Throne and Liberty (TL)

All Co-op Dungeons: Dimensional Circles

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Co-op Dungeons
Co-op Dungeons are collaborative raids in Throne and Liberty (TL) that reward players with high-value gear but require proper role assignments and an understanding of the mechanics. Read on to see a list and overview of all the Co-op Dungeons, some tips, and additional information on what Co-op Dungeons are!

List of All Co-op Dungeons

Event Dungeons
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Haunted LabyrinthHaunted Labyrinth
Dimensional Circle Dungeons
SpecterSpecter's Abyss Roaring TempleRoaring Temple Cave of DesperationCave of Desperation
1-Star Dimensional Circle Dungeons
DeathDeath's Abyss Cursed WastelandCursed Wasteland Temple of SlaughterTemple of Slaughter
ButcherButcher's Canyon TyrantTyrant's Isle Cave of DestructionCave of Destruction
2-Star Dimensional Circle Dungeons
Island of TerrorIsland of Terror VoidwastesVoidwastes Valley of SlaughterValley of Slaughter
Carmine Rage IslandCarmine Rage Island Torture Chamber of ScreamsTorture Chamber of Screams -

Dimensional Trial

Throne and Liberty - Dimensional Trial Dungeons.png

Dimensional Trial is a co-op dungeon where players run through dungeons to accumulate points and earn rewards based on the sum of points they earned.

The dungeons available are the same ones found in the Dimensional Circle, so clearing them is exactly the same.

Dimensional Trial

General Co-op Dungeon Tips

Co-op Dungeon Tips

Do Not Deviate From Roles

While the queue times may be egregious, especially when you are a DPS, respect the roles and time of other people by choosing the role that fits your current build. Each role is essential for the run's success and can be borderline impossible to clear if you are not over-leveled!

Understand the Mechanics

Each of the dungeons has its unique spin and combination of mechanics that trip up players who are misinformed and lack communication. If you are playing with randoms, attempt to communicate with them by chatting and asking what you need to watch out for to avoid a wipe.

Track Your Dimensional Contract Tokens

You will need the corresponding Dimensional Token Points to open the chests that spawn after defeating the dungeon's main boss to get random rewards from a set pool.

Fortunately, 900 Dimensional Contracts will be given after the daily reset, but the total amount has a cap of 4500. Make sure to never reach this limit, so always be diligent in clearing these dungeons!

How to Farm Dimensional Contract Tokens

What are Co-op Dungeons?

Cooperative Raids for Exclusive Loot

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Co-op Dungeons
Co-op Dungeons are extensive raids that players can collaborate on to consistently gain Rare and Epic gear. The common trait of these dungeons is that there are sections you must progress through before getting to the final boss of the area, which holds the brunt of the loot!

Joining Random Dungeons Gives Additional Rewards

Random Dungeon Matchmaking Reward
Selecting Random for Party Matchmaking will give you additional rewards in the form of Soul Shard Selection Chests for both One Star and Two Star dungeons.

How to Join and Invite to Party

Throne and Liberty (TL) Related Guides

Throne and Liberty Wiki Partial Banner

Throne and Liberty Wiki

Throne and Liberty Guides

Throne and Liberty Guides
Throne and Liberty - NewsNews Throne and Liberty - BuildsBuilds
Throne and Liberty - Gear BuilderGear Builder Throne and Liberty - Tier ListWeapon Combo Tier List
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Tier List Throne and Liberty - WeaponsWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Skills GuideSkills Throne and Liberty - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
Throne and Liberty - ArmorArmor Throne and Liberty - AccessoriesAccessories
Throne and Liberty - QuestsQuests ItemsItems
Throne and Liberty - MapMap Throne and Liberty (TL) - Secret DungeonsSecret Dungeons
SkinsSkins ArchbossesArchbosses
Field Bosses PartialField Bosses Fishing PartialFishing
Dynamic Events PartialDynamic Events Morphs Partial BannerMorphs
Throne and Liberty - AmitoiAmitoi Co-op Dungeons PartialCo-op Dungeons
Throne and Liberty - Open World DungeonsOpen World Dungeons Throne and Liberty - Armor Tier ListsArmor Tier Lists
Throne and Liberty - Accessories Tier ListsAccessories Tier Lists Events PartialEvents
Throne and Liberty - RunesRunes Throne and Liberty - Dimensional TrialsDimensional Trials


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