greatsword / Staff (DPS)
Longbow / Greatsword (DPS)
・Sword and Shield / Staff (Tank and DPS)
Wand / Greatsword (Healer and DPS)
・Longbow / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)

PvE & Dungeons Weapon Combo Tier List

Tier Weapon Combo
S Greatsword / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)
Dagger / Crossbow (DPS)
Wand / Staff (Healer and DPS)
Wand / Sword and Shield (Tank and Healer)
Spear / Greatsword (Tank and DPS)
Spear / Staff (DPS)
Spear / Sword and Shield (DPS)
Longbow / Wand (Healer and DPS)
A Dagger / Staff (DPS)
Longbow / Crossbow (DPS)
Longbow / Dagger (DPS)
Crossbow / Staff
Spear / Dagger (DPS)
Longbow / Staff (DPS)
B Dagger / Greatsword (DPS)
Dagger / Wand (Healer and DPS)
Sword and Shield / Crossbow (Tank and DPS)
Spear / Wand (Healer and DPS)
Spear / Crossbow (DPS)
Spear / Longbow (DPS)
C Sword and Shield / Dagger (Tank and DPS)
Longbow / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)
D Longbow / Greatsword (DPS)
Greatsword / Crossbow (DPS)
Wand / Crossbow (Healer and DPS)
Staff / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)
Wand / Greatsword (Healer and DPS)
Staff / Greatsword (DPS)

Weapon Combo Tier List Criteria

PvP Tier list Criteria

S Rank Icon S Tier Skills Synergy:These weapon combinations offer the best skill synergy, allowing most skills to be effective in both large-scale and small-scale PvP.
Damage Output:These weapon combinations deliver the highest damage output through skills and weapon damage, effective for both AOE and single target combat.
Versatility:These weapon combinations provide the greatest flexibility, enabling players to adapt to multiple playstyles and achieve objectives by simply switching skills.
A Rank Icon A Tier Skills Synergy:These weapon combinations offer great skill synergy, allowing many skills to be effective in both large-scale and small-scale PvP.
Damage Output:These weapon combinations deliver excellent damage output through skills and weapon damage, effective for both AOE and single target combat.
Versatility:These weapon combinations provide great flexibility, enabling players to adapt to multiple playstyles and achieve objectives by simply switching skills.
B Rank Icon B Tier Skills Synergy:These weapon combinations offer good skill synergy, allowing some skills to be effective in both large-scale and small-scale PvP.
Damage Output:These weapon combinations deliver good damage output through skills and weapon damage, effective for both AOE and single target combat.
Versatility:These weapon combinations provide some flexibility, enabling players to adapt to certain playstyles and achieve objectives by switching skills.
C Rank Icon C Tier Skills Synergy:These weapon combinations offer adequate skill synergy, with few skills effective in both large-scale and small-scale PvP.
Damage Output:These weapon combinations deliver mediocre damage output through skills and weapon damage, with only some skills being effective for both AOE and single target combat.
Versatility:These weapon combinations provide limited flexibility, restricting players in playstyles even when switching skills.
D Rank IconD Tier Skills Synergy:These weapon combinations offer poor skill synergy, with barely any skills effective in any scenario.
Damage Output:These weapon combinations deliver poor damage output through skills and weapon damage, with very few skills effective for both AOE and single target combat.
Versatility:These weapon combinations provide no flexibility, severely restricting players playstyles even when switching skills.

