Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Dagger / Sword and Shield Build (PvE)

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This is a guide on the Dagger and Sword build for PvE in Throne and Liberty (TL). This guide shows how to effectively use the Dagger and Sword to clear hordes of enemies and bosses, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, runes, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build is based on the Korean version of the game with some adjustments to match the features available in Global. We’re working on updating our builds to be fully accurate for the Global release. Thank you for your patience!

Dagger / Sword Build Overview

Build Summary

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Dagger and Sword
PvE, DPS, Pulling Aggro, Damage Mitigation
Stat Priority:
Strength, Dexterity, Perception
Skill Setup
Skills - Shield StrikeSkills - Counter BarrierSkills - Strategic RushSkills - Chain HookSkills - Provoking RoarSkills - Shield ThrowSkills - Annihilating SlashSkills - A Shot at VictorySkills - Shadow StrikeSkills - Inject VenomSkills - Umbral SpiritSkills - Camouflage Cloak
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGood Defenses
Throne and Liberty Build - ProInflicts Taunt and Debuff
Throne and Liberty - ConMediocre Damage
Throne and Liberty - ConNo Self-sustain

The Dagger and Sword functions as a pseudo-tank, pulling aggression from enemies and buffing itself with skills to give itself a defense boost. This build is excellent for mobbing and clearing dungeons as it provides plenty of mobility with its skills, and inflicts debuffs with the Thunderclouds debuff from the Dagger skill path.

For this build, allocate most of your skill points to Strength to reach 40, while keeping Dexterity and Perception at 30. After this, the remaining stat points can be allocated into Strength for bonus Max Health. At these stat breakpoints, the build gains bonus Max Health, Damage Reduction, Critical Hit Boost, and Hit Boost.

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Active Skills
Shadow StrikeShadow Strike
Specialization - Effect Accumulation Effect Accumulation
Inject VenomInject Venom
Specialization - Effect Duration ▲ Effect Duration ▲
Specialization - Lightning Infusion Lightning Infusion
Umbral SpiritUmbral Spirit
Specialization - Thunder Spirit Thunder Spirit
Camouflage CloakCamouflage Cloak -
Shield StrikeShield Strike
Specialization - Critical Hit ▼ Critical Hit ▼
Specialization - Aggression ▲ Aggression ▲
Counter BarrierCounter Barrier
Specialization - Additional Damage Boost Additional Damage Boost
Specialization - Concentrated Barrier Concentrated Barrier
Strategic RushStrategic Rush -
Chain HookChain Hook
Specialization - Range ▲ Range ▲
Provoking RoarProvoking Roar
Specialization - Bonus Damage Bonus Damage
Shield ThrowShield Throw
Specialization - Consecutive Use Consecutive Use
Specialization - Whirling Shield Whirling Shield
Annihilating SlashAnnihilating Slash
Specialization - Consecutive Use Consecutive Use
A Shot at VictoryA Shot at Victory
Specialization - Effect Duration ▲ Effect Duration ▲
Specialization - Annihilation Blade Annihilation Blade
Passive Skills
ImpenetrableImpenetrable Morale BoostMorale Boost Spectrum of AgonySpectrum of Agony Aegis ShieldAegis Shield
Destructive FangDestructive Fang Assassination StanceAssassination Stance AssassinAssassin's Instincts Shadow WalkerShadow Walker
Defensive Skill
Block BladeBlock Blade

Active Skills

Shadow Strike and Chain Hook function as engage tools, both applying the Bind debuff on enemies. Cycle between these when mobbing or clearing dungeons. For bosses, these skills can be used inbetween skill rotations.

Camouflage Cloak can also be used inbetween skirmishes, as the first hit out of Stealth is a guaranteed Critical Hit. Use this on high priority targets and bosses when engaging.

Inject Venom and Umbral Spirit function as damage boosts, allowing you to apply Thunderclouds with their respective skill specializations. For this build, Lightning Infusion and Thunder Spirit must be taken.

Shield Strike, Annihilating Slash, Shield Throw, and A Shot at Victory are offensive tools, and have different properties that proc when certain conditions are met. For example, Annihilating Slash does more damage to enemies who are weakened. Also, taking Whirling Shield under Shield Throw will help with mobbing, and increase the amount of targets provoked.

Provoking Roar and Strategic Rush are tools used for Crowd Control, and can be used to draw aggression and momentarily displace enemies.

When levelling skills, prioritize Shield Strike, Annihilating Slash, and Provoking Roar to maximize damage.

Passive Skills

Impenetrable, Aegis Shield, and Assassination Stance are defensive passives that should be upgraded when mobbing becomes too difficult. To maximize these passives, invest in stats that give Shield Block Chance.

Destructive Fang, Morale boost, Spectrum of Agony, and Assassin's Instincts are offensive passives that boost stats and add properties to attacks. Prioritize Destructive Fang to improve defense shredding from Thunderclouds, and Spectrum of Agony to deal more damage to taunted enemies.

Shadow Walker and Morale Boost are utility passives that help with the cooldowns of this build. Upgrade these skills if growthstones are available.

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Primary Weapon
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade ・Hit
・Critical Hit
・Weaken Chance
・Collision Chance
Weapon Skill - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Quicksand Creates 5m radius of Quicksand on the spot where Annihilating Slash was used. Quicksand decreases enemy Movement Speed by 60% and has a 70% chance to apply Collision: Pull to enemies within the radius when it disappears after 2s. Cooldown 34s.

