Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Greatsword / Sword and Shield Build (PvE)

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This is a guide on the Greatsword and Sword build for PvE in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to use the Sword and Greatsword build, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, runes, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build is based on the Korean version of the game with some adjustments to match the features available in Global. We’re working on updating our builds to be fully accurate for the Global release. Thank you for your patience!

Greatsword / Sword Build Overview

Build Summary

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.png Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword and Sword
Mobbing, DPS, Tank, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Perception
Skill Setup
Skills - Valiant BrawlSkills - DaVinciSkills - Gaia CrashSkills - Devastating TornadoSkills - WillbreakerSkills - Shield StrikeSkills - Counter BarrierSkills - Strategic RushSkills - Provoking RoarSkills - Immortal PrideSkills - Stalwart BastionSkills - Annihilating Slash
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of CC
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of buffs
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh durability and survivability
Throne and Liberty - ConNo range attacks
Throne and Liberty - ConStruggles against bosses

This build makes use of Greatsword and Sword weapons to create a high-crowd control and high-durability melee tank or frontliner. It's effective against mobs of enemies, allowing for faster farming and leveling.

Prioritize improving Strength first to maximize durability, then Perception for CC and buff enhancements.

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Active Skills
Gaia CrashGaia Crash
Specialization - Critical Hit ▲ Critical Hit ▲
Specialization - Attack Speed ▲ Attack Speed ▲
Specialization - Frost Cleaving Frost Cleaving
Shield StrikeShield Strike
Specialization - Piercing Attack Piercing Attack
Valiant BrawlValiant Brawl
Specialization - Cruel Smite Cruel Smite
Annihilating SlashAnnihilating Slash
Specialization - Range ▲ Range ▲
Specialization - Consecutive Use Consecutive Use
DaVinciDaVinci's Courage
Specialization - Instant Healing Instant Healing
Specialization - Damage Reduction Damage Reduction
Specialization - Duration ▲ Duration ▲
Devastating TornadoDevastating Tornado
Specialization - Bonus Damage Bonus Damage
Specialization - Cooldown ▼ Cooldown ▼
Specialization - Resistance ▲ Resistance ▲
Specialization - Ice Tornado Ice Tornado
Strategic RushStrategic Rush -
Specialization - Evasion ▼ Evasion ▼
Specialization - Damage Area Change Damage Area Change
Provoking RoarProvoking Roar
Specialization - Bonus Damage Bonus Damage
Specialization - Cooldown ▼ Cooldown ▼
Specialization - Effect Duration ▲ Effect Duration ▲
Counter BarrierCounter Barrier
Specialization - Additional Damage Boost Additional Damage Boost
Immortal PrideImmortal Pride -
Stalwart BastionStalwart Bastion -
Passive Skills
Vital ForceVital Force Robust ConstitutionRobust Constitution Raging FrenzyRaging Frenzy ImpenetrableImpenetrable
Resilient MindResilient Mind Aegis ShieldAegis Shield Morale BoostMorale Boost Spectrum of AgonySpectrum of Agony
Defensive Skill
Shield Survival TechniqueShield Survival Technique

Active Skills Explantion

Devastating Tornado, Annihilating Slash, Provoking Roar, Gaia Crash, Shield Strike, Valiant Brawl and Willbreaker are all effective for clearing waves of enemies or mobbing. Strategic Rush's main purpose is to reset skill cooldowns with the help from the Morale Boost passive.

Stalwart Bastion and Counter Barrier works nicely together since Counter Barrier's counterattack damage is based on Damage Reduction. Counter Barrier's Shield Block Chance boost also synergizes well with the Resilient Mind and Aegis Shield passives.

DaVinci's Courage and Immortal Pride work great with the Vital Force passive, increasing overall damage output.

Focus on leveling up Devastating Tornado and Gaia Crash first since they are the build's primary damage skills, then go for DaVinci's Courage and Stalwart Bastion. The rest can be prioritized based on preference.

Passive Skills Explanation

Vital Force and Robust Constitution go well together since Vital Force's effects increase per 100 of Max Health.

Raging Frenzy and Impenetrable are perfect for clearing waves since both depend on the number of enemies within an area.

Resilient Mind, Spectrum of Agony, Aegis Shield, and Morale Boost all synergize with certain active skills.

Focus on leveling up Vital Force and Robust Constitution first as they provide a good balance of durability and damage, then go for Raging Frenzy and Impenetrable. The rest can be prioritized based on preference.

Solo Boss Skill Alternatives

Active Skill Specialization
Provoking RoarProvoking Roar > Stunning BlowStunning Blow
Specialization - Hit Rate ▲ Hit Rate ▲
Specialization - Cooldown ▼ Cooldown ▼
Specialization - Additional Damage Boost Additional Damage Boost
Gaia CrashGaia Crash > Death BlowDeath Blow
Specialization - Damage ▲ Damage ▲
Specialization - Damage Collection Damage Collection
Specialization - Cooldown ▼ Cooldown ▼
Devastating TornadoDevastating Tornado > Guillotine BladeGuillotine Blade
Specialization - Cooldown ▼ Cooldown ▼
Specialization - Damage Collection Damage Collection
Annihilating SlashAnnihilating Slash > A Shot at VictoryA Shot at Victory -
Passive Skill Explanation
Raging FrenzyRaging Frenzy > Indomitable ArmorIndomitable Armor Raging Frenzy would be useless in fighting bosses alone. Instead, Indomitable Armor provides more durability during the boss fight.
Spectrum of AgonySpectrum of Agony > GeradGerad's Patience Spectrum of Agony won't be needed anymore since Provoking Roar gets replaced for the build. Instead, Gerad's Patience provides CC resistance during boss fights.
Morale BoostMorale Boost > VictorVictor's Morale Morale Boost won't be needed anymore since the build has no skills that inflict collision. Instead, Victor's Morale provides a bit of HP and MP sustain during boss fights.