PvE Tier list Criteria

S Rank Icon S Tier Skills Synergy:
Weapon combinations that have the best skills synergy, wherein most skills can benefit from each other.
Damage Output:
Weapon combinations that have the highest damage output via skills and weapon damage.
Weapon combinations that give the most space for experimentation in terms of builds and playstyles to achieve objectives simply by switching skills.
A Rank Icon A Tier Skills Synergy:
Weapon combinations that have great skills synergy, wherein many skills can benefit from each other.
Damage Output:
Weapon combinations that have a high damage output via skills and weapon damage.
Weapon combinations that give more space for experimentation in terms of builds and playstyles to achieve objectives simply by switching skills.
B Rank Icon B Tier Skills Synergy:
Weapon combinations that have good skills synergy, wherein some skills can benefit from each other.
Damage Output:
Weapon combinations that have good damage output via skills and weapon damage.
Weapon combinations that give some space for experimentation in terms of builds and playstyles to achieve objectives simply by switching skills.
C Rank Icon C Tier Skills Synergy:
Weapon combinations that have adequate skills synergy, wherein few skills can benefit from each other.
Damage Output:
Weapon combinations that have mediocre damage output via skills and weapon damage.
Weapon combinations that give little space for experimentation in terms of builds and playstyles to achieve objectives simply by switching skills.
D Rank IconD Tier Skills Synergy:
Weapon combinations that have poor skills synergy, wherein barely any skills can benefit from each other.
Damage Output:
Weapon combinations that have poor damage output via skills and weapon damage.
Weapon combinations that give limited space for experimentation in terms of builds and playstyles to achieve objectives simply by switching skills.

Tier List Criteria Explantion

Each of these factors determine a weapon combination's place within the tier list. The following are their definitions:

  • Skills Synergy: The degree to which each weapon's skills can positively affect each other.
  • Damage Output: The damage potential the weapon combination can produce via skills and weapon damage.
  • Versatility: The degree to which the weapon combination can allow a variety of builds and playstyles.

PvP Weapon Combo Overview

PvP Builds Tier List

S Tier Weapon Combo

Spear / Greatsword (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Spear / Greatsword
・Tanky Bruiser that can deal high amounts of damage.
・Has slight sustain and mobility suitable for mid-large scale combat.
・High-tempo build that requires fast execution.

The Spear and Greatsword build excels at dealing damage from the frontline, acting as an off-tank or melee DPS. The Spear's skills can afflict Burning or Burst, which increase the damage taken by opponents. The Greatsword's kit can provide buffs and other forms of CC, increasing the player's lifespan and survivability on the battlefield.

Spear / Sword and Shield (Tank)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Spear / Sword and Shield
・Offensive Tank with high mobility.
・Can taunt and CC enemies with ease.
・Plenty engage options for fast paced combat.

The Spear and Sword and Shield build is the hyper-offensive tank build that can burst onto enemy backlines and disrupt formations with ease. Different modes of engage and CC allow players to constantly pose a threat on the battlefield, creating space for DPS players to finish off enemies.

Greatsword / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
・Tanky damage-absorbing frontline bruiser that can stun targets and deal DPS.
・Not self-sustaining and requires allied support for prolonged engagements.
・Adept at protecting vulnerable, rear-guard allies.

Combining Greatsword and Sword creates a full-on melee tank with lots of CC and buffs. Greatsword's active skills provide tons of crowd controls with some damage while its passives maximize durability. Sword's active skills are a great mix of buffs, damage, and some crowd control while its passive skills offer diverse improvements.

Dagger / Staff (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff
・Slippery spellcaster who can wipe out unsuspecting groups of enemies.
・Can spread curses and lock down multiple targets at once.
・Works best unnoticed or in the backline, casting spells from a safe distance.

Whittle down enemies from a distance with the staff before efficiently finishing off the opponents with the daggers. Quickly makes work of key targets when used correctly.

Longbow / Dagger (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Longbow / Dagger
・Damage Dealer with a unique kiting approach that can burst low health enemies in melee.
・Multiple options for single target crowd-control, via bind and prone.
・Can support the team by removing debuffs and providing single-target heals.

Begins engagements with ranged attacks before finishing opponents off in melee range. Provides the player with enough agency to choose their targets at the range of their choosing.

Sword and Shield / Dagger (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - Sword and ShieldThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Sword and Shield / Dagger
・Long cooldowns necessitate a good understanding of the optimal time to use them.
・Can burst single targets incredibly well.
・Tanky mobile skirmisher with high survivability.