Queen Bellandir's Languishing Blade is most ideal for the Dagger and Sword build. It's passive provides another source of Collision which procs Morale Boost, lowering cooldowns. For this build, run Hit, Critical Hit, and Weaken Chance to consistently land debuffs, as well as Collision Chance. This weapon also provides 6 Strength, helping reach breakpoints.

Secondary Weapon
Darkslayer Daggers IconDarkslayer Daggers ・Heavy Attack Chance
・Critical Hit
・Bind Chance

Darkslayer Daggers is best in slot here as it's 7 Strength bonus allows the build to reach a 50 Strength breakpoint. This increases Heavy Attack Chance.

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Shock Commander Visor IconShock Commander Visor ・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
・Melee Evasion
・Ranged Evasion
Relentless Assault IconRelentless Assault ・Weaken Resistance
・Silence Resistance
・Debuff Duration
・Ranged Evasion
Shock Commander Plate Armor IconShock Commander Plate Armor ・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
・Melee Evasion
・Ranged Evasion
Shock Commander Gauntlets IconShock Commander Gauntlets ・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
・Melee Evasion
・Ranged Evasion
Shock Commander Greaves IconShock Commander Greaves ・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
・Melee Evasion
・Ranged Evasion
Shock Commander Sabatons IconShock Commander Sabatons ・Melee Endurance
・Ranged Endurance
・Melee Evasion
・Ranged Evasion
Clasp of the Conqueror IconClasp of the Conqueror ・Skill Damage Boost
・Max Health
・Buff Duration
・Max Health
Forged Golden Bangle IconForged Golden Bangle ・Weaken Resistance
・Max Health
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health
Embossed Granite Band IconEmbossed Granite Band ・Skill Damage Boost
・Max Health
・Buff Duration
・Max Health
Eldritch Ice Band IconEldritch Ice Band ・Skill Damage Boost
・Weaken Chance
・Buff Duration
・Max Health
Belt of Bloodlust IconBelt of Bloodlust ・Collision Resistance
・Max Health
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health

For this build, the Chief Commander's set bonus provides Shield Block Chance and Damage Reduction, making this extremely viable for the any Sword build. Here, take traits and resonances that improve Endurance and Evasion for Melee and Ranged Attacks. This will synergize with Assassination Stance, further lowering the cooldown of Camouflage Cloak with each evaded attack.

As for accessories, Clasp of the Conqueror and Belt of Bloodlust are taken to provide Strength bonuses, while Lethal Frost Ring is taken for its Dexterity and Weaken Chance bonus. Forged Golden Bangle and Embossed Granite Band are taken as they provide Health Regen. Adding to this, take Max Health for Traits and Resonance in order to maximize your character's overall uptime in battle.

Best Weapon Mastery

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Dagger ・Disguise (9 Pts)
・Assassination (6 Pts)
Sword ・Provoke and Counter (9 Pts)
・Boss (6 Pts)

This Mastery loadout is geared around sustain and cooldown mitigation, taking the defensive Disguise path from the Dagger skillset that allows for more sustain, as well as the Provoke & Counter path from the Sword skillset.

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Currently under construction, so please stay tuned!

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
How to Play Dagger / Sword and Shield Build

Engage Options

Skills - Shadow StrikeSkills - Camouflage CloakSkills - Chain Hook

Shadow Strike, Camouflage Cloak, and Chain Hook will be your main form of engaging with an enemy. These skills can be cycled through one another to alleviate the high cooldowns.

For Skill Specializations, Effect Accumulation on Shadow Strike is a must, while Range ▲ on Chain Hook can be beneficial provided the player has extra points.

Mobbing Skill Rotation

Skills - Inject VenomSkills - Umbral SpiritSkills - Shield ThrowSkills - Counter BarrierSkills - Provoking RoarSkills - Annihilating Slash

For general Mobbing, always be sure to activate Inject Venom and Umbral Spirit before engaging the enemy. Then, cast Shield Throw to immediately take aggro from mobs. Cast Counter Barrier to boost your defenses, before casting Provoking Roar to reapply the taunt, and inflict Weakness: Provoke. After that, cast Annihilating Slash to finish up the rotation. Keep in mind that Provoking Roar must always be cast before Annihilating Slash to gain bonus damage from attacking weakened enemies.

Take Lightning Infusion under Inject Venom, and Lightning Spirit under Umbral Spirit to inflict Thunderclouds on the opponent, lowering their defenses. Whirling Shield under Shield Throw allows the attack to reach more enemies, while Concentrated Barrier under Counter Barrier provides another instance of damage. Consecutive Use can be taken under Annihilating Slash to double the damage output from this attack.

Bossing Skill Rotation

Skills - Inject VenomSkills - Umbral SpiritSkills - A Shot at VictorySkills - Shield StrikeSkills - Strategic RushSkills - Provoking RoarSkills - Annihilating Slash

Like the previous rotation, open with Inject Venom and Umbral Spirit before casting A Shot at Victory. Then, cast Shield Strike with Strategic Rush to instantly deal two instances of damage. Then, proceed with casting Provoking Roar before Annihilation Blade to finish the rotation. After that, the mobbing rotation can be repeated to make full use of the nine second sword skill buff that A Shot at Victory applies.

Take Aggression and Critical Hit under Shield Strike, to boost its damage and effectivity. Also be sure to take Annihilation Blade and Effect Duration ▲ to prolong its buff and extend its range.

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Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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