Throne and Liberty (TL)

All Mystic Globe Locations

Throne and Liberty Mystic Globe Locations

Mystic Globes are treasures hidden throughout Solisium in Throne and Liberty (TL). See a map of Mystic Globe locations here.

Mystic Globes and Portals
Mystic GlobeMystic Globes Mystic PortalMystic Portals

Mystic Globes Interactive Map

How to Unlock Mystic Globes

Use Mystic Keys to Unlock Mystic Globes

Mystic Keys

Mystic Globes are unlocked using special keys called Mystic Keys. These keys can be bought from Contract Coin merchants throughout Solisium.

Keys Expire After 7 Days

These keys will automatically expire 7 days from the date of purchase. It is highly recommended that you do not buy in bulk if you are not planning on using them all up within the next 7 days.

How to Find Mystic Globes

Use Your Minimap

Mystic Globe Map

Your minimap will occasionally show a nearby activated Mystic Globe. When you are openly exploring, make quick glances at your minimap to ensure that there are no Mystic Globes in the area left unchecked.

Keep an Eye on Your Amitoi

Your Amitoi will also notice if you are near a Mystic Globe. It will appear on your bottom right section to notify that a Mystic Globe is nearby. Afterwards, you can use the minimap to help you pinpoint the location even further.

What Are Mystic Globes?

Hidden Treasures

Mystic Globe Overworld

Mystic Globes are hidden treasures that require Mystic Keys to unlock. Unlocking and activating Mystic Globes have a small chance of spawning a Mystic Portal in the same area.

Unlocks Mystic Portals

Mystic Portal Notif

After activating a Mystic Globe, there is a small chance that a Mystic Portal will also activate near the area of the Mystic Globe. This will only be open for a limited time, thus it is recommended that you seek out the treasure as soon as possible.

Throne and Liberty Related Guides

Throne and Liberty Map.png

Throne and Liberty Interactive Map

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