Combining Sword and Shield, and Dagger creates a high-damage melee assassin with some durability and crowd control options. Sword and Shield's active skills mainly provide buffs and crowd control while its passive hone in on durability. Dagger's active and passive skills solely focus on dealing as much damage as possible but also give a means of escape.

A Tier Weapon Combo

Spear / Staff (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Staff
Spear / Staff
・DPS build with high damage.
・Extremely mobile.
・Can inflict strong DOT effects.

The Spear and Staff build is another viable PvP build that allows players to deal high amounts of damage and capitalize on the Burning effect with the Staff's Kit. This build offers plenty mobility, as well as some sustain, increasing the durability of DPS players without too big of a drawback.

Longbow / Wand (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
・Adept at keeping teammates alive with heals and damage mitigation.
・Multiple options for disabling, both single targeted and AOE.
・Works best as support in the backline, alongside allies who can pull enemies off of them.

Support build that focuses on keeping party members alive with damage mitigation and an abundance of heals.

Dagger / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Dagger / Crossbow
・A damage dealer who is adept at taking down multiple targets.
・Great at chasing targets and can be quite capable of disengaging from unfavorable situations.
・Operates at close range, and is most effective when it enters a battle after the initial skirmish.

Wreak havoc by sneaking behind the enemy backline and destroying multiple key targets with an arsenal of AoE skills. Armed with mobility, high AoE damage, and stealth, this build has the potential to turn the tide of any battle.

Wand / Staff (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff
・Capable of dealing insane amounts of damage, both single target and AoE.
・Can shut down targets, making them unable to participate in combat for a short period of time.
・Limited mobility and damage mitigation, requires immaculate positioning capabilities.

The Wand and Staff combination utilizes the arcane forces to make a hybrid between a healer and DPS that has the capability of putting chunks of opponents into sleep. The Wand's active skills provide the necessary support and Crowd Control, while The Staff provides the combination with its elemental spells that synergize with each other.

Longbow / Staff (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
・Able to deal insane amounts of single-target and AoE damage while remaining completely self-sustaining.
・Typically built like a glass cannon, requiring precise reactions to effectively deal with threats.
・Ranged damage dealer with a flexible set of skills to choose from.

Disables targets before unleashing a barrage of spells. Very versatile skill selection, and can burst down multiple opponents.

B Tier Weapon Combo

Spear / Dagger (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Spear / Dagger
・High damage DPS build.
・Extremely mobile.
・Can inflict strong debuffs.

Spear and Dagger allows for applying multiple debuffs such as Thunderclouds and Burst, which shred defenses and take more damage. This is useful when paired with the stealth and mobility options given by both weapons, allowing the player to navigate the battlefield and set their sights on a target.

Spear / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear / Crossbow
・High DPS character with mobility.
・High risk playstyle.
・Can deal with crowds or high-priority targets.

Spear and Crossbow is a versatile DPS character that can dispatch enemies in a number of ways. It has engage, and self-peel, as well as different damaging options for ranged and melee use.

Wand / Dagger (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Wand / Dagger
・High mana costs require good resource management to execute skill rotations efficiently.
・Hybrid damage provides pressure as most enemies cannot adequately defend against both.
・Short-range spellcaster adept at dealing AOE damage.

Singles out isolated targets, then blows them up with a series of curses. Plenty of survivability and support options make this a well-rounded build.

C Tier Weapon Combo

Spear / Wand (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand
Spear / Wand
・Self-sustaining damage dealer.
・Needs an even spread of stat distributions.
・Has Mana Problems

Spear and Wand is a decent DPS loadout that allows the player to inflict Sleep and Burning while sustaining itself. This build has decent range and self-peel.

Spear / Longbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Spear / Longbow
・Ranged DPS with plenty mobility.
・Can provide team utility and support.
・Damage is subpar

Spear and Longbow is a ranged dps build that provides plenty team utility. It offers debuffs, healing, cleanses, and other tools that can round out a party.

Longbow / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Longbow / Crossbow
・Able to deal a high amount of AoE damage when mana reserves allow for it.
・Requires adequate spacing to safely deal damage so as not to be targeted.
・Ranged DPS with a synergistic arsenal of passive and active abilities for high hit probability and high damage output.