This skills setup is primarily for soloing boss fights, especially while progressing the main story.

Death Blow, Guillotine Blade, Shield Strike, and A Shot at Victory all deal strong single-target damage that's useful for quickly depleting a boss' HP. Meanwhile, Stunning Blow, Valiant Brawl, Willbreaker, and Strategic Rush are great setup or follow up skills.

DaVinci's Courage, Stalwart Bastion, Counter Barrier, and Immortal Pride provide durability and survivability during the boss fights. They also have synergy with other skills.

Focus on leveling up Death Blow since it's the strongest single-target damage skill prior to getting Guillotine Blade.

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Primary Weapon
Duke MagnaDuke Magna's Provoking Warblade ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Heavy Attack Chance
Max Health or Health Regen

Duke Magna's Provoking Warblade provides Strength and Max Health, which is perfect for the build. It also has Duke Magna's Taunt that gives a chance to inflict Provoke on enemies hit by Valiant Brawl.

Traits and resonance all focus on improving durability via HP.

Secondary Weapon
KarnixKarnix's Netherblade ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Heavy Attack Chance
Max Health or Health Regen

Karnix's Netherblade also provides Strength and Max Health with bonus damage against Humanoid enemies.

Traits and resonance all focus on improving durability via HP.

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Heroic Helmet of the Resistance IconHeroic Helmet of the Resistance ・Max Health
・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
Max Health
Shock Commander Plate Armor IconShock Commander Plate Armor ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Melee Endurance
Max Health
Forsaken Embrace IconForsaken Embrace ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Debuff Duration
Max Health
Heroic Gauntlets of the Resistance IconHeroic Gauntlets of the Resistance ・Mana Regen
・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
Max Health
Shock Commander Greaves IconShock Commander Greaves ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Melee Endurance
Max Health
Heroic Boots of the Resistance IconHeroic Boots of the Resistance ・Max Health
・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
Max Health
Clasp of the Conqueror IconClasp of the Conqueror ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Bracers of the Primal King IconBracers of the Primal King ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Skill Damage Resistance
Max Health
Band of Universal Power IconBand of Universal Power ・Max Mana
・Mana Regen
・Skill Damage Boost
Health Regen
Embossed Granite Band IconEmbossed Granite Band ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Skill Damage Boost
Health Regen
Belt of Endless Slaughter IconBelt of Endless Slaughter ・Max Health
・Health Regen
・Debuff Duration
Health Regen

The armors and accessories selected all have the best Melee, Range, and Magic Defenses. Their traits and resonance focus primarily on maxing out HP, HP regen, and endurance for a high-durability build.

Best Weapon Mastery

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Greatsword ・Charge (9 Pts)
・Incapacitate (6 Pts)
Sword ・Provoke and Counter (9 Pts)
・Boss (6 Pts)

For Greatsword, putting 9 points to Charge gives you durability, resistances, and a bit of cooldown speed and buff duration. Meanwhile, having 6 points to Incapacitate provides damage, stun duration, and mana regen.

For Sword, putting 9 points to Provoke & Counter provides you with more durability and survivability with a little buff duration. Meanwhile, having 6 points to Boss gives a decent mix of offense and defense.

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Currently under construction, so please stay tuned!

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
How to Play Sword and Shield / Greatsword Build

Single Target Burst/Boss Fight Skill Rotation

Skills - DaVinciSkills - Stalwart BastionSkills - Immortal PrideSkills - WillbreakerSkills - Stunning BlowSkills - Guillotine BladeSkills - Death Blow (Optional)

This combo maximizes Guillotine Blade's damage output. DaVinci's Courage and Immortal Pride will significantly increase your max HP, giving you extra skill damage via the Vital Force passive ability, while Stalwart Bastion's Great Fury skill specialization will further increase your skill damage.

Willbreaker will reduce the target's defenses, increasing the damage dealt to it. Stunning Blow will increase the damage of the next skill used after it and stun the target long enough to allow for a charged up Guillotine Blade. Death Blow can be used as a follow up after Guillotine Blade for even more damage.

Mob Clearing Skill Rotation

Skills - DaVinciSkills - Stalwart BastionSkills - Immortal PrideSkills - Counter BarrierSkills - WillbreakerSkills - Provoking RoarSkills - Gaia CrashSkills - Annihilating SlashSkills - Devastating Tornado

This acts as the build's main mob clearing or farming combo. DaVinci's Courage, Stalwart Bastion, Immortal Pride, and Counter Barrier all increase durability to help out on taking groups of enemies. Willbreaker will reduce the enemies' defenses, allowing for more damage to be dealt. Provoking Roar inflicts enemies with Provoke, which will trigger Spectrum of Agony's effects.

Gaia Crash, Annihilating Slash, and Devastating Tornado are all great AOE skills for clearing out mobs quickly.

For more damage, opt to select the Great Fury skill specialization for Stalwart Bastion.

Throne and Liberty Related Guides

Throne and Liberty - Builds Partial Banner

List of All Builds

Build Guides

Throne and Liberty - SwordThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Sword and Shield / Longbow
Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Staff / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
Greatsword / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Dagger / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Longbow / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbows.png
Sword and Shield / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand.png
Sword and Shield / Wand
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Dagger / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Wand / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
Wand / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Staff / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow and Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Longbow.png
Greatsword and Longbow
Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Staff / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Wand
Dagger / Wand


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