Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Seeker Longbow / Wand PvP Build

Support the team by helping them survive with the Seeker Longbow / Wand build in Throne and Liberty (TL) PvP. Learn how to use the Seeker Longbow and Wand build, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build was last updated on December 2024; changes to the game since then have not been reflected in this build.
All Seeker Longbow / Wand Builds
Best Seeker Longbow / Wand PvP Build Best Seeker Longbow / Wand PvE Build

Seeker Longbow / Wand Build Overview

Build Summary

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Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
Cleanse, Healing, Damage Mitigation, PvP
Stat Priority:
Strength, Perception
Skill Setup
Nature Blitz Arrow Vortex Healing Touch Purifying Touch Flash Arrow Swift Healing Fountain of Life Clay Time for Punishment Blessed Barrier Invincible Wall
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProExcellent AoE Burst
Throne and Liberty Build - ProAbundant Heals
Throne and Liberty Build - ProDamage Mitigation
Throne and Liberty - ConLow DPS
Throne and Liberty - ConMana Hungry
Throne and Liberty - ConLow Mobility

As a primary healer and backline support, this weapon combination excels at keeping party members alive with heals and damage mitigation.

However, it's very easy to run out of mana with repeated skill casts, so mana management must be impeccable to keep mana reserves afloat.

With low mobility, this puts a lot of emphasis on precise casting of Blessed Barrier and Invincible Wall to stay alive. However, positioning is just as important to get the right skills on the right targets.

Stat Allocation

Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 60 25 25
Dexterity 20 7 3
Wisdom 32 1 21
Perception 60 11 39

Note: Base stats are always 10!

For increased survivability and healing, it is recommended that Strength reach 60. Ideally, Perception should also reach 50 to increase range and give the player more agency in how they reposition in the middle of a fight.

Gear Builder

Skills and Specialization

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Active Skills
Swift HealingSwift Healing
Swift HealingSwift Healing
Range ▲Range ▲
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use
Healing TransferHealing Transfer
NatureNature's Blessing
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Flash ArrowFlash Arrow
Flash WaveFlash Wave
Flash WaveFlash Wave
ClayClay's Salvation
Range ▲Range ▲
Fountain of LifeFountain of Life
Range ▲Range ▲
Time for PunishmentTime for Punishment
Enchanting TimeEnchanting Time
Enchanting TimeEnchanting Time
Healing TouchHealing Touch
Resource Cost ▼Resource Cost ▼
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Purifying TouchPurifying Touch
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Arrow VortexArrow Vortex
Invincible WallInvincible Wall -
Blessed BarrierBlessed Barrier -
Passive Skills
Noble RevivalNoble Revival SaintSaint's Oath Selfless SoulSelfless Soul Devotion and EmptinessDevotion and Emptiness
EarthEarth's Blessing Devoted ShieldDevoted Shield Distorted SanctuaryDistorted Sanctuary WraithWraith's Beckon
Defensive Skill

Active Skill Explanation

This build sacrifices damage in exchange for healing, survivability, and utility. Clay's Salvation and Fountain of Life are huge AoE heals, that can be used twice with Blitz if needed.

Nature's Blessing used in conjunction with Purifying Touch provides a healing over time that can be used on allies taking sustained damage.

Use Blessed Barrier and/or Invincible Wall on key allies that can be dived on to protect them from massive burst damage and keep them alive.

The leveling process can be quite rough, as this build is severely lacking in damage. Consider taking active damage skills from either the Longbow or the Wand, but do not use skill books.

Passive Skill Explanation

Passive choices are designed to complement healing and survivability. Devoted Shield and Distorted Sanctuary are passives taken for personal survivability, while the rest of the passives are taken to round out the support capabilities.

All Weapon Skills

Best Weapons

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Primary Weapon
LequirusLequirus's Coveted Tome ・Buff Duration +6%
・Hit +80
・Heavy Attack +80
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - LequirusLequirus's Ambush When your Health goes below 20%, Stealth for 7.5s. Cooldown 120s.

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Lequirus's Coveted Tome will be the best wand for PvP, serving as an escape tool. With Overtaker being the only situational mobility skill, Lequirus's Ambush will serve as an emergency escape tool once triggered.

Secondary Weapon
KarnixKarnix's Netherbow ・Max Health +600
・Heavy Attack Chance +80
・Hit +80
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - KarnixKarnix's Eye Range 9% ▲ for you and party members within 16m

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Karnix Eye will continue to increase range along with specialization options, providing more opportunities to heal other party members without getting too close.