A hybrid DPS-supporting ranged class capable of dealing wide AOE damage while supporting allies. Provides decent ranged damage while maintaining mobility.

D Tier Weapon Combo

Longbow / Greatsword (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Longbow / Greatsword
・The above-average Health pool allows for favorable trades against most targets, but the lack of damage mitigation and sustain makes most builds lean toward a hit-and-run playstyle.
・Able to consistently single out key targets and take them down before they can react, with the unique ability to extend combos by refreshing a single skill of the player's choosing.
・Unconventional weapon combination capable of controlling targets from melee and range.

Bind targets from a distance and finishes opponents with a stunlock combo. Effective for taking down key solo targets.

PvE Weapon Combo Overview

PvE Builds Tier List

S Tier Weapon Combo

Spear / Greatsword (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Spear / Greatsword
・Bruiser Tank with mobility and self-sustain.
・High single-target damage output.
・Can CC enemies and some bosses

The Spear and Greatsword can significantly boost the damage and survivability of a player. This build relies on Strength, Dexterity, and Heavy Attacks.

Spear / Staff (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Staff
Spear / Staff
・Mobile ranged DPS.
・Synergizes because of the Burning status effect.
・High damage ceiling

This build centers on the Burning status effect, boosting the damage of the staff and making full use of the Spear's Kit. Build Dexterity, Wisdom, and Perception.

Spear / Sword and Shield (Tank)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Spear / Sword and Shield
・Offensive Tank Build.
・Can act as dedicated Tank.
・Has plenty tools to make mobbing easier.

This tank build lets tanks take on more offensive roles. Mobility and plenty CC tools allow this tank to create space for the DPS players to keep casting skills.

Greatsword / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
・Provides high durability and survivability
・Offers plenty of crowd control
・Has some single-target burst options
・Passives and Active Skills synergize well

Combining Greatsword and Sword weapons allows for a tanky frontliner build. Greatsword's active skills have a good mix of AOE and single-target damage while its passives give high amounts of durability. Sword's active skills provide mainly buffs and healing to cover for Greatsword's lack of utility skills and adds some more damage while its passives further improve durability.

Dagger / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow
・One of the hardest hitting Weapon Combo
・Extremely powerful due to its ability to burst down enemies
・High AoE damage, making it excellent for clearing mobs

Uses multi-hit attacks to quickly accumulate Thundercloud Stacks. Relies on weaken effects, high attack speed, and mobility.

Wand / Staff (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff
・Excellent damage dealer
・High AoE and DoT damage capabilities
・Can survive extended fights thanks to self-healing
・Weak against crowd control

Combines the two arcane forces to heal allies and inflict curses with the Wand while wreaking havoc with AoE elemental spells from the Staff. Recommended for those that prefer a hybrid of supporting allies while inflicting a decent amount of DPS.

Sword and Shield / Wand (Healer and Tank)

Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand.png
Sword and Shield / Wand
・Excellent defensive capabilities
・High survivability due to healing abilities

Mixing Sword and Wand produces a good balance of melee and magic damage with a lot of utility. Sword's active skills have decent damage with a great buffs while its passives provide durability and sustain. Wand's active skills also deal decent damage but offers more support through healing and protection making this one of the best weapon combo for tanks.

Longbow / Wand (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
・Excellent healing capabilities
・High damage output due to the Longbow's burst potential

The premier support weapon combination, this build provides all the support skills a party needs while increasing the team's damage output. Abilities can be tailored to the party's needs, whether that be more survivability or more damage.

A Tier Weapon Combo

Spear / Dagger (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Spear / Dagger
・High Damage DPS Bruiser build with mobility and sustain.
・Makes up for average damage numbers with increased attack speed and high average DPS.
・Applies Debuffs such as Burst and Thunderclouds.

The Spear and Dagger can deal lots of damage if you give it time to ramp up stacks of Burst and Thunderclouds. Build Dexterity and Strength with this weapon combo to maximize damage and Attack Speed.

