Throne and Liberty (TL)

Cursed Wasteland Dungeon: How to Beat Shaikal

Throne and Liberty - Cursed Wasteland Banner
Cursed Wasteland is a 1-Star Dimensional Circle dungeon where you must fight Shaikal in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to see an overview of Cursed Wasteland, a complete walkthrough of Cursed Wasteland, how to beat Shaikal, as well as the possible rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Shaikal

Shaikal Boss Showcase

Check out our 3-minute clear of Shaikal with only 5 party members!

Shaikal Overview

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Shaikal
Type Undead
Passive Freedom Stance: Bind Resistance ▲

How to Remove Glowing Floors

Shaikal Mechanics

Interact With the Devices

During the fight with Shaikal, the arena has glowing floors that divides it into three (3) sections. These glowing floors are also the same ones found scattered across the dungeon, wherein they deal damage and stun players who step on them.

The only way to remove the glowing floors is by interacting with the devices located at the end of each barrier. Interacting with these objects will remove the corresponding barrier for several seconds, allowing players to rotate.

Shaikal Attack Patterns

Dark Nova

This attack has Shaikal raise its arms, charge up, then unleash a ring of dark energy. This attack is blockable and is always the first attack.

Astral Zones

This attack has Shaikal create purple zones beneath two targets. The only way to avoid this attack is to simply move away.

Red Sinkhole

Shaikal will target a party member with a red orb. The red orb creates a red sinkhole that impairs the movement speed of targets around it, with the effect intensifying toward the center.

To deal with this mechanic, the marked player must get as far away from party members as possible.

Once the mark disappears, the marked player will be able to return to their previous location, as the red sinkhole location will be at the point where the tag disappears from the affected target.

Void Breath

This attack has Shaikal mark a target with a purple orb. The purple orb will disappear after a short duration and Shaikal will face the marked target and unleash a wave of purple matter that follows the target.

The only way to avoid this attack is to remove the barriers that divides the arena by interacting with the devices at the end of each barrier and relocating to a safer spot.

Cursed Wasteland Best Team and Roles

Weapon Combo
Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Greatsword / Sword and Shield

Weapon Combination:
The best tank combination, adept at surviving and absorbing massive amounts of damage.
Dungeon Role:
Starts battles by being the first point of contact. Responsible for clumping mobs so allies can take them down with AoE damage.
Shaikal Role:
Maintains Shaikal's aggro in check by engaging it in melee range, to prevent it from spamming an AoE attack. Will be the team's primary runner for the void breath phase.
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff

Weapon Combination:
Capable of outputting it's entire skillset at a safe distance, which is ideal for the encounters in this dungeon.
Dungeon Role:
Able to deal incredible AoE damage, allowing the party to finish mobbing sections much faster.
Shaikal Role:
Can stay within pillar activation range while providing consistent ranged DPS.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo also makes a great DPS build that's effective against fighting the Elites and Shaikal.
Dungeon Role:
Delivers high single-target DPS and is adept at focusing damage on specific key targets.
Shaikal Role:
Focuses solely on dealing damage, but is able to activate Pillars in a timely manner when needed, thanks to the high mobility of the class.
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Longbow

Weapon Combination:
Provides the highest amount of healing in the game, both for AoE and for single targets.
Dungeon Role:
Supports the tank with healing and damage mitigation. Can sleep targets to split mobs so the party can focus on fewer targets at once.
Shaikal Role:
Provides healing and mitigation when needed. Can provide allies with enough healing and mitigation if they are unable to deal with any of the mechanics.

Cursed Wasteland Walkthrough

Cursed Wasteland Sequences
Uphill Climb
The first section of the dungeon is an uphill climb with many enemy encounters. Just follow the path uphill and defeat all enemies along the way while avoiding the glowing floors scattered along the path. Stepping on these floors will damage and stun the player's character.
Blath Arena
At the end of the uphill climb, players will encouter Blath, the dungeon's first mini boss. Blath needs to be defeated to proceed further.
How to Beat Blath
Belrog Arena
Just a few meters from Blath, players will now encounter Belrog, the dungeon's second mini boss. Belrog needs to be defeated to proceed further. After Belrog, the path ahead now leads to the final boss.
How to Beat Belrog

How to Beat Blath

Blath doesn't have any special mechanics to take into account in order to beat it. However, it does have a special attack that can be devastating.

This attack has Blath pull in all targets towards the center, then summon multiple glowing floors, which are the same as those scattered along the path earlier, and multiple AOE explosions, creating a maze.

When this happens, players need to get out of the maze and as far away from Blath as possible all while avoiding the glowing floors. Getting stunned by a glowing floor will almost always lead to a death.

How to Beat Belrog

There's only one (1) special mechanic to note when fighting Belrog. The mini boss has a special attack very similar to Blath where it pulls targets towards the center, then creates glowing floors. However, in Belrog's case, players will be trapped inside the glowing floors.

In order to get out of the enclosure, players have to interact with the floating dark orbs on the edges of the enclosure to remove the glowing floors. Once the glowing floors blocking the path outside dissapears, players can safely move out of the AoE attack.

Moreover, after removing the glowing floors, players must get far away from Belrog as possible to avoid the AOE explosions.

Cursed Wasteland Overview

Required Level Lv. 50
Type 1-Star Dimensional Circle
Contract Token
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Dimension Contract Token 1 300
Min. Combat Power
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Minimum Combat Power 1600
Ahzriel and his followers kidnapped a Light Elemental Spirit and carried out a cruel ritual, corrupting and transforming it into a Dark Elemental. The Elemental was bound by the ritual, but destroyed any who dared approach it. People eventually began calling it Shaikal, after the legendary Dark Elemental.

Cursed Wasteland Rewards and Drops

All Drops


All Weapon Drops
ShaikalShaikal's Deepmind Longbow ShaikalShaikal's Mindfire Scepter ShaikalShaikal's Mindveil Harpoon Daggers of SlaughteringDaggers of Slaughtering


All Armor Drops
Swirling Essence ShoesSwirling Essence Shoes Visage of the ExecutionerVisage of the Executioner Duskblood GarbDuskblood Garb Feathered Drakeskin BootsFeathered Drakeskin Boots
Feathered Drakeskin BreechesFeathered Drakeskin Breeches Feathered Drakeskin GlovesFeathered Drakeskin Gloves Feathered Drakeskin MaskFeathered Drakeskin Mask Feathered Drakeskin TunicFeathered Drakeskin Tunic
Soul Mirror BootsSoul Mirror Boots


All Accessory Drops
Eldritch Ice BandEldritch Ice Band Violent SignetViolent Signet


All Item Drops
Precious Polished Crystal Icon Precious Polished Crystal Precious Stalon Ore Icon Precious Stalon Ore Precious Emeret Ore Icon Precious Emeret Ore Precious Rubrix Ore Icon Precious Rubrix Ore
Precious Marind Ore Icon Precious Marind Ore Precious Parchment Icon Precious Parchment Precious Omnipotence Parchment Icon Precious Omnipotence Parchment Dimensional Soul Shard: Shaikal Icon Dimensional Soul Shard: Shaikal
Rare Polished Crystal Icon Rare Polished Crystal Reaper Reaper's Soul Mana Blood Icon Mana Blood


All Other Rewards
Light Shaiki IconLight Shaiki Abyssal Contract Token Points (x500) Training Dew: 10,000 Points

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