List of All Weapons

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Ascended Guardian HoodAscended Guardian Hood ・Mana Regen +60
・Magic Evasion +160
・Melee Evasion +160
Supreme DevotionSupreme Devotion ・Mana Regen +60
・Debuff Duration -6%
・Skill Damage Resistance +80
Heroic Garb of the ResistanceHeroic Garb of the Resistance ・Max Health +600
・Magic Evasion +160
・Ranged Evasion +160
Ascended Guardian GlovesAscended Guardian Gloves ・Magic Evasion +160
・Melee Evasion +160
・Added Attack Speed +8%
Shock Commander GreavesShock Commander Greaves ・Melee Evasion +160
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Max Health +600
Divine Justiciar ShoesDivine Justiciar Shoes ・Move Speed +8%
・Melee Evasion +160
・Magic Evasion +160
Clasp of the ConquerorClasp of the Conqueror ・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Boost +80
・Buff Duration +6%
Bracers of the Primal KingBracers of the Primal King ・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Resistance +80
・Debuff Duration -6%
Sapphire Dimensional BandSapphire Dimensional Band ・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Boost +80
・Buff duration +6%
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Skill Damage Boost +80
・Mana Regen +60
・Buff duration +6%
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Resistance +80
・Debuff Duration -6%

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Two pieces of the Ascended Guardian set are used for the Cooldown Speed effect, which is essential for frequent skill usage.

The rest of the armor stacks numerous sources of evasion while trying to reach the stat breakpoints.

By maxing out all the pieces, this build is able to reach the important breakpoints of 60 Strength and 50 Perception for increased HP and Heavy Attack chance, as well as additional range.

List of References
List of All Armor List of All Accessories

Best Weapon Mastery

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Longbow ・Check (6 Pts)
・Sniping (9 Pts)
Wand ・Damage (9 Pts)
・Recovery (6 Pts)

Phantom Snare is the most important passive to get, as it helps manage cooldowns on all skills. The rest of the points go into the sniping tree, despite the less-than-ideal passives.

For the wand, the Damage and Recovery trees best complement the healing play style, as Greedy Need helps manage cooldowns while Redemptive Penance increases overall healing.

How to Get Weapon Mastery Points

Best Guardian

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Best Guardian
Lady Knight KamarsheaLady Knight Kamarshea Creates a shield for 50% of your Max Mana. Cooldown Speed +40% while the shield is up. Summon ends when the Shield is removed.

Since the build will naturally be stacking a lot of Wisdom, Lady Knight Kamarshea is the best option, as she not only provides a substantial shield, but also a significant cooldown speed buff during its duration.

Whether it is the shield or the duration of the buff, both of these effects greatly benefit this build.

All Guardians

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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How to Play Longbow / Wand Build

Note: If the skills icons are confusing, some of the skill icons indicated here are using their specialized variants.

Standard Healing Rotation

Enchanting Time Swift Healing Swift Healing Swift Healing
Clay Fountain of Life
Nature Healing Touch

Being a healer means keeping an eye on teammates at all times. Keeping them alive is the priority, and use skills accordingly. Use Time of Punishment in conjunction with fast healing on low HP tanks, to heal them back to full.

Taking the Vitality specialization allows Nature's Blessing to provide increased regeneration when used in combination with Healing Touch.

Use Clay's Salvation and Fountain of Life for AoE heals, and use Blitz if necessary.

Time for Punishment can be used on the player for increased healing, or party members that are about to unleash their cooldowns on an enemy target.

Offensive Skills

Flash Wave Blitz Flash Wave Tornado

Flash Arrow will be Primarily used to induce blind to multiple targets, hindering their ability to succesfully land attacks. Arrow Vortex is used as means of crowd control, should there be any good oppurtunities to use it on a clump of targets.

Blitz can be used to extend the duration of Flash Arrow, but should be used sparingly in case more heals are needed. Just keep in mind that Blitz cannot refresh the cooldown of Arrow Vortex.

Utility Skills

Blessed Barrier Blitz Purifying Touch

Depending on the situation, Blessed Barrier and Invincible Wall can be used to mitigate incoming damage and reduce damage to allies.

Its use allows for flexibility, whether it's to avoid incoming damage or to keep allies alive when they're low on health and healing skills are on cooldown.

Use Purifying Touch to remove pesky Crowd Control effects, which can be crucial to allowing allies to survive incoming damage, or use their mobility skills.

Blitz can be used in conjunction with any of these skills, and should be used when the situation calls for it.


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Offensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Hit 520
Ranged Hit 560
Magic Hit 520
Melee Crit. Hit 100
Ranged Crit. Hit 180
Magic Crit. Hit 160
Skill Damage Boost 300
Critical Damage 10%
Buff Duration 54%

Defensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Defense 1,732
Ranged Defense 1,778
Magic Defense 1,350
Melee Evasion 680
Ranged Evasion 360
Magic Evasion 680
Skill Damage Resistance 240
Damage Reduction 9
Debuff Duration -18%

Body Stats

Stat Value
Max Health 16,285
Max Mana 7,660
Mana Cost Efficiency 10.8%
Max Stamina 100
Move Speed 600 | 19.8%
Health Regen 244
Mana Regen 761.65
Cooldown Speed 28.3%
Added Attack Speed 12.799%
Skill Heal 16%

Crowd Control Stats

Stat Value
Weaken Chance 300
Stun Chance 300
Petrification Chance 300
Sleep Chance 300
Silence Chance 300
Terror Chance 300
Bind Chance 375
Collision Chance 300

Miscellaneous Stats

Stat Value
Bonus Damage 19
Range ▲ 6.2%
Hit 160
Critical Hit 433
Heavy Attack Chance 160
Curse Damage 6
All Evasion 40

Item Set Stats

Stat Value
Transcended One Set Cooldown Speed +7.50%

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