Dagger / Staff (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff
・The crit damage boost from the dagger makes this build an excellent DPS option.
・Focused entirely on dealing damage, with almost no defensive capabilities.

The Dagger and Staff synergize really well, allowing the player to deal great damage from a distance. This is recommended for those who prefer brutal front-loaded damage.

Longbow / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow / Crossbow
・Consistent DPS with low-cooldown skills
・Easy repositioning after every skill usage
・Can provide powerful burst damage, especially against high HP bosses
・Changing weapons can be challenging due to differing ranges

Allows for a steady stream of ranged DPS with short cooldowns, allowing for a mobile hit-and-run playstyle if needed. Can remain stationary for more damage, or a mobile setup for kiting.

Longbow / Dagger (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Longbow / Dagger
・Good single target damage
・Excellent sustain and escape abilities
・Weak against mobs

The longbow and dagger makes for a very unique assassin playstyle, inflicting stacks of status effects on opponents and blinking in to perform high damage combos. This combination is very mobile and fast paced.

Longbow / Staff (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
・Excellent skill synergy
・One of the best ranged DPS Weapon Combo
・Highly flexible

Deliver ranged DPS from a distance while providing party utility. Both weapons can synergistically reduce each other's cooldowns, with flexible options for party-wide support.

Staff / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Staff / Crossbow
・Decent AoE damage
・Multiple Crowd Control skills
・Low mobility

Infuses the Crossbow's single-target damage with the Staff's mobbing potential, both having the capabilities to synergize dealing specific elemental damage to enemies. Recommended for those that prefer to stay out of the line of fire while locking down zones with impeccable AoE damage.

B Tier Weapon Combo

Spear / Wand (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand
Spear / Wand
・Self Sustaining DPS character.
・Inflicts debuffs such as Sleep and Burning.
・A Mana-hungry build, requires investment into all stats.

The Spear and Wand is an interesting build as it is able to use the offensive capabilities of the Wand to boost the damage and add to the utility of the spear. This build benefits from all bonus stats, Especially Strength and Perception

Spear / Longbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Spear / Longbow
・Utility DPS with healing, debuffs, and mobility.
・Can buff the damage of other teammates.
・Benefits from range and Attack Speed.

This build uses Gale and Burst to deal high damage after repeated attacking. This build can also be used to provide healing and cleansing, while marking high priority targets.

Spear / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Spear Icon.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear / Crossbow
・Can transition from melee to ranged DPS.
・High mobility with some sustain.
・Afflicts a series of debuffs.

The Spear and Crossbow build can fit any DPS requirement, from melee to ranged. Build Dexterity and Perception with these weapons to maximize damage and status effect affliction.

Dagger / Greatsword (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Dagger / Greatsword
・Okay damage output
・Multiple crowd control options

The Dagger and Greatsword is suited for those who prefer to play offensive tanks. The high damage and high health and endurance ratio makes for a good balance of offense and defense.

Dagger / Wand (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Wand
Dagger / Wand
・Decent burst damage with dagger skills
・Multiple escape abilities
・High survivability due to self-healing capabilities

Using a dagger and wand allows you to constantly poke at enemies and be extremely annoying by harassing them with crowd control and debuffs while having multiple survivability options through your heals and escapes.

Sword and Shield / Crossbow (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbows.png
Sword and Shield / Crossbow
・Both weapons can inflict Weaken and Collision
・Subpar damage output
・Skills have minimal synergy
・Limited AoE skills

Merging Sword and Crossbow creates a high-DPS build with some utility. Sword's active and passive skills offer solutions to situational problems while Crossbow primarily provides DPS.

C Tier Weapon Combo

Dagger / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Dagger / Sword and Shield
・Decent single-target crowd control
・Above average damage and sustain
・Offers some defensive options

Taking the Dagger and Sword and Shield allows players to sustain themselves in a war of attrition. The Dagger's Skill Specializations allow for the taunt mechanics of the Sword and Shield to shine, becoming its own raid boss against multiple enemies.

Longbow / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Sword
Longbow / Sword and Shield
・Decent long-range DPS with Ensnaring Arrow and Chain Hook
・One of the weaker weapons for mobbing
・Outshined by the wand's crowd control abilities

Switch weapons on the fly and fight battles at the range the player prefers. Allows the player to continue dealing damage when mechanics require the repositioning of the player.

D Tier Weapon Combo

Greatsword / Longbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Longbow.png
Greatsword / Longbow
・Weak damage output
・Low survivability compared to other weapons
・Switching between melee and ranged can make it difficult to play effectively

Taking Greatsword and Longbow together allows for proficiency in both range and melee combat. Both weapons' active skills deal high amounts of damage with a lot of crowd control. However, their passives barely have any synergy since one is geared mainly for melee combat while the other is for ranged combat, which are of contradicting playstyles.

Greatsword / Crossbow (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
Greatsword / Crossbow
・Almost no flexibility with skills due to a lack of synergy
・Victor's Morale combined with the crossbow's multiple strikes addresses most mana issues

Wielding the Greatsword and Crossbow means weaving in and out of an opponent's melee range. High DPS is rewarded to players who can successfully use mobility to juggle their ranged and melee skills.

Wand / Crossbow (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
Wand / Crossbow
・Has the ability to spam Crowd Control Debuffs
・Lacks the damage needed to perform single target burst

Enfeeble enemies with the Wand from afar while pelting them down with Weaken-enhanced bolts with the Crossbow. Recommended for those that prefer a high action-per-minute build and min-maxing their skill sequences.

Staff / Sword and Shield (Tank and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Staff / Sword and Shield
・Has reliable Crowd Control mitigation
・Weapon combinations conflict with each other's strengths
・Cannot mix skills between the two, as specific ranges are required to activate them

Equipping Staff and Sword creates a good mix of magic and melee damage with a bit of utility. Staff's active skills are great for dealing damage while its passives add more damage and provides the mana needed to keep up with its mana-heavy active skills. Sword's active skills provide mainly buffs and healing to cover for Staff's lack of utility skills and adds some more damage while its passives improve durability.

Wand / Greatsword (Healer and DPS)

Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Wand / Greatsword
・Crowd control abilities include Stun and Sleep
・Strong sustain due to self healing capabilities
・Lacks consistent damage output against single targets

The Greatsword's long but hefty wind-ups is supported by the Wand's crippling debuffs. Recommended for those that revel at the sight of multiple CC'ed opponents before cashing in on high values of damage.

Staff / Greatsword (DPS)

Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Staff / Greatsword
・Decent AoE and single-target capabilities
・Can somewhat tank enemy attacks thanks to passives

Set up enemies with elemental debuffs the Staff provides and finish them off with the Greatsword's earth-shattering skills. Recommended for those that prefer a hit-n'-run playstyle that offers high amounts of burst damage.

Poll: Which Weapon Combo Are You Using?

Dagger / Crossbow 8
Staff / Crossbow 1
Greatsword / Crossbow 5
Dagger / Wand 5
Greatsword / Sword and Shield 7
Longbow / Greatsword 2
Wand / Sword and Shield 2
Sword and Shield / Crossbow 0
Longbow / Staff 5
Longbow / Wand 2
Longbow / Sword and Shield 1
Longbow / Crossbow 1
Staff / Wand 11
Staff / Sword and Shield 2
Wand / Greatsword 5
Wand / Crossbow 3
Staff / Greatsword 7
Longbow / Dagger 2
Dagger / Staff 1
Dagger / Greatsword 2
Dagger / Sword and Shield 1

Vote for the weapon Combo you are using in Throne and Liberty! Let us know in the comments why you chose these weapon combinations.

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4 Anonymous3 months

SnS/GS is Strong !!

3 Seilky4 months

SnS/Wand is still one of the best weapons for tanking, it's synergies are better of for tanking than Sword and SnS. You do less damage, but, damage does mean anything if you can't even survive cause your healer is bad, or someone went DPS on Healer role